What you want to know to choose "Sustainable Avocado".I asked Avocado professional

Avocado certified by the Guinness Book of the Guinness Book as "the most nutritious fruit."At the same time, the popularity of environmental impact, such as "Avocado uses about 10 times the water of tomatoes and causes drought", seems to be growing at the same time.If it is bad for the environment, you should not buy it.Some people may think so.

However, Atsushi Kawai, who visits Avocado farms in Mexico and involved in development imports, says, "Even if you make a choice not to buy, the environment will not improve."


We asked about the sustainable avocado creation that we need to know for the earth and people.

Does it make sense to compare tomatoes and avocado?


Avocado's production has risen to the right due to the fact that the United States has completely lifted the importance of imports in 2007.The world's best is about 2.3 million tons in Mexico (2019).Japan's import volume (the same year) is 7.70,000 tons, about 2 compared to 2009.It is 6 times.

While demand is growing worldwide, some voices have begun to focus on avocado environmental impact.According to the Water Aid "Hidden Water" World Water Report 2019, "2000 liters needed to make 1kg avocado."It is a calculation that uses about 10 times the water of tomatoes.

In response, Kawai says, "It doesn't make sense to compare the amount of water used in avocado and tomatoes."

"Even if avocado uses 10 times water of tomatoes, the production of tomatoes is overwhelmingly larger than avocado.Losing a job alone does not lead to an essential solution. "

One of the important points is to secure water resources that do not burden the environment.At Mexico farms, where Kawai's contract is contracted, she does not sprinkle water to grow avocado.

"In the area where I have a contracted plant, there is enough precipitation, and it grows only by rainwater. The necessary cleaning is used in the rainwater stored in the water storage pool. From production to shipment.In the process, we do not use living water or groundwater. "

Toshihiko Sugiura of the Agricultural Research Institute (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture), which studies the effects of global warming on fruit trees, said, "If you compare it to other crops such as rice and vegetables, the amount of water required for the fruit tree, which is the fruit tree.Rather, it is less. There is no big difference compared to other fruits such as apples and oranges. "

So why is the above -mentioned report emphasized the amount of avocado water used?"I think it's because it's out of 1kg," says Sugiura.

"Avocado is about half the amount of fruits from one tree compared to other fruits. It has more fat than other fruits and about three times the calories, so many to make one fruit.Because it is necessary to use photosynthesis and use energy. Isn't it more appropriate to consider the amount of water used per calories instead of weight? "

Sugiura complains that the forest is turned into farmland rather than the amount used in water.


"The production of avocados is concentrated in some areas such as Mexico, and it is increasingly pioneered farmland. Approximately 10 % of the global greenhouse gas emissions have cut down forests and switched to farmland.I am "

Mr. Kawai, who contracts with the Avocado Farm in Mexico, seems to leave 60 % of the land forest when developing a place to grow seedlings.

"All agricultural products use land and water resources, so it is important to cultivate avocado in consideration of environmental impact in each region, which is the responsibility of producers and supply side." Avocado is "Avocado.I feel that the issues are out of the issue to blame the consumers who eat too much. "

Is there a struggle caused by avocado?

In Mexico, Mexico, where Kawai is affiliated with a farm, rapidly growing avocado business has become a target of the organizational crime group.Local farmers are suffering from violent exploitation, such as paying for "Mikajimi", kidnapping farmers and demanding ransom.In recent years, vigilantes to protect avocado farmers have been born and have been deteriorated by criminal organizations, but many areas are still dangerous.

When he asked Mr. Kawai about his location, he said, "On the way from Mexico City to the farm by car, there have been several times the vigilante has been stopped by a conflict."

Of course, Mexico local people do not want the current dangerous state, but letting go of the avocado farm does not lead to the fundamental solution to the struggle.

"In fact, I want you to know the situation where avocado producers are being placed, but even if negative events such as environmental impact and mafia conflicts are connected and avocados are bad guys, it will lead to the right understanding. There is none"

What is a sustainable avocado?

What is needed to make a sustainable avocado?Sugiura says, "It is necessary to aim for local production for local consumption by utilizing unused farmland."

"Most avocados sold in Japan are imported, but greenhouse gases are generated when transporting. On the other hand, there are many abandoned areas that are not used in Japan, and cultivated avocados due to global warming.The number of areas we can do is increasing. "

On the other hand, Mr. Kawai believes that producers and trading companies that purchase, such as how they are raising avocados and properly trading, should actively disclose information.

"For example, the Avocado farm in Mexico has a lot of family management, and pickers from each farm often collect avocado, sell them to packs, and reach our dining table and restaurants. HoweverIt is difficult to grasp one of the actual situation. I think the establishment of traceability is a major issue in the future. "

What can be done by individuals for sustainable avocado?

Finally, I asked if I could get a "sustainable avocado" that was proved to consider the environment in Japan.Both Sugiura and Kawai think that it is difficult to get it easily.

Mr. Kawai said, "We are considering whether to take a fair trade authentication mark, but if you obtain authentication, you will have to increase the labor costs and man -hours, and you have to increase the price. How many people have the authentication mark.I don't know if you choose. "

Nevertheless, it says that consumers can do something for "sustainable avocado".

"First of all, recognizing what is happening as a fact, if you find an environment or person -friendly avocado, you can buy it, share it on SNS ... such actions will lead to the producer's side."

"I think the momentum of SDGs is good. If there is a tendency to select good and bad things little by little, a business operator is rewarded properly. As a result.What is valuable for consumer life remains. I want a good flow to be born. "

"I'm tired, so it's troublesome to make dinner." "I think it's a hand -cooked dish," "I want to eat more, but I'm worried about diet and health."I want to start, but it's hard to say around. "Nevertheless, there are many patience, guilt, and issues over food.More delicious, easy and nutritious.I want to be careful about social issues such as food loss and environmental destruction.It is kind and fun to yourself and the earth.Would you like to look for such a "Atarashi delicious"?Please tell us your recommendations by all means "#Atarashii Let's look for delicious deliciousness".

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