* This paper is a re -edited part of the women's nutritional nutritional clinic "Teleworking Rice" (Women's Nutrition University Publishing Department).
Many businessmen will have three meals on telework and have taken them at home.
According to Chikako Kasuga, a dietitian of the Nutrition Clinic ( *), a dietary habit of teleworking since last year, businessmen are roughly divided into two trends.
・ Mr. A, who has become more healthy than before, has been exercised in spare time, and he has been exercising in spare time, increasing the number of drinking parties in telework.・ In telework, Mr. B, whose commuting time was reduced and exercise was insufficient, and snacks increased between work, and the numbers such as blood sugar levels had deteriorated as they gained weight.
写真=iStock.com/Eva-Katalin※写真はイメージですLooking back on last year, which one was you?
According to Kasuga -san, cases like B are often addicted to "five swamps of eating habits that tend to fall into telework".
【一の沼 同じように食べてもなぜか太る】
In telework, the amount of activity is reduced more than expected because there is no round -trip commuting.For example, for a 20 -minute walk or a 40 -minute train (standing), it consumes 266kcal ( *) for round trips.The calories consumed so much, so if you eat it in the same way as commuting without exercising.
The weight will increase steadily.
* For women weighing 50kg.(Energy calculation / Professor Yoshinori Kaneko, Women's Nutrition)
【二の沼 糖質中心になりがち】
If you increase noodles and rice such as pasta and fried rice, you tend to take too much carbohydrate (carbohydrates) and to lack vegetables and protein.
【三の沼 1日2食になりがち】
3 It's hard to eat, and I just overtake breakfast and lunch ...In fact, this is a way of eating that is easy to gain weight.Especially breakfast is an important "body clock" switch.It affects the efficiency of work in the morning.
【四の沼 インスタントや市販食品に頼りがち】
Commercial lunch boxes, Instant ramen, retort curry and pasta sauce.These foods need a lot of salt and lipids and have less vegetables, so it is necessary to use it.
【五の沼 仕事中にお菓子をつまみがち】
During work, I feel good and eat sweets and change my mind.I tend to eat too much because there are no people.
These are the "five swamps".
"Be careful if you have a heart! If you continue such a eating habit for a long time, blood sugar, neutral fat, cholesterol, etc. in the blood will increase, leading to arteriosclerosis and lifestyle -related diseases.Also, resistance to infectious diseases such as the new colon virus will also weaken. "(Mr. Kasuga).