Caffeine is widely used as an Ergo Genic Aid for competition sports, but chronic intake has reduced performance benefits.Even in that state, if you consume a lot of caffeine than usual, wouldn't you get an acute ergogenic effect?One answer to this question was reported.The loud speed of the bench press was examined by a double -blind crossover test.
Is there any benefit to increasing caffeine intake?What are the disadvantages?
Caffeine is the world's most consumed mental motor stimulus component and is widely used as an ergogenic aid in competition sports.In general, 3-6 mg/kg caffeine is taken to induce acute ergogenic effects.However, some athletes are consuming higher doses, hoping for higher effects.However, there is no evidence for the additional effect when taking 3 to 6 mg/kg or more.In addition, it has been pointed out that consuming caffeine habitually may be resistant to the ergogenic effect.
To date, there have been several reports that have examined the acute effects of a habitual caffeine consumer of 9 mg/kg or more, but the results are not consistent.It has also been reported that those studies increase the number of adverse events in dosage.
Against this background, the study of the paper introduced this time shows the performance of athletes who take caffeine on a daily basis, and the effects on performance and adverse events.Risks were examined.
Compare the bench press speed after high caffeine in a male athlete
The design of the research is a crossover over -the -counter, a plasbo controlled double -blind crossover.The qualified conditions for participation in the research are as follows.
On the other hand, exclusion criteria are as follows.
In advance statistical studies, 10 participants were required to show a significant difference, and 12 male athletes were expected to fall off.Age 25.2 ± 1.3 years old, weight 85.4 ± 13.2kg, body fat percentage 12.1 ± 3.0 %, training history 4.1 ± 1.3 years, 1RM121.1 ± 30.5kg (weight 140).6 ± 15.0 %), daily caffeine intake 5.3 ± 1.4mg/kg/day (463.3 ± 171.3m/day), 3,341 energy intake.8 ± 568.It is 8kcal/day, and the energy ratio of main nutrients is a protein 19.5 ± 3.9 %, fat 28.3 ± 2.3 %, carbohydrate 52.3 ± 4.0 %.
The ergogenic effect of caffeine intake was determined by the bench press at the bar up speed at 30 % 1RM.We tried three conditions for taking placebo, caffeine 9mg/kg, and 12 mg/kg for all participants.Caffeine or placebo has been prepared in a capsule so that both subjects and researchers cannot distinguish.
The three -conditioned trials were set up for a week -out period of one week, and tested at the same time (10 to 11 am) for the three conditions.After finishing the last meal more than three hours before the test, caffeine or placebo was taken 60 minutes before the test.In addition, during the research period, caffeine was taken as usual, but from 24 hours before testing for each condition, caffeine intake and intense exercise were reduced.
Up to 9mg/kg has a positive effect
Let's take a look at the effects on performance, the status of adverse events, and the evaluation of blindness.
The bar up speed is considered at the peak speed and the average speed.
The peak speed is 2 under placebo conditions.17 ± 0.2 under 19m/sec, caffeine 9mg/kg conditions.24 ± 0.20m/sec, 12 mg/kg conditions 2.23 ± 0.It was 17m/second, and the 2 conditions for taking the caffeine were significantly faster than the placebo condition (p <0).01).However, the two conditions for taking the caffeine were equivalent (p = 0).91).
The average speed is 1 in placebo condition.37 ± 0.10m/sec, caffeine 9mg/kg conditions 1.41 ± 0.09m/sec, 12 mg/kg conditions 1.41 ± 0.It was 09m/second, and the 2 conditions for taking the caffeine were significantly faster than the placebo condition (p <0).01).However, the two conditions for taking the caffeine were equivalent (p = 0).96).
The adverse events were evaluated immediately after the end of the test and 24 hours later.
In the evaluation immediately after the test, caffeine intake, anxiety and nervousness (p = 0).001), headache (p = 0.A significant association was recognized between 032).In addition, Improvement of vitality and activity (p = 0).A significant association was recognized between 028).
In the evaluation 24 hours after the test, caffeine intake and tachycardia / palpitations (p <0).001), anxiety and nervousness (p = 0.001), headache (p <0).001), insomnia (p = 0.A significant association was recognized between 009).In addition, Improvement of vitality and activity (p = 0).A significant association was recognized between 006).
33 % of the subjects determined that they had "caffeine" under the conditions for taking placebo.However, under the conditions for consuming 9mg/kg of caffeine, the ratio is 92 %, and under the caffeine 12 mg/kg conditions, it is 100 %, and it is correctly judged that everyone took caffeine.The difficulty of blindening intake was shown.
The authors have stated that this study has an interpretation limit.For example, the caffeine concentration in blood or urine is not evaluated, the caffeine intake conditions have been recognized that most of the subjects have taken caffeine, and the daily caffeine intake is moderate.It was a survey in.In this study, the Ergo Genic effect was equivalent to 9 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg of caffeine.
The conclusion is that athlete, which consumes moderate caffeine, consumes a 9mg/kg caffeine, which can be expected to have an acute ergogenic effect of caffeine intake and consider it as a safe protocol.It is summarized that it can be done.
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