This fruit has changed our meal forever.The brunch is an egg -riding toast.For lunch with chicken sandwich.For dinner, Chile Con Carnet.After a whirlwind in a supermarket, most of the meal time is now "naked" without avocado.
It is no wonder that avocado sales continue to rise.According to the World Avocado Organization (there is a World Avocado Organization), sales have increased by 26 % last year, and more than 600 million avocados have been consumed in Europe.
In order for avocado producers to keep up with this demand and the "avocado apocalypse" (end of avocado) that occurred in 2016 is not repeated, researchers at Queen's Land University are stem cells.I'm trying to accelerate the growth of avocado trees.After all, we are not Opura (Win -free), so we can't have a private avocado garden at home.
But why is avocado love so much?Is it just so promoted?Is there really a nutritional value that matches calories?
We asked Claire Bassie, a certified dietitian, how calories in avocado and foods using it, and how much they should eat so much.
What is the calorie of avocado?
In other words, is it really okay to eat all at a time?
"Hass Avocado has 191 calories, and the fat per 100g is 19.7G.On the other hand, the ferte Avocado (FUERTE AVOCADO) is 198 calories and the fat content is 19.3G.One L -size avocado with peeled seeds is about 195g, so it is half to eat at once.M size is 145g. "
In other words, if you are trying to become a healthy body by calculating major nutrients, it is wise to eat at once.
By the way, if you apply lemon juice or olive oil to avocado pulp, or put it in a container with the remaining half chopped red onions and save it, it will prevent the pulp from becoming brown quickly.
So what about the calories of food using avocado?
Calculate from the average amount and recipe for one person.It looks like the following.
ガカモレ(テーブルスプーン2杯)=97カロリー※ワカモレとも。アボカド、トマト、玉ねぎ、ライム果汁、コリアンダー、塩、チリセラーノを合わせたメキシコ料理のサルサ)アボカドスムージー(グラス1杯)=371カロリーフラボカードアイスクリーム(100g)=166カロリーアボトースト(アボカド乗せトースト)(1枚)=387カロリーWhat is Avocado's nutritional value?
"Most of the fat contained in avocados is unsaturated fat," said Bassley."It is said that it is good for heart health to send a diet that turns saturated fat into unsaturated fat, so let's change the cheese -sleep into avocado and eat healthy fat."
"3 per 100g.It contains 2 mg (the required amount is about 12 mg).Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant that helps cells from "oxidative stress".We all generate free radicals, a reactive compound that damages DNA, as part of the metabolism.Vitamin E is a wonderful antioxidant that should always be prepared to deal with these things. "
"The vitamin B6 contained in avocados helps to reduce fatigue and malaise, add many metabolism reactions, such as energy release, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and support normal immune functions.It has a lot of functions. Vitamin B6 also serves to support female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Vitamin B6 required per day 1.Of the 4G, 0 for avocado 100g.Remember that 38 is included. "
"Avocado contains useful amounts of fiber, so few people take enough fiber, so it is useful.Useful. "In addition, 25 % of the fiber of fiber contained in avocado is water -soluble, so it is excellent in increasing the "good" bacteria in the intestine.
According to research at Pennsylvania State University, anti -inflammatory components contained in species may be useful for treatment of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
If avocado is so good for you, why do you have to worry about fat?
Avocado is one of the most fat -rich vegetable foods on earth.77 % of calories are due to fat.
Unfortunately, taking too much fat will lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.
However, the fat contained in avocado is not just fat.It's a good fat.
There are four types of fat.There are four types: saturation, unsaturated, transformer, and poly implications.According to British Heart Foundation, unsaturated fat and polished fat are useful fat, helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and supplies essential fatty acids to the body.Such fat is contained in avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds.
On the other hand, other saturated fat and trans fat are contained in fast food, hard type cheese, butter, biscuits, cakes, etc., and are related to the above health problems.
"19 for average avocado.It contains 5g fat, of which unsaturated fat is 12.1 g, saturated fat 4.1G, poly unsaturated fat 2.2G, "said Bassley."If you compare it to a traffic light, the avocado is red in terms of total fat, and it can be said that it is yellow for saturated fat."
What should I believe ...?
"Avocado contains healthier fat (as described above). However, it is still a high -fat food, but some of the appropriate amounts of dietary habits.It is important to recognize that eating is the best, "says Bassley.
So what is the best way to eat avocado?
"My favorite way of eating is that the avocado is crushed and a little salt and chili are put on a seeded bread or sardito, two pouched eggs, scrambled eggs, and heated spinach.", Bassley.
"Then, carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fiber, and vitamins cover two of the exercises to eat five kinds of vegetables and fruits a day, so it is very well balanced.It will be a meal. "
Translation: Mitsuko Kanno from Harper's Bazaar UK