We all lose muscle strength as we age. For both men and women, muscle strength gradually declines after peaking at the age of 20.
People who want to exercise but suffer from chronic pain in their knees, hips, or shoulders. People who quit the sport because of an injury. A person who has reached middle age without doing any kind of exercise from a young age. A person who has gained weight due to years of unhealthy diet. People who have stopped going to the gym for a while due to Corona self-restraint.
For those people, I would like to say, "It's not too late. Don't give up!" Although everyone's physical strength and physical and mental conditions are different, it is never too late to increase muscle strength.
Why should I train my muscles? There are interesting research results published in a European medical journal (*1) in 2021.
This study followed 450,000 British people (ages 40-70, 240,000 women, 200,000 men) for 10 years to investigate the effects of muscle strength, walking speed, and lifestyle on life expectancy. doing.
6783 men and 3808 women died during this period. Men have a higher mortality rate than women, and men with weak muscles, slow walking, and poor lifestyles have a mortality rate of about 3% after 10 years compared to men with strong muscles, fast walking, and good lifestyles. It turned out to be twice as high.
The results of this study clearly show the importance of maintaining and strengthening muscle strength.
(※1)Zaccardi F, Franks PW, Dudbridge F, Davies MJ, Khunti K, Yates T. Mortality risk comparing walking pace to handgrip strength and a healthy lifestyle: A UK Biobank study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2021 Jul 10;28(7):704-712. doi: 10.1177/2047487319885041. PMID: 34247229.