The government is one of the measures to work on "promotion of DX for small and medium -sized enterprises" to achieve a new capitalism where digital and carbon are keywords.
In the "IT introduction subsidy", which assists small and medium -sized businesses and small businesses when introducing IT tools that meet their own issues and needs, the expansion of corporate Digitization in the 3rd year supplementary budget is expanded.Will be done.
This time, we will introduce the expansion of the IT introduction subsidy and the outline of the new type.If you are considering improving productivity to respond to wages and measures against the invoice system, please consider using IT introduction subsidies.
▼ Click here for review and expansion of business reconstruction subsidies that have been open to open recruitment from 1/20!
事業再構築補助金 第5回公募開始!制度の見直し・拡充summary▼▼▼ Delivery every day!Click here for free e -mail magazine registration ▼▼▼ Register an e -mail magazine member
- IT introduction subsidy schedule
- Enhancement of IT introduction subsidies
- About type type of IT introduction subsidy (digitalization base introduction frame)
- What is the introduction of digitalization platform?
- What is the introduction type of multiple company collaboration IT?
- summary
IT introduction subsidy schedule
The application for grant for the IT introduction subsidy scheduled for FY2013 ended the reception with the 5th deadline on December 22, both in the regular and low infection risk -type business slots.The issue date is scheduled for January 26, 4th, 4th, 4th.
Enhancement of IT introduction subsidies
IT導入補助金について、予定されている拡充内容は以下のとおりです。Ordians from October 1, 1955, the consumption tax eligible invoice, so -called invoice system, will begin, but the expansion of IT introduction subsidies will also respond to the introduction of the invoice system.Digitization is strongly promoted.
In addition, in the newly created "multiple company collaborative IT introduction type" (the maximum amount of subsidy per business is 33 million yen), the introduction of IT tools and hardware that multiple small and small businesses will cooperate in cooperation with multiple small and small businesses.I will support you.
About type type of IT introduction subsidy (digitalization base introduction frame)
In the expansion of the supplementary budget for the 3rd year, the contents of the preceding paragraph are included, and two types are formed.Those are "digitalized infrastructure introduction type" and "multiple company cooperation IT introduction type".Source: Service IT Introduction Support Project (IT Introduction Subsidy) Ordinance 3rd FY2013 Supplementary Budget Outline
The dark blue part in the figure above is the digitalization base introduction frame.(As for reference, the type A and B type of the normal frame are listed in the light blue part.) Let's check the outline of "digitalization infrastructure introduction type" and "multi -company collaborative IT introduction type".
What is the introduction of digitalization platform?
In order to promote digitalization with a view to the invoice system for small and medium -sized businesses, in addition to the introduction costs of accounting software, ordering software, payment software, and EC software, PCs, tablets, cashiers, and ticket salesIt is a type that supports the introduction cost of the machine.
Target business
Like conventional IT introduction subsidies, small and medium -sized enterprises are eligible.
[Image of target projects] It is covered by businesses that use the introduced IT tools and hardware to improve productivity.In this application type, both software and hardware are subsidized, so you can promote digitalization foundation.
Target expenses
For IT tools and hardware.One example is the following.
Hardware equipment (body / attached equipment) Purchase cost, installation cost
Last year's "Low Infectious Risk Business Frame" was targeted for hardware rental costs, but this time the point is that the purchase cost will be subsidized.
Auxiliary rate / subsidy amount
The auxiliary content differs between IT tools and hardware.
▼ Graph source that represents the relationship between the subsidy rate and the upper limit amount of the subsidy: Services such as productivity improvement IT introduction support project (IT introduction subsidy) Outline of the 3rd year supplementary budget
If IT tools are not a large amount, it seems that you can easily work with a high aid rate.It should be noted that the subsidy upper limit may change depending on the number of functions to be introduced.
What is the introduction type of multiple company collaboration IT?
It is a type that supports IT tools and hardware introductions that multiple small and small and small businesses are collaborated.
The purpose is to support the introduction of IT tools to multiple companies, to support regional DX and to improve productivity.The target expenses include coordination costs for effectively collaborating and rewards for external experts who provide advice on initiatives.
Target business
It is expected that the conditions of the business operator who participate in the business are "10 or more".
Target expenses
The cost of "base introduction expenses", "consumption trends analysis expenses", and "administrative expenses and expert expenses" are the target expenses, and the following are the following.
(2)消費動向等分析経費ITツール:消費動向分析システム、経営分析システム、需要予測システム、電子地域通貨システム、キャッシュレスシステム、生体認証決済システム 等ハードウェア:AIカメラ、ビーコン、デジタルサイネージ 等
(3) Administrative expenses and expert expenses related to the summary of participants
[Image of target business] Introducing systems that analyze consumption trends in commercial accumulation sites, etc., and performing "digital marketing" by collecting and analyzing data, improving the number of visitors and improving migration.It is likely that initiatives to improve productivity will be eligible.Productivity IT Introductory Support Project (IT Introduction Subsidy) Ordinance: An analysis result of the migration of visitors, for example, an AI camera in the area and acquired by the AI camera, excerpted from the overview of the FY2013 supplementary budget.It is conceivable to compare the best -selling stores obtained by introducing POS cash registers to each store, and link them to review the product composition.In this case, the cost examples of the target expenses are "software: analysis system introduction costs" and "hardware: AI camera, POS cash register".
Auxiliary rate / subsidy upper limit
(1) The subsidy rate for the foundation expenses is the same as the digitalization base introduction type (1/2-3/4) (2) Consumer trends analysis expenses: 2/3 (3) administrative expenses, expert expenses: 2/3
1. The amount of subsidy per business is (1) 30 million yen for (1) base introduction expenses and (2) analysis expenses for consumption trends, and administrative expenses and expert expenses (((1)+(2)) × 10%)* In total, maximum auxiliary amount is 33 million yen
This time, we introduced the expansion of the IT introduction subsidy in the 3rd year supplementary budget plan.
This subsidy is now easier to use by considering the introduction of POS cash registers and systems as an invoice system measures.There will also be a type that supports IT tools and hardware introduction that multiple companies work together.
The content of the expansion is that the system is currently being designed, so there is a possibility that it will change, but the important point is that it will expand to make it easier for small and medium -sized enterprises to respond to the invoice system, and promote local digital marketing.It will be an expansion to improve productivity.
If you are considering improving productivity to respond to wages and measures against the invoice system, please consider using IT introduction subsidies.
▼ Review/expansion of business reconstruction subsidies that have been open to open recruitment from 1/20
事業再構築補助金 第5回公募開始!制度の見直し・拡充summary▼▼▼ Delivery every day!Click here for free e -mail magazine registration ▼▼▼ Register an e -mail magazine member
山岸He is active as a subsidy writer who is also the subsidy secretariat.She was in charge of many employment subsidies from the experience of store management, and wrote more than 200 articles per year for those who are looking for subsidies and subsidies for the first time.On the other hand, as a mother of the two children, he is also writing articles from the perspective of both work and home and active women.