Tele -Tokyo, YouTube Success Law, why can we continue to publish videos of "TV Tokyo" on the web?

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  • Tele -Tokyo, YouTube Success Law, why can we continue to publish videos of "TV Tokyo" on the web?

    The video content is becoming more and more saturated, and the user's disposal time is intensifying.Google reported in 2020 that the total time of the video uploaded to YouTube in Japan increased by 80 % year -on -year.During the video era, TV Tokyo (TV Tokyo) launched the "TV Tokyo Biz" in the spring of 2021, called "Japan's largest economic video service" and combined with paid video distribution and YouTube channel.We spoke to Mr. Tsuyoshi Tachibana, Deputy Editor -in -Chief of "TV Tokyo BIZ", who has been involved in the content production since the opening of the predecessor, YouTube channel.What is the "video content that is now being sought" that TV Tokyo thinks.

    Writing: Business + IT Editorial Department Soichiro Watanabe

    Writing: Business + IT Editorial Department Soichiro Watanabe

    1. The YouTube channel of 1 million registrants started with product out
    2. チャレンジを続けてつかんできた、経済動画へのニーズ
    3. ニーズは切り分ける。ストレートニュースにはない価値を出す
    4. なぜ「テレ東でしか作れないコンテンツ」が生まれるのか

    The YouTube channel of 1 million registrants started with product out


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    Tele -Tokyo, YouTube Success Law, why can we continue to publish videos of