"That entertainer is!"
"You can lose weight immediately just by replacing only two meals."
I don't need exercise to replace diet, so I feel like I can easily lose weight.
It says from conclusion.Replace diet will rebound!
The reason is easy, a diet that can't be continued for a lifetime.
In this article
I will explain in detail about.
In addition, we will introduce tips for diet that do not rebound!
I am a professional trainer and have actually led many women to diet success.I will explain in more detail the road that the dieter passes once, "Replacement Diet".
Please take a look to the end!
table of contents
Does the replacement diet rebound?Voice of the experienced person
The replacement diet rebounds.
The reason is that I can't continue for a lifetime.
A diet with excessive dietary restrictions will return to you before when you return to your original diet.
In order to deeply understand why the replacement diet is rebounded, we will deliver it together with the voice of a frustrated experience.
What is a replacement diet?
As the name implies, the replacement diet is a diet that replaces your usual meals.
Replace 1-2 meals of normal meals.
It is NG to replace all meals because you feel sick due to lack of energy.
The recommended time zone is dinner.The reason is that you only sleep after dinner, so you don't need energy.
The replacement diet has a large market size, and various products are sold.
It is often misunderstood, but eating only salads and scissors is a dietary restriction, so it is another diet method.
You can lose weight by reducing calories.
The voice of the person who rebounded on the replacement diet
We challenged the replacement diet eight years ago.
Many celebrities were beautiful and thin, so I thought it would be easier if I could lose weight just by replacing them.
I wanted to lose weight at once, so I replaced breakfast and dinner with protein shake.
Achieved 10kg weight loss in 2 months.However, I was troubled with constipation and rough skin.
Although my weight was so low, it didn't look so much for some reason.
When I achieved my target weight, stopped replacing my diet, returned to my original diet, I increased 13 kg in six months.
After that, I tried several times, but I gave up because my motivation did not last.
It was a miracle that it lasted for two months.
Replacement diet 6 disadvantages
As mentioned in the experiences, there are many disadvantages in replacement diets.
If you don't want to fail, please read it firmly and judge it.
I will explain in order.
1.It's a wrong way
I want to lose weight as soon as possible, so many people do it in the wrong way and rebound.
For example, you can replace all three meals, or to make meals other than replacement high calories.
In addition, the number of meals other than the replacement can be reduced by half and become malnourished ...
Extreme dietary restrictions always cause rebound!
A diet that you don't eat is the worst way without the right knowledge of nutritional balance or calories.
It is important to keep a long -term nutritional balance with staple food, main dish, side dishes, and soup.
2.It costs money
Replaced foods are expensive, so it costs 5,000 yen to 30,000 yen per month, which is added to the usual food expenses.
There is an advertisement that makes you think it's cheap, "200 yen per meal!"
Many people stop on the way because it costs more than expected.
3.It's too spicy and easy to get frustrated on the way
You may not be able to withstand hunger, or you may not be satisfied with the replacement diet food.
The terrible thing about this diet is that you can't go back once you start.
The disadvantage is that excessive dietary restrictions also reduce muscle with fat.
As a result, basal metabolism decreases, making it difficult to lose weight and easily fat.
Therefore, even if you are frustrated on the way, it will rebound as soon as you return to your usual diet.
You will be desperate for the body that is easier to accumulate fat than before.
On the other hand, it is necessary to consider the risk of frustration on the way.
4.The amount of meals is reduced and it is easy to get frustrated
Hungry makes people irritated.
Extreme dietary restrictions can cause a lack of energy and have a negative effect on the body, such as decreasing concentration and increasing stress.
If your brain is not well nutritious, you will not be able to control your emotions.
I usually feel uncomfortable that I didn't care at all, and it became easier to fight with people.
You have broken human relationships because of your diet ... so do your diet with the right knowledge.
5.Reduces muscle mass
Extreme dietary restrictions reduce muscle with fat.
If your muscles decrease, your basal metabolism will decrease, so you can lose weight and get fat.
After the diet, it will rebound when you eat the original meal, but it comes back and does not increase muscle.
As a result, it can be heavier than your previous weight, or you can easily fail.
6.I can't continue for a lifetime
Diets that cannot be continued for a lifetime will always rebound.
It is important not to have extreme dietary restrictions, but to restrict your diet and exercise for a lifetime.
If you don't eat, you will lose weight, but will you be healthy and beautiful in the future who continued to lose weight?
The key to success is to continue dieting according to your lifestyle.
Replacement diet 3 advantages
All of the benefits of replacement diets can be done easily.
It is similar to pickling overnight before the test.I can survive the test, but I forget everything.
I don't recommend it if you think about fixing it in your body all the time.
Replacement diet 3 advantages
I will explain in order.
1.Lean in a short period of time
Limit calories in which you can lose weight in a short period of time.
For example, suppose you usually have about 800kcal for dinner.By replacing it, it can be reduced to 200kcal, and 600kcal can be reduced.
However, it is NG to extremely reduce the calorie intake!
The body is easy to get fat because the muscles are disassembled and turned into energy.
Other adverse effects on the body
And so on.
2.Replaced food diversity
There are various types of replacement diets.In addition, it is hard to get tired because there are plenty of taste.
What is mainly commercialized as a replacement diet
There are other things other than the drink type, so the hurdles to challenge are low.
However, the food for replacement diets is expensive, so it is a good idea to plan in advance and check how much cost you need.
3.Easy to do
Because it is a diet that can be lost due to dietary restrictions, people who do not have time can easily start.
A lot of dedicated smoothies and porridge are also sold, so it's easy because you don't have to calculate complicated calories.
However, if the calorie intake is too low, it will be difficult to lose weight, so it is essential to gain a minimum knowledge.
Also, keep in mind that dieting -only diets that do not do muscle training are easy to rebound.
Three causes of replacement diet rebounding
It's sad to rebound even though you are thin.
There are three reasons why the replacement diet rebounds!
I will explain in order.
1.Mackerel in a short period of time
If you lose weight in a short period of time, it will rebound in a short period of time.
Replaced diet foods are very low in calories, and smoothies are less than 50kcal per meal.
If you think that you have had a 400-500 kcal meal per meal, it is natural to lose weight in a short period of time.
Our body has a function to return to a long -term maintenance weight.
Therefore, if you lose weight in a short period of time, you will try to return to your previous weight.
It is important to gradually lose weight so that it does not rebound.
In one month, weight loss of 5 % or more of your weight is NG!
Replacement diet is easy to rebound because it is possible to diet in a short period of time.
RETIO BODY DESIGN【トレーナー直伝】リバウンドを繰り返さない方法は?最後のダイエットにする3つの...https://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/rebound-kurikaesuこの記事を読んでいる皆さんはリバウンドを経験したことがあるのではないでしょうか? 頑張って目標体重になったのに、気付いたらあっという間に戻ってしまったり、下手したら元の体重より増えていたりすることも… これらは過度な食事制限で筋肉がどんどん落ちてしまい、基礎代謝が下がったことが原因です。リバウンドを繰り返さないためには筋トレと適度な食事制限を行えば良いのです。 In this article リバウンドの原因 リバウンドを繰り返さないダイエット法 リバウンドをしないメンタルの作り方などを紹介します。... 【トレーナー直伝】リバウンドを繰り返さない方法は?最後のダイエットにする3つのコツを紹介2.Return the amount of meal in a short period of time
The most difficult thing to do for replacing diets is to return to normal food.
No one can do a lifetime replacement diet.
After the diet, it is very fat.
At that time, if you return to the original meal, it will rebound in no time.
It is much more difficult to return to the meal gradually.
3.Do not exercise
Diet -only diets reduce muscle mass and lower basal metabolism, making it easier to rebound.
It is essential to keep the muscle mass at least while removing fat!
Think of a diet that does not exercise as a rebound.
Three tips of diets that do not rebound
Unfortunately, the replacement diet will rebound.
The best thing I want to know is how to avoid rebounding.
If you do the three things introduced from now on, your diet will succeed.
I will explain in order.
1.Aim for under calories while considering nutritional balance
Many people who do a replacement diet just want to reduce the calorie intake.
That idea is a big mistake!
The most important thing in dieting is that the calories consumed below the calories consumed.
However, be careful as it is easy to rebound even if the calorie intake is too small.
It is not good because if you do not consider nutritional balance, you will feel sick.
I wrote in detail about under calories, so please read it together.
Gaining the right knowledge of under calories is the key to succeeding in dieting.
RETIO BODY DESIGN 8 Pockets[Must read] Is under calorie key to dieting?Explains the correct diet and tips for losing weighthttps://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/under_calorie 「確実に痩せるダイエットを知りたい…!」「痩せるのに効果があるらしいアンダーカロリーって何?」 ダイエットについてある程度調べると出てくる「アンダーカロリー」というワード。でも、具体的に何をすればいいのかよく分からない人も多いのではないでしょうか。 実は、アンダーカロリーというのは痩せるために必須の考え方!ダイエットをしたいなら知っておいて損はないでしょう。そこで、In this articleアンダーカロリーに関する疑問を解決していきます! アンダーカロリーとはなにか?アンダーカロリーなの...[Must read] Is under calorie key to dieting?Explains the correct diet and tips for losing weight
2.Moderate muscle training
Again, reducing muscle mass reduces basal metabolism, so I decided to create a body that is hard to lose weight and get fat.
Muscles play an important role in raising our basal metabolism.
Again, if muscle mass decreases, basal metabolism will decrease, making it difficult to lose weight and get fat.
Therefore, let's take in muscle training firmly!
In fact, if you look only at calories consuming around 1 kg of muscle, it is 13kcal.You may think it's surprisingly small.However, muscle training activates hormone secretion and autonomic nervous system, so metabolism increases more.In addition, as the muscle mass increases, the calories consumed by organ such as the heart will increase.
As a result, the metabolism rises by 50 kcal as the amount of fat, such as muscles and bones, increases 1 kg by 1 kg.If you convert it for one month, you can consume a lot of calorie with 1,500 kcal, so be sure to incorporate muscle training.
As long as you continue, you will not rebound.
It is necessary to continue the moderate diet and muscle training for a lifetime.
The important thing is not to work too hard.
As before, do not aim for intense thinning in a short period of time.
Here are some reasons why the replacement diet rebounds and the tips of diets that do not rebound.
To succeed in dieting, keep under calories and continue muscle training.
There is no immediate effect as before, but it does not rebound.
Please try it for 3 months first!
It has changed surprisingly when compared to myself three months ago.
However, it is not the weight that I want you to check.
Please compare it with photos and body size!
It should be completely different.
Learning and acting the right knowledge necessary for a diet is the first shortcut to succeed.
This column provides useful information about diet and body makeup, so if you are interested, please see other articles.
Okayama's 24 -hour fitness gym "Retio Body Design"