Overall product composition
■ GRIDWORK GRIDWORK is an ultra -lightweight (36 g), a pen -type digital tier, which can be replaced with the water -soluble ink ballpoint pen and stylus core, and the invisible dot cord (coordinate data) 'that is read with Gridpen.Thin (0.This is a next -generation electronic stationery consisting of a 58mm) gridboard, a gridnote that consists of 10 pages of special sheets that can be easily erased with wettish while leaving the handwriting you want to remain. This special sheet has a good writing taste, has a resin -based material that realizes that the pen tip is not attached, and can be erased neatly, so it can be used as many times as you want to erase the handwriting and use it as many times as you want. I am. Due to the influence of the new Corona, online communication has spread, but many people have heard that they can only write on the shared screen and whiteboards that can only be written with the usual mouse and can not be drawn neatly. Gridwork is a revolutionary product that combines a function that can be written as a stationery and a function that can be recorded in a digital file and recorded. One of the features of this product, "I can write and erase as many times as possible" is an effective means of working on environmental issues such as SDGs. In European elementary schools, ballpoint pens with water -soluble inks, not pencils, are often used. Gridwork also contributes to the solution to social issues that can be practiced online education, such as handwriting and modifying by clearing the notebook without leaving the 'erasing'.
■ It will be exhibited at CAMPFIRE, a major domestic crowdfunding giant, will be launched on CAMPFIRE, a major domestic crowdfunding in order to expand to the whole world from Japan.URL: https: // Camp-Fire.At the same time, I would like to exhibit at JP/PROJECTS/VIEW/504576 at the same time as crowdfunding indiegogo, and want many people around the world to know the goodness of Gridwork and expand the world.URL: https: // www.indiegogo.COM/■ Gridwork product configuration GRIDPEN: USB supply type pen -type digital tissue (HID compliant) Gridboard: Ultra -lightweight/ultra -thin board (resin -based special processing board) Gridnote: Resin -based special processing notebooksCover) Accessories: Styla Spench core, friction ballpoint pen core (0).5mm青3本)■希望小売価格 : Gridpen & Gridboard 12,000円(税込) Gridpen & Gridnote15,000円(税込) Gridpen & Gridboard & Gridnote16,500円(税込)■Gridworkの動画紹介https://youtu.BE/CWPK2SWRPXM ■ Features of Gridwork ・ No power supply, you can use it immediately just by connecting USB.・ No dedicated application installation is required.・ Conference and lectures can be given while writing beautifully on the whiteboard and shared screen of the online conference system.・ In the online class, the student responds to the question, and the teacher can write and provide correction guidance.・ It can be used in almost all Windows apps equipped with a drawing function that complies with HID (Human interface device).・ Gridboard and Gridnote, which were created with special sheets made of resin -based materials that are thoroughly developed in the writing taste and not sticking to the pen tip, and can be erased neatly, is an evolved stationery paper. ■Gridwork描画可能Web会議システム・Zoom・Teams・Google Meet・meet-in、他■Gridwork描画可能アプリ・Word・Excel・PowerPoint・MS Journal・MSペイント・Windows Ink ワークスペース・OneNote・Microsoft Edge (pdf)・ Acrobat Pro, others ■ Recruitment of future sales plans and dealers, Gridwork, can handle customized products based on web shops sold directly by the Company, web shops, wholesalers, and partner request specifications. It will be sold on a multi -channel with corporate sales. We look forward to hearing from everyone who wishes to handle Gridwork.
■ Company profile trade name: Inter Media Research Institute Corporation: Kenji Yoshida Established: February 2016 Business Details: Escident Capacity Code and Hybrid QR Code, 'Invisible Dot Code' Grid ONPUT, handwritten products using Grid ONPUTDevelopment, manufacturing, sales, solutions offered capital: 11,0.6 million yen (including capital reserve) location: 1-44-2 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 10th floor URL: http: // IM-lab.COM/Japan_top/GridMark/