If you want to know how to lose belly fat, this information is for you. You can't spot the fat in the area you want to reduce.
Bad crunches and sit-ups won't build a sustainable physique. Rather than that, by improving your lifestyle and eating habits, you can expect to feel refreshed around your stomach.
â—‡Benefits of reducing visceral fat
Reducing this visceral fat is currently recommended in various ways. Because excess visceral fat, especially around the liver, stomach, and intestines, has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, so reducing visceral fat is a good idea. That's why.
Sure, thicker arms and thicker breasts might look more attractive. However, if long-term and holistic health is your goal, you may need to reassess your training priorities. The fight against belly fat can be balanced with exercise, dietary choices, improved sleep, and a better understanding of the role of calories.
So let's get started.
â—‡Types of Belly Fat
Not all fat is created equal. Unlike subcutaneous fat (the soft layer underneath your skin), excess fat around your waist can be detrimental to your health. Abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) accumulates within the abdominal cavity and shares the same space with vital organs such as the liver, stomach, kidneys, and intestines.
Belly fat is metabolically active, which means it's like an organ in its own right, but no one wants a transplant.
This fat is variously good at excreting various inflammatory substances, interfering with hormones that regulate appetite, weight, mood and brain function, and spikes levels of stress-causing cortisol. reported in studies. It's no surprise, then, that it's been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.
So far it's all been pessimistic, but there's good news.
Belly fat may be the most dangerous body fat, but it's also the easiest to get rid of because it's deep inside your body. But before we talk about that, we need to know what causes belly fat.
â—‡Four scientific reasons why you gain belly fat
We all know that eating too much and not exercising can cause obesity. However, simply counting calories in and calories out is not enough to lose belly fat. For example, when you're exposed to certain stressors, little things can cause you to gain fat around your belly.
The things to watch out for are:
Getty Images1. Eating trans fats
If antioxidants are the good guys for gut health, trans fats are the bad guys. Trans fats don't just add fat, they're thought to put fat on your waistline by moving fat from other parts of your body to your belly. A six-year study at Wake Forest University in the United States found that monkeys who consumed 8% trans fat had 33% more abdominal fat than those who consumed 8% monounsaturated fat. is.
Also, according to the British Dietetic Association, there is currently no legal obligation for food manufacturers to label trans fats, so they should check ingredient lists for hydrogenated fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils. The biggest reason is that we tend to treat ourselves to “cakes, biscuits, ice cream, popcorn, pies, fried foods, fast food, takeout,” etc.
Related StoryRecognized health benefits of olive oil2. Stress builds up
When the secretion of cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” increases rapidly in the body, it triggers the secretion of insulin. I also know that This is where things get weird.
Initially, the "fight-or-flight response" will shut down your digestive system. So it can deal with appetite and, realistically, "threats" such as presentations at work. But when you're relieved that such danger has passed, your body tends to provoke an appetite in turn to replenish the hundreds of calories you've burned so desperately during your presentation.
Insulin secretion makes blood sugar very low and cortisol secretion paralyzes the reward center, which leads to choosing things like biscuits over fruit. To make matters worse, cortisol is also believed to stimulate the release of myostatin, a protein that acts on muscle cells and inhibits muscle cell growth.
3. Drinking too much
Getty ImagesDoes drinking too much beer really give you a beer belly?
Of course, you can say that. Alcohol is converted into acetic acid in the body. Since this acetic acid cannot be stored in the body, it becomes the first energy source, and it is said that proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids go around the digestive system and are converted to fat.
Considering the amount of about 7 kilocalories contained in 1g of alcohol and the excessive calorie amount of late-night snacks after drinking (the feeling of hunger after drinking is scientifically proven), you can quickly lose fat. can be imagined to be excessively accumulated.
Eating at night not only spikes cortisol levels, but it's also thought to deplete the male hormone testosterone, making it harder to build muscle and burn fat.
4. Bad gut bacteria are abundant
Getty ImagesMost of the bacteria that live in your gut are pretty helpful. It has been found to produce hormones, regulate the immune system, digest food, extract nutrients, control mood, manage appetite, and much more.
It can be said that the human intestine is dominated by two groups of opportunistic bacteria: the phylum Bacteroidetes and the phylum Firmicutes. Opportunistic bacteria are quiet when healthy, but act badly in the intestines when the body is weakened. Studies have shown that obese people have fewer Bacteroidetes phyla than lean people.
Another study collected stool samples from 1,300 twins and reported that people with lower intestinal bacterial diversity tend to gain belly fat. Support your intestinal activity and keep your stomach clean.
Related Story What is a “probiotic” supplement that regulates the intestinal environment?◇20 Science-Backed Ways to Lose Belly Fat
To get you serious about getting rid of 'belly fat' and improving your health, Here are 20 proven ways to lose belly fat.
1. Boost Your Metabolism
Getty ImagesThe ultimate goal is to boost your metabolism. But it's important to know that your diet, muscle mass, stress management, and sleep quality all play a role.
"The faster your metabolism, the easier it is to burn fat," explains Marcus Reddy, M.D., a laparoscopist and upper gastrointestinal bariatric surgeon at Spire St. Anthony Hospital.
Although your metabolism is predetermined by your body size, gender, and age, doctors say, ``Increase lean body mass, avoid long periods of fasting, and exercise vigorously to help burn fat. It becomes possible,” he says.
2. Consume a lot of protein
Prioritize your intake of proteins such as lean beef, chicken (including turkey), fish, eggs, and tofu.
Researchers at the University of Missouri in the United States studied the effects of eating a normal protein breakfast versus a high-protein breakfast in overweight teens who would normally skip breakfast. By comparison, the group who ate a high-protein breakfast containing 35 grams of protein gained less weight, ate less each day, and felt less hungry, resulting in more stable glucose levels. is revealed.
Related Stories20 high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods that are ideal for dieting ] 11 popular proteins that are easy to drink even for beginners3. Refrain from eating refined carbohydrates
) and replace them with “complex carbohydrates” such as high-fiber whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, and legumes. And incorporate as many veggies as possible. Vegetables are low in calories and rich in micronutrients, and their fiber keeps you feeling full for longer.Snack on limited portions of fruit, seeds, and nuts.
One study reported that snacking on 42g of almonds per day instead of eating the same calorie-rich high-carb diet helped reduce belly fat and improve cholesterol levels. ``The high fiber content of these foods can help with excess calorie burn later in the day,'' says registered dietitian Lucy Jones.
Related Story 8 Benefits of Eating Sweet Potatoes4. Adopt a Mediterranean Diet
A 2019 review of the evidence on the Mediterranean diet found that "many health benefits and associated As a result, it has been demonstrated to exert protective effects against many conditions, including obesity.”
What's even better, this diet seems to increase the number of healthy bacteria in your gut. Metabolism Food Science A study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition found that counts "increased by up to 7%" at the intestinal level compared to the Western diet.
Related Story Review your eating habits and aim to escape from depression and anxiety disorders5. Maintain a regular eating habit
“It is also important to keep a regular eating habit in mind. Try to avoid low-calorie diets or 'crash diets,' says Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Reddy. “Starvation times slow down your metabolism and keep you from losing weight,” she adds.
6. Increase the intensity of your workouts
Getty Images"Move more to burn belly fat and focus on building muscle," recommends Dr. Reddy. I'm here. “Aerobic exercise burns energy and increases your post-workout metabolic rate,” he says.
Scientists at Laval University in Canada compared a 15-week "HIIT program" with a 20-week "endurance training program" and found that the former was far more effective in boosting the body's metabolism, As a result, the result that fat is reduced more is reported.
Related Story [Only 15 minutes a day] 3 types of bodyweight training combined with aerobic exercise that can be done at home7. It can have a big impact, but if you balance your high-intensity workouts with weightlifting sessions, you're good to go.
Researchers at Harvard University followed more than 10,500 men for 12 years and found that those who added 20 minutes of weight training to their regular cardio exercise outnumbered those who did the treadmill. It has also been reported that there is little increase in fat around the abdomen with age.
Although deadlifts, squats, kettlebell swings, lunges, chest presses, shoulder presses, and other individual exercises work well, focus on compound movements that work the whole body. As we said, you can't "spot lose" fat, so endless crunches will do little to get rid of belly fat. For best results, split your sessions into different days.
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For example, 3 months in Bali You don't have to go camping or attend a 'breathing lesson' at a Nordic yoga retreat to find inner calm. You don't even need to meditate (although meditation can be helpful).
If a few minutes of belly breathing in a quiet place doesn't calm you down, try bodyweight training or take a walk around your neighborhood. Exercise increases blood circulation, which also transports cortisol to the kidneys for excretion.
Related Story 10 arm bodyweight exercises that you can do at home|Effective muscle training menu8. Eat slowly
Eating slowly will affect the shape of your waist . Eating a croissant on your commute won't fill you up. It also produces a lot of cortisol, which makes it difficult to digest. Instead, make time to eat and focus on food (which includes not looking at Instagram), so you'll feel fuller for longer even when you're eating less.
Related Story 10 foods and drinks that can be expected to improve bloating (abdominal bloating)9. It has been suggested that there is a deep relationship with "weight gain". Lack of sleep impairs activity in the frontal lobe (the intelligent decision-making part of the brain). At the same time, the brain, which handles desires and motivation, seems to light up the "primitive" part like illumination.Getty Images
Insufficient sleep also has a big impact on your metabolism. When you don't get enough rest, your body slows down its basic functions and conserves energy. Uncontrollable desires, weak willpower, and low processing power can also invite fat storage.
Related Story The important relationship between sleep and calorie burning "It greatly affects not only diet but also body building."10. Eat natural foods
It doesn't mean eating only vegetables, it means eating foods that contain a lot of dietary fiber.
Foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, are thought to reduce the risk of inflammation and reduce future metabolic problems. A study published in the obesity research journal Ovesity also reported that a 10g increase in dietary fiber intake was associated with a 3.7% reduction in the risk of increased visceral fat.
Related Story Rich in dietary fiber! 30 foods that are surprisingly high in carbohydrates11. Control cravings
Habits such as "I can't stop snacking" can cause me to gain weight without realizing it There is a possibility that A high-protein diet, for example, can help curb hunger. This is believed to be because macronutrients reduce activity in areas of the brain responsible for cravings.
12. Avoid Trans Fats
If you are a health conscious person, you know that it is best to avoid trans fats. Avoiding trans fat not only improves gut health, but also reduces the risk of inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance, and increased abdominal fat in both observational and animal studies.
13. Limit your drinking
We don't say "beer belly" for no reason, so if you want to reduce your belly size, it's best to watch how much you drink. . A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, a medical journal on nutrition, reported that "higher alcohol consumption is associated with a higher risk of abdominal obesity in men." Be aware.
14. Avoid sugary drinks
If there was a hierarchy of sugary products, sugary medicines would rank above food. But even a small change in your habits can make a big difference.
A study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Virginia Tech examined the effects of substituting water for just one sugary drink.
"For U.S. adults who consume one sugary drink per day, substituting that one with water reduces the percentage of daily calories they consume from beverages by 17%." It has been shown to be lowered to 11%," said study author Kiya J. Duffy.
Furthermore, "Even for people who consume more sugary beverages per day, substituting with water can reduce the amount of calories coming from the beverage to less than 25% of their daily caloric intake." ' is saying.
15. Try Intermittent Fasting
I'm not suggesting that any fad diet will get you the slim waist you crave, and it will ultimately The best diet is one that you can stick to. So if you're looking for the best way to structure your diet, 'continuous fasting' may be the answer.
A study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago found that dieters who only ate between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. A 3% decrease has been found.
Related Story "Fasting diet" 4 types of effects and pros and cons|Evaluation by experts16. If you think about it, it may be best to stop the diet once.
A study from the University of Tasmania found that people who stopped dieting every two weeks and only aimed to keep their weight stable during that period lost more weight and were less likely to gain it back when the diet ended. results have been reported.
17. Set Goals
Getty ImagesIf you want to lose belly fat, it's important to decide what you want to end up with. There is nothing wrong with setting goals, even if they are ambitious.
In a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, a medical journal of human nutrition, setting actual goals achieved "clinically significant weight loss." It seems that some people improved their results by setting 'unrealistic' goals.
18. Challenge yourself to lose weight with friends
If you're struggling to lose weight on your own, consider working in a team. A study published in the journal Ovesity found that getting encouragement from teammates during a 12-week team weight loss competition increased the odds of achieving clinically significant weight loss by 20%. that's right.
"In our study, weight loss clearly occurred on a team-by-team basis. This was probably due to teammates providing accountability, expectations, encouragement and support for weight loss." It is suggested that they were influencing each other by doing, ”the research team concludes.
Getty Images19. Celebrate Small Successes
Your ultimate goal may be to go from a 'loose' figure to a 'tight' figure. But you don't have to wait to celebrate until it's accomplished.
A study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that ``people who broke down their goals and celebrated each achievement were more successful at losing weight over time and were able to maintain it over the long term.'' is out.
20. Putting it all together
Nobody wants to take the belly out of you. It's pretty clear that you can't do that... So if you want results, why not follow the advice above and make a combination of diet, training, and lifestyle changes.
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