Reasons for elementary school parents that the GIGA school device is "keyboard required"

"I don't want my child to have a hard time" ICT and the real intention of the parent who learns programming

-Tanaka-sensei is also a classroom to study ICT himself, and has also been supervised by "ICT School NEL Online".What kind of needs do you feel from the families going to these schools?

--I see.The GIGA School Concept has begun, and it can be said that the learning environment that satisfies those needs gradually in school is in place.

The class ends because I can't log in ...

-GIGA school concepts have stumbled in the previous problem of providing "new learning" and "individual optimized learning"?

You should acquire typing skills like exercise play from childhood

-If you think about it, it is better to create an opportunity to touch ICT not only at school but also at home.


-There are such backgrounds, keyboards are required for GIGA school-compatible terminals introduced at school.Digital devices given to children at home are also necessary.

A number of schools adopted many keyboard integrated iPad cases "Rugged Combo 3"

If you don't use it, it's just an object ... Computer utilization is the life of typing

-The harvest that can be obtained through typing is great.

-You clearly expresses the characteristics of learning using a computer.

Why I want to recommend "Rugged Combo 3" to elementary school students

Strength that can withstand the active learning of elementary school students

A hygienic closed keyboard that is resistant to water and dirt

Click here for details of "Rugged Combo 3" that is ideal for ICT learning for elementary school students