" + Message", UQ Mobile compatibility commemoration, and two campaigns with Ponta points will be launched sequentially from September 2nd

-A "au disaster countermeasure" account is available on UQ Mobile ~

KDDI commemorates the two campaigns from September 2, 2021 in commemoration of the " + message (plus message)" that can exchange messages with only mobile phone numbers.start.In this campaign, anyone who can use " + message" can apply for customers who use au, Povo, UQ Mobile, and MVNO (au line).



Also, from September 2, 2021, like au and Povo, the official account "au Disaster Countermeasures" is now available on UQ Mobile and MVNO (au line).As a result, in addition to being able to confirm the history of emergency bulletin emails nationwide, registering the any area where your family and friends live will allow you to obtain an emergency bulletin email distribution information in the event of a disaster (Note 1).).

Official account "au disaster countermeasures"

■ " + Message" New download campaign

1. 概要

During the campaign period, a new " + message" will be downloaded, and a total of 10,000 people will receive a total of 10,000 people by lottery from the customers who applied for the campaign from the official account " + Message Info".

「+メッセージ」、UQ mobile対応記念、Pontaポイントが当たる2つのキャンペーンを9月2日から順次開始

2. 特典

By lottery, a total of 10,000 people will receive a Ponta point.


3. 実施期間

September 2, 2021 11:00 am to October 14, 2021 11:59 pm

Please check the campaign page for details.


1. 概要

If you follow up on the Twitter account "@UQINFO" during the campaign period and retweet the campaign target tweet, apply from the lottery URL described in the campaign tweet, "500 Ponta Point EGIFT" is a total of 2,000 people on the spot.I will give you a present.

2. 特典

"500 Ponta Point Egift" will be presented to a total of 2,000 people by lottery.

3. 実施期間

September 7, 2021 11:00 am to October 7, 2021 11:59 pm

For more information, see the UQMobile official Twitter account.

In the future, KDDI will continue to provide safe, secure and convenient services through " + message".


■ About " + message"

" + Message" is a message service that complies with RCS (Note 3), which is standardized worldwide in GSMA (Note 2).Three companies in May 2018 as a service that enriches the communication with a mobile phone number alone so that customers can use the mobile phone number alone without being aware of the mobile phone operator of the other party.We have started providing.

Customers have been well received by those who know only phone numbers, such as "convenient and easy to exchange photos, videos, and email", "simple and easy to use", and "free stamps are abundant and cute".I am.

In the "Official Account", companies and organizations certified by three mobile phones have opened an account.Customers can easily exchange messages in an easy -to -understand message with images and one click, and from companies and organizations, the safety and messages of three mobile phones are reviewing the official account.We have you appreciate the sense of security that you will deliver without having to do it.

■ About the official account of " + message"

The official account can be used by " + message" supports UQ Mobile and MVNO (au line).For example, "au support", which is possible for 24 hours without inquiries about au services without being bound by time or location, clicking advertisements, "Message de Points" (Note 4), convenient usage of " + message".It is possible to use " + Message Info" that delivers campaign information.