What you need to know before you challenge the ketogenic diet

First, let's review the basics!"Ketogenic diet" is one of the diets that consumes enough protein and high -quality fat and avoids carbohydrates as much as possible.It is also called "ketogenic food" and "ketone diet".

Diet method "Ketogenic diet" that strictly restricts sugar intake

Among the strategies to lose weight, this "Ketogenic Diet" has been attracting attention in recent years.As described above, instead of limiting carbohydrates, the diet devised to increase "ketone bodies" in the body with the approach of consuming a lot of protein and lipids like eggs, fish.It is a method.In the process of increasing ketone bodies, the food is consumed so that the fat stored in the body is burned instead of glucose made from sugar.

The idea is that by focusing on the burning of the body fat instead of a sugar -high food, the idea is to benefit a lot of benefits to the body.The benefits include improving immunity, improving brains, physical performance, decreasing insulin, and making appetite easier.


On the other hand, in the ketogenic diet, "good food" and "bad NG thief" are strictly divided, so many concerns have been pointed out about the feasibility of weight loss and health safety.。Some say that ketogenic diet is useless at all.

"Extreme methods, such as ketogenic diets, are not useful for any treatment, and they will not be useful for real purposes.In the case, there is an exception, "said Alan Aragon, who works as a nutritional advisor.

"I agree with the concept of" ketogenic diet "," I don't think many people will continue to have such a rigorous diet for a long time, "said (the popular TV program" The ". Trainer Rivi Babet, who also appears in "Bigest Loser", had previously commented on the Australian "Herald" paper. Dr. Helen True Bee, Australian University University, has also given a cautious evaluation of the ketogenic diet. "I don't think everyone should start a ketogenic diet. Unless it's for illness, the story is different, but in that case, in accordance with the guidance of a nutritionist who has a proper qualification, it is necessary to take a balanced nutrition. Dr. True Bee is paying attention. Research using mice has not gained a piece of controversy over the ketogenic diet. For example, a study that was published in the journal "Cell Metabolism" focusing on physiology said, "The mouse is divided into two groups and one group has low carbohydrates, such as ketogenic diet. ) As a result, this group lived longer than the other group, and tests to examine memory have made significant improvements. "

However, the Australian "Herald" paper also features the following contradictory content.Research on high -fat diets published in the medical magazine "Nutrition & Metabolism" has reported that "mice that have continued to eat high -fat meals have become obese."

It will take some time for a while before the discussions over the ketogenic diet.But there are some things that you can learn from this discussion.(1) Reducing low -nutritional carbohydrates, (2) being not afraid of high -quality fat is a way of thinking that should be taken into your daily diet.

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Source / Men's Health USTRANSLATION / ESQUIRE JP * This translation is an abstract translation.