A large and long -term study of the European Society has shown that "a small amount of water on a daily basis can cause a change in the risk of heart failure."However, the only solution seems to be "to drink one or two glasses every day."Of course, not only is it, but it should be practiced, but it is really simple.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan, the promotion movement of "drinking water for health" will be a risk of various health disorders, such as heat stroke, cerebral infarction, and myocardial infarction. "We recommend drinking water publicly.
It is well known that about 60 % of the human body is water.For example, if you are an adult man, if you think about 36 kg in your body is water, you can reconfirm its importance.
▽ How long should I drink water a day?
Based on a research in Europe and the United States, the indicable amount of water intake is a group with a low living activity level 2 a day..3 liters to 2.About 5 liters, a group with a high living activity level 3 a day.3 liters to 3.It is estimated to be about 5 liters.In addition, the source of water is about 20 % to 30 % in Western countries, and the rest is 70 % to 80 % for drinks, so "1 day a day as hydration..You should drink 5 liters of water. "
On the other hand, in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said, "Adults need 2 water..5 liters.To put it a little more detailed, the amount of water required depends on age and weight.The method of knowing the amount of water required for each is the formula of "weight (kilogram) x required amount (milliliter) = required water content".In addition, we will calculate with "age required amount" "under 30 years old ... 40 ml, 30-55 years old ... 35 milliliters, 56 years old or older ... 30 ml".So, for example, if you are 60 years old and weigh 60 kg, the amount required is 1..8 liters.If you are 25 years old and weigh 50 kg, the required moisture is 2.It will be 0 liters (and the amount of water emitted from the body will also differ depending on the body temperature and climate, so this is just a guide).
Then everyone, think about it yourself.The recommended daily amount, drinking 2-3 liters of water, and those who say "I always drink that much" is a person who says, "It's not easy."Isn't there more?
Nevertheless, various studies have reported that the dangers of heart will increase if they are not well replenished."If you do not consume enough water for a long time, the sodium concentration in the body will be too high, making it more likely that physiological phenomena will lead to heart failure."This is, as mentioned above, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Drinking Water for Health" is also sounding the warning in the previous stage.You will need to face more seriously.
"Our research has suggested that maintaining good hydration can prevent changes in the heart that leads to heart failure or at least delayed," he said.Dr. Natalia Dmitrieva (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) states.
"The results of this study are more important to pay attention to the amount of water we ingest every day, and indicate that they need to take action if they realize that they are too small."
▽ Related research on hydration and heart failure prevention
In this research paper "Drinking Sufficient Water Could Pre -Vent Heart Failure", five visitors for 15,792 adults from 44 to 66 years old in 25 years.The survey was conducted and evaluated.Specifically, we are investigating whether the hydration status measured by serum sodium (when water intake is reduced, the concentration of serum sodium rises) and whether the concentration is forecasting the onset of heart failure.。
Researchers have also investigated the relevance of the main pump room of the heart, called the left venue enlargement, which is a precursor to heart failure, and the hydration level.Participants were divided into four groups based on the average serum sodium concentration at the first two visitors, and evaluated the percentage of people who developed heart failure and left ventricular enlargement during the final visit.
Therefore, those with high serum sodium concentration in middle -aged, the more likely they would have heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy in old age.But, of course, you'll understand that even if you drink one week in the afternoon in the afternoon, you won't be able to prevent any symptoms.
Dr. Dmitrieva said, "It is natural to think that hydration and serum sodium will change every day according to the dose of the day, but serum sodium concentration remains in a narrow range over a long period of time, which is a habitual intake.I think it is related to. "
▽ Summary: Let's have a water bottle (My bottle)!
Getty ImagesThere is no need to drink a lot of water, like Dwayne Johnson, a rock, which drinks 18 liters of water a day.However, when you are out, carry a reused My Bottle so that you can freely replenish water on the go.If you don't have a My bottle?If so, please invest in my bottle that can be used for the earth and for your own health.
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