Work from home comfortably with "pen and tablet" instead of paper!Solve your thoughts that cannot be words in sync

 Many readers will be forced to make telework due to the influence of the new Corona.That is the same in the Internet Watch editorial department.In each living environment, we are devising every day to improve the telework environment.Therefore, in this series, we will introduce the reviews of telework goods that the staff actually use and recommend in a relay format.


 One of the things I was worried about when I worked at home is that I can't print.


 It is essential to "check the manuscript" in the work pattern, but when checking a long review or reading material, two processes are required: "Roughly see the whole" and "adjust the details", and in my case, the former.If it is not paper, it will be sick.

 At the time of "seeing the whole", I still want to record the discomfort when I read it, so I want to record it, for example, "handwritten arrows" and "circle on the part you care about".I started working from home, and I tried to use paper, but it took three to four times in time and the quality of the results fell.

 As a tool, I tried Word review, but it is convenient for detailed adjustment, but it is a painful impression to "leave something that cannot be verbalized."Actually, OneNote is convenient for such purposes, but in my case, the "attitude to go to the desk" and the "posture to use a pen" are different, so I have a multi -display environment (see last time), so I want to move too much not have.

 Then, after all, "Let's buy a printer", but there was something I wanted to do before that!