Three things to check when charging the Android smartphone and tablet when the charging is late [Fast charging support?What is the cable?]

Charging of smartphone and tablet is slow!~ I want to check in such a case this and that are

If you buy a new smartphone or tablet (hereinafter referred to as "terminal"), the charging will be slower than before -Isn't that the case?One of the causes is that the capacity of the rechargeable battery (battery) of the terminal itself has increased.As the processing capacity and screen resolution increase, power consumption increases accordingly.So I decided to increase the battery capacity to prevent the time I could use the terminal from becoming shorter.That way, it is natural that charging takes time.However, I want to finish charging as soon as possible.In such a case, if you check the "point" of your AC adapter or mobile battery (hereinafter collectively "charger"), the charging speed may increase.This time, I will explain the points to be checked with the charger.

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1.Does the charger support "quick charging"?

I think that the charging of the terminal is often connected to the "micro USB terminal".This terminal is USB 2, except for only some exceptions.0 Conforms to the standard.USB 2.In the 0 standard, 5V/500mA (0), assuming devices with relatively low power consumption such as keyboards and mice..5A) is determined as the voltage and maximum current of the rated (as shown in the standard).Charging a terminal or a mobile battery with a large capacity rechargeable battery with this rated current will take time.

Original USB 2.0 The power supply ability of the terminal is 500mA (the photo is an image)

So USB 2.30 The standards are developed, which is a mechanism to extend the standard and increase the amount of current to increase the amount of current, and have two methods, DCP (DEDICATED CHARGING PORT) and CDP (Charging DownStream Port). DCP is a mechanism that accepts 500 mA or more current when the device receiving power supply is short -circuited in a specific site of the USB terminal. Many quick -charging chargers have realized quick charging in this way. In addition, a USB cable that sings "smartphone and tablet charging only" can use this method to allow more than 500mA current. On the other hand, the CDP is communicated by the device that supplies the power supply and the device that is supplied, and after confirming that each other is supporting, the current of 500mAh or more is flushed. The USB terminal of a personal computer often supports quick charging in this way. The question is, which method does your device correspond to? The current terminal is generally supported. If you buy a charger that claims "quick charging support", there will be almost no problem.


A 2 -port type AC adapter.2 ports total 3.The current of 1A can be flowed.The average per port is 1.Quick charging is possible at about 5A

In many Android devices, you can check the charging speed to some extent from "terminal information".If the "battery condition" is "charging (USB)", it is charged with the current (500mA) current (500mA).On the other hand, if it is "charging (AC)", it is charged with a current exceeding the rated.Connect the charger and check if it will be "charging (AC)".

If the "battery condition" of the terminal information is "charging (USB)", it is charging at 500mA, and in the case of "charging (AC)", it can be charged with further current.

Depending on the combination of personal computers and terminals, faster charging is possible even during personal computer connection.With my PC (ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2015 model), "Arrows NX F-04G" can be charged faster.

High -speed charging is possible depending on the combination of PC and terminal.Note that the battery condition is "charging (AC)"

2.Check the USB cable for the cable separate charger

In the case of a charger that can separate the charging cable (USB cable), the cable used may affect the charging speed.Recently, it is a USB cable that can be purchased at a 100 -yen shop, but some USB cables sold at consumer electronics retailers are costly several hundred yen, and at a high price of nearly 1000 yen.There is a story in the world that "high (cheap) has a reason", but there is also a difference in quality in USB cables.Expensive cables tend to have a large amount of current.Therefore, replacing the cable may improve the charging speed.If it is difficult to charge even though it is a large charger with a large output current, change the cable and try it.

The quality of the cable depends on the charging speed more than expected

3."Quick Charge 2.0 "Compatible models can be charged at higher speed with compatible charger

Many of the current Android devices use the U.S. Qualcom chipset.In the relatively new chipset of Quarcom, "Quick Charge 2.It corresponds to the ultra -fast charging function called "0" (QUICK Charge 2 in DOCOMO terminal.0 is called "quick charging 2").Quick Charge 2.0 is a standard that not only increases the current at the time of charging, but also increases the voltage to safely and faster.Like the CDP introduced earlier, the charger and the terminal communicate, and each other is Quick Charge 2..If you confirm that it corresponds to 0, it will be charged at a higher voltage and a high current than the USB rating.Quick Charge 2 from each carrier.In addition to 0 compatible chargers, Quick Charge 2 from peripheral device manufacturers in addition to genuine options..0 Compatible charging machines have come out.It is naturally worth more than a normal USB charger, but it is worth it.If you have a corresponding terminal, please come to Quick Charge 2.0 I want to prepare a compatible charger.

Quick Charge 2.0 The compatible charger is a landmark of this logo (be careful as some are not)

If the charging speed is slow, check the charger and cable.The charging speed can be confirmed from the terminal information for most Android devices.For recent terminals with Qualcom chip, "Quick Charge 2.0 "If you prepare a compatible charger, you can charge faster.If you charge quickly, you should be happy especially when you don't have the time.By all means, check!Check out this article about the battery

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