Every year, November 14 is the World Diabetes Day.Since diabetes is expanding around the world, the United Nations officially certified it in 2006 to respond to the threat.In Japan, the number of cases diagnosed with diabetes preliminary groups in their 30s is increasingly increasing.
In the previous article, "I am a real diabetes? Where should I look at a blood test?"We introduced the blood sugar level and the HbA1C (or Hemoglobin A onecy) of HBA1C.
This time, I will tell you how to calculate yourself and the risks of "obesity" and "metabolic syndrome" (hereinafter referred to as metabolic), which will trigger diabetes.
He continues to be a diabetic specialist, "Cure diabetes yourself!(Shueisha), I asked Masahiro Fukuda of Fukuda Internal Medicine Clinic (Yodogawa -ku, Osaka).
Dr. Masahiro Fukuda, a diabetic specialist
Double the risk of diabetes with obesity
A child, who was said to be a spare of the diabetes, said that a doctor was diagnosed by a doctor at a re -examined hospital as "the possibility of developing diabetes in the future."Dr. Fukuda says, "whether it can be cured at the stage of the spare group, and whether to speed up or delay the onset," Body type of obesity and metabolism, dietary habits, sleep, and exercise are deeply involved."
As a matter of fact, does "body type" mean that obesity is often called dangerous?
"Yes. It is known that the higher the obesity, the higher the probability of developing diabetes. You can easily calculate whether you are obese or metabolic based on your height, weight, and stomach size (abdominal circumference).Dr. Fukuda says that obesity has a height and weight, and metabolic is a guide for the abdomen. Please use the following equation.
BMI = Weight (㎏) / Height (m) 2 square examples) If the height is 160 mm and weighs 60 kg 60 ÷ (1).6x1.6) = 23.Become 8
-In the criteria set by the Japanese Society for obesity, the weight when BMI becomes 22 is called "standard weight", which is said to be the most difficult to get sick.18.5 or more and less than 25 are "normal weight", 18.Less 5 is "Low weight".
・ BMI is more than 25, and the rate of disease occurs, such as diabetes and dyslipidemia ( *), is doubled, and more than 30 requires aggressive weight loss treatment as an advanced obesity.The obesity degree is classified into the following four stages.25-29.9 is obese 1, 30-34.9 is obesity 2, 35-39.9 is obesity 3, 40 or more obesity
* Regarding "dyslipidemia", it was said that "cholesterol level is high" ... How do you look at the test results?"Please refer to.
Women be careful of metabolism if the abdominal circumference is 90 cm or more
Next, Dr. Fukuda explains the "metabolic diagnostic criteria" as follows.
"The abdominal circumference of the navel height is 85 cm for men and 90 cm for women, and among hyperglycemia, hypertension, and lipid metabolic abnormalities, it is diagnosed as metabolic.The case that applies to the "metabolic spare group".
The diagnostic criteria for hyperglycemia are 110 or more for hungry blood glucose levels, high blood pressure (shrinkage period) 130 or more, lower (expansion period), 85 or more, lipid metabolic abnormalities are 150 or more neutral fat levels, HDL cholesterol levels.Is one or or both of less than 40.See the results of blood tests. "
The hungry is the culprit of the disease
"Hungry" seems to be the risk of diabetes, but what is bad?
"The size of the abdominal circumference indicates that the internal organs are filled with fat. The fat is called" visceral fat ", and the body with a high visceral fat is called" visceral fat obesity ".。
Increasing visceral fat secretes various bad hormones, causing lifestyle -related diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.This promotes the progress of arteriosclerosis, where blood vessels become narrowed or clogged.As a result, scary diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and renal failure attack like a domino.
Boring fat is not only the appearance, but also the cause of aging from the body.There are many cases where metabolic people have diabetes, but even in metabolic spare groups, the probability of developing diabetes increases considerably. "(Dr. Fukuda).
Fat has visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, but I will tell you later about how they are different and why visceral fat is ill.
If the woman's stomach is 88㎝, is metabo safe?
According to the previous A -ko, "blood pressure is 145 on the upper, 90 at the bottom, there is no hypertension, lipid metabolic abnormalities, the abdominal circumference is 88 mm, and the base value of the metabolic is 2 cm less."Is it?
"The abdominal circumference is just a guide. There is no significant meaning of the difference of 1-2 mm. The amount of visceral fat cannot be measured unless CT is taken, so the abdominal circumference is determined as a landmark. Last time, blood sugar level.I talked about the case where the HBA1C numbers were barely within the standard, but the abdominal circumference is 88 mm, so it's quick to think about it.
In the case of A -ko, blood tests have already been found to be a spare group of diabetes, and the blood pressure is high, so please think of it as a clear metabolic.Let's take a look at the reality that the risk of progressing to diabetes is very high, and start a life aiming for a healthy weight loss with a healthy weight loss. "
The abdominal circumference is still not safe.Whether you are obese or metabolic or not, it is now a hint of your health right now.Dr. Fukuda has been emphasized that "diabetes will be cured with" stomach "."The specific method will be introduced later.
In addition, about the World Diabetes Day mentioned at the beginning, "Diabetes was the second most resolved at the United Nations General Assembly for specific illnesses after AIDS.The building of a tourist spot is lit up to blue, a symbolic color of diabetes eradication, to enlighten diabetes.And Dr. Fukuda.
I am always worried about eating too much, too fat, and my stomach fat.I would like to take this day and look at my body condition.
Next time, I will introduce how to judge the risk of diabetes yourself.
* Diagnosis standards, numbers, etc. are as of October 2019.
(Configuration / interview / Aiko Bunai / Yumbu)