Home router + mobile Wi-Fi router from 2167 yen per month!Don't miss a great set

A plan "WiFi Revolution Set" that allows you to use a home router and a mobile Wi-Fi router at a set as a set has appeared

You can also use a mobile Wi-Fi router at the home router usage fee

Price for WiFi Revolution Set (including tax).Price after the deficit is discounted

Mobaleko Air can use 5g high -speed communication without construction

ホームルーター+モバイルWi-Fiルーター2台持ちで月額2167円から! お得なセットを見逃すな

"AIR Terminal 5" for 5G, which is also used in SoftBank Air

You can start using it just by inserting it into an outlet

One mobile that can use 100GB data communication

Hand-sized mobile Wi-Fi router "D1" compatible with cloud SIM

Summary: Plenty of communication and outside of home and outside are OK for one router!
