Now to the human dock!7 "Recommended Tests" with high cost -effective effects

Health examinations and cancer screening are indispensable for early detection and early treatment of illness.A "human dock" is an opportunity to take such a medical examination and medical examination at once.However, the number of medical dock examiners has decreased in the prolonged corona, and the number of early cancer discovery is decreasing in response to it.Insufficient exercise due to remote work and disturbance of dietary habits are increasingly increasing diabetes and dangerous fatty liver without noticing.This spring, when the sixth wave is peaking, why don't you make a reservation for a surplus human dock?In this special feature, we will explain the effective way to receive a human dock that is indispensable for checking your health and early detection of the disease by age and risk.

Contents of the special feature of "The latest version / Human Docks well"

In order to realize healthy longevity, it is important to know what risks of your body health and improve your life so that the disease does not produce buds.And if you have a disease, you will find out if you can find it as soon as possible and receive appropriate treatment.


One point explanation

"What is the difference between medical examinations and medical examinations?"

Medical examinations (health examinations) are "implemented to discover and prevent future diseases, and prevent the risk of future illnesses, assuming that they are not ill" (primary prevention).On the other hand, the examination is "implemented to lead to early detection and early treatment of certain diseases" (secondary prevention).

今こそ人間ドックへ! 費用対効果の高い「お勧め検査」7選

Now, however, the expansion of the new colon virus infection (COVID-19) has a significant impact on both cancer screening and medical docks.Fear of infection, more and more people are refraining from consultation.

Keisuke Hata, director of Mitsui Tower Midtown Clinic, Nihonbashi Muromachi, working on a human dock."We have been working on a human dock for the past 15 years in our related facilities, but the number of examinees at the 2020 medical checkups has been reduced compared to 2019."These medical examinations and medical examinations are now gradually starting to shadow our health.

What is particularly serious is that you have been undergoing an important cancer screening to protect your life, and the discovery of cancer is decreasing.From July to August 2021, the Japan Public Cancer Association will be in 486 facilities, including the Full Cancer Association member facilities, cancer medical cooperation base hospitals, regional cancer medical hospitals, and university hospitals.A questionnaire was conducted on the number of diagnoses of the stomach, large intestine, lungs, milk, cervix), the stage (progress period), and the number of operations.


図1 2019年と2020年のがん診断数の比較コロナ前の2019年に比べ、2020年には5つのがんすべての診断件数が減少していた。(出典:日本対がん協会「2020年のがん診断件数」2021年11月)

国立がん研究センターが発表した「院内がん登録 2020年全国集計」でも、国内でがんと診断された患者が2020年に初めて減少した。「実際にがんに罹患する人の割合は、2019年と変わらないと考えられるため、これらの数字は、見つからずにいるがん患者が増えていることを示唆しています」(畑院長)。単純計算で、コロナ前に発見できたがん患者が10人いたとしたら、コロナ以降は9人に減っていることになるのだ。


図2 進行期別がん診断数の比較<胃がん>検診で見つかることの多い1期の胃がんの診断件数が、2020年には17.4%も減少していた。(出典:日本対がん協会「2020年のがん診断件数」2021年11月)


In order to prevent such a situation, I would like to consider cancer screening and medical examinations, which are now crossing the peak of Corona's sixth wave.In particular, the medical checkup is a medical examination that you want to take regularly because you can take excellent tests that are not covered by municipal cancer screening and check the whole body disease at once.

In this special feature, we will give you a detailed guidance to the Director of the Hata's Director about how to receive effective and cost -effective human docks and the options tests that you especially need to receive by age and risk.