The lower house election will be announced on October 19 and will be voted on October 31.
Although the leader debate has been actively conducted by television programs, there is little discussion of schools (primary and secondary education) other than reducing education expenses.
However, there are a lot of school sites, such as black school rules, school refusal, bullying, and long working hours of teachers.
Where are the political parties who are serious about not voters and have a solution (promise)?
I would like to look at the "school policy" that each political party has raised.(Mainly excerpted characteristic policies)
In addition, the Japanese youth Council, which is the representative director, held a "school mock election" mainly for junior high school and high school students, and asked members of the main party to talk about school policies there.。
Related article: Where is the Wakamono Mikata political party!Comparison of each party of youth policy [lower house election 2021] (Yuki Murobashi)
About unreasonable school rules
not listed
○ Komeito Party
In order to foster children's independence of social participation, we aim to realize "school democracy" in which children, parents, and faculty members decide on school rules and school events while discussing each other.
○ Constitutional Democratic Party
The school rules will be guaranteed the right to express their opinions, deepening discussions with students who are involved in schools, and will consider how they are.
○ Japanese Communist Party
Review the school rules from the perspective of children's dignity and basic human rights
The way of school rules such as "underwear and socks are white" and "two -block prohibitions" are social problems.It is a problem related to children's dignity and basic human rights, and it is also worrisome to impair the trust between children and faculty and staff necessary for education.
This year, the Japanese Communist Party conducted a questionnaire for school rules and heard about 3,000 voices of junior and senior high school students, parents, teachers, and citizens.Junior and high school students complain that the school rules that specify the hair and clothes in detail are "cramped as they are being monitored."The respondents, teachers, and citizens of the respondents agreed to review the school rules.Isn't it time to take a drastic review of the school rules?
○ Respect for the dignity of children and basic human rights as the basic posture of the national rules
The Child's Rights Convention stipulates that "the school discipline is taken in a way that conforms to the dignity of the child's human human dignity and all appropriate measures to ensure that it is operated in accordance with this treaty" (Article 28 2)., Western school rules have little restrictions on clothes and hair belonging to basic human rights.
However, the basic documents of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's student guidance, "Student Guidelines," have no words in the dignity and human rights of children regarding school rules and school discipline.The school rules are positioned as "compliance with social norms", and the basics of guidance on school discipline are "fostering normal consciousness".In this case, the school rules that significantly restrict human rights are like saying, "Let's comply with the norms.""Student guidance" is also changed, and the dignity of children and respect for basic human rights are the basic stance of the national rules.
○ We recommend reviewing by discussions between faculty and children, children, and parents
The school rules have the character of the child's human rights, and at the same time, part of educational activities.It is important for faculty members, children, and parents to discuss specific reviews at each school, based on the constitution and the constitution of the child's rights.
○ Japan Restoration Association
not listed
○ National Democratic Party
not listed
○ Social Democratic Party
not listed
○ Reiwa Shinsengumi
Respect the independence of children and realize schools without corporal punishment, corporal punishment and bullying.
○ NHK Party
not listed
The Japanese Communist Party's promise is well organized, and it is a content that can be learned just by looking at the promise.
In addition, although the rules of the Democratic Party are not listed in the National Democratic Party, the author ( + House of Representatives Legal Bureau), a member of the House of Representatives, Shirasato Yamao, who belonged to the National Democratic Party, had created a bill together.So I want to supplement it.
Reference: School Review Guidelines (Japan Youth Council)
School refusal, bullying measures, diversification of education, etc.
・ Creating an environment to ensure the peace of children who will lead the future
In order to comprehensively respond to various issues related to children, such as children's poverty, child abuse, disability, and serious bullying, eliminating the cuts of age and vertical divisions between ministries, and before pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns.Through infancy, school days, and puberty, the rights of children are guaranteed, and from the viewpoint of children, we aim to do not cut off according to each life stage, and do not create a disparity at the time of school, etc.Child -related measures so that support for children with difficulties, etc., enhances the safety and security of children, enhances and utilizes data and statistics from the relevant departments across the field to the site, so that support for children with difficulties is not lost.We will establish a "Children's Agency (tentative name)" as a new organization that will be responsible for.
・ In order to provide high -quality education according to the situation of each person, we plan to plan the 35 human schools in elementary schools and examine the response at junior high schools based on the effects of the effects.In addition, we will work to enhance the guidance system such as the development of the subject system in the upper grades of elementary school and to develop new learning guidelines that aim to develop the qualities and abilities necessary for children who are the creators of the future.
・ Eliminate serious bullying and cherish each person
The consciousness that "bullying is absolutely allowed" is shared throughout Japan, while it is also a sense of crisis that "bullying can occur in every school", and both the perpetrators and the victims.We will realize education that is not for bystanders.First of all, the victims of bullying should be protected.Repeated bullying measures are suspended to attend students, reporting to the police if the act falls under a crime, thoroughly taking moral education, etc., and the government is to take measures to take now and take measures against bullying.We will thoroughly provide guidance while collaborating and strongly support financially.
・ Promotion of comprehensive and organized bullying measures
A painful suicide proposal suspected that bullying is in the background will not stop.Inspect whether comprehensive bullying measures based on the "Bullying Prevention Measures Promotion Law" have been implemented nationwide, and thoroughly discusses whether the law is truly executable content, and the government, local governments and local governments.We will take measures to make the school organically cooperated and promote bullying measures.In addition, in addition to strengthening initiatives for problematic behavior on the Internet, in order to support local governments in order to prevent bullying and early solutions, we will establish national systems, such as dispatching experts in measures against bullying and suicide in an emergency.To do.
・ A bright future for young people due to prevention of school refusal and dropping out and child abuse.
Based on the philosophy of "Team School", teachers and specialized staff will share roles and strengthen the educational consultation function in which they work on student guidance. Specifically, in addition to the expansion of full -time teachers in charge of children and students, schools social workers, a welfare expert, are all junior high school districts (approximately 10,000 junior high school districts), and a school counselor who is a psychological expert. In addition to placing them in all public elementary and junior high schools (about 27,500 schools), we will expand their placement time, and in the future we aim to establish a system that allows you to always consult at all public elementary, middle and high schools (about 30,000 schools). In addition, we aim to arrange school loyers who provide legal advice on the issues surrounding children and schools. In addition, we will promote initiatives in which education and welfare are linked to various issues surrounding children, such as poverty and menstruation of children and young careers.
・ Strengthening support for school refusal children
In order to strengthen support for school refusal children, we will enhance functions and promote the installation by placing school counselors in the Education Support Center (adaptive guidance classroom), and forms a special education course that takes into account children who are out of school.School expansion of schools, support for children playing outside the school, promotion of installation of junior high schools, enhancement of educational activities, aggressive support for school applicants, and strengthening cooperation with the Educational Support Center and Special School of Traditional Schools.We will implement measures integrally.
○ Komeito Party
・ In the establishment of the “Child Family Agency” (tentative name) and the enactment of the “Child Basic Law” (tentative name), the child is positioned as the subject of the rights, aiming for a society where the child's happiness is the highest, and speaks of the child's voice.We will set up an organization "Child Commissioner" (tentative name), an institution that conducts and recommends a child policy from an independent standpoint.At the same time, we will promote the Ombudsman system that provides necessary remedies in response to complaints related to children and children in local governments.
・ We will promote online education so that children who cannot go to school can be learned if they wish to school refusal and illness medical treatment.In addition, in order to continue learning in emergency times such as infections and disasters, we will establish an online class using tablets and the like.
・ In order to provide detailed education for each child, 35 elementary school classes will be conducted by 2025.In junior high schools, we aim to be a 35th artistic class, and in the future, we aim to be a small -class class by 30 elementary and junior high schools.
・ In order to respond to bullying, abuse, poverty, suicide, etc., we will enhance the arrangement of school counselors, school social workers, school loyers, nursing teachers, etc., strengthen cooperation with related organizations such as welfare, medical care, and SNS consultation.We will promote the expansion of the system, how to put out SOS and how to listen to it.
・ In order to enhance the opportunities for children to school refusal to learn, we will promote support for free schools and build a cooperation system, strengthen the functions of the Educational Support Center, develop special schools, and secure places in the school.In addition, we will enhance the guidance of visiting education for children who have been refusing to school due to disabilities.
・ We aim to establish a night junior high school that plays an important role in ensuring the opportunity to learn such as those who have attended school and foreigners in all prefectures and government -designated cities within five years.
・ In order to eradicate slander and slander by the Internet, we will enhance “information moral education” at each school site, such as teaching the characteristics of SNS, free apps, games, and how to use safe Internet.
○ Constitutional Democratic Party
・ Established the “Child General Basic Law”
The basic philosophy of the rights of children, doubling the budget for children and child -rearing, incorporating specific policies for children, and considering the establishment of a new administrative organization to promote them comprehensively and comprehensively.We aim to establish the prescribed "Child General Basic Law".
・ In order for each child to receive detailed education, we will expand to 35 classes to junior high schools and gradually realize 30 classes in elementary and junior high schools and high schools in the future.
・ We will further promote the “comprehensive child poverty measures with school platforms” and accelerate the arrangement of school counselors and school social workers to elementary and junior high schools to promote cooperation between education and welfare.
・ In order to snuggle up to children's worries and suffering, such as bullying, school refusal, club activities, career, etc., we will actively promote smaller mathematics classes, place experts at school sites, and support free schools.
・ Ensure educational opportunities for those who wish to attend school regardless of school age, prepare a “diverse learning place” such as night junior high school, free school, free space, part -time system, communication system, and what kind of choice.We will create an environment where you can receive sufficient education.
・ We will strongly promote the fundamental and comprehensive, comprehensive bullying prevention measures and prevent children from committing suicide.We will enhance the teachers of teachers so that we can provide detailed guidance.We will strengthen the Act on Countermeasures Countermeasures, strengthen the school consultation system, establish the responsibility of the Board of Education, and enhance the cooperation of everyday schools, children's counseling offices, and police.
○ Japanese Communist Party
・ Stop imposing the learning guidelines, enable flexible education according to the actual situation of the children, learn important matters in class, and guarantee voluntary activities and play such as events.。
・ We will flexibly respond to various children, such as wanting to leave school under Corona and wanting to accept school even when closed.Online can be treated as a response in the event of a disaster.
・ Protects the rights of children as the most important matters of school and educational administration.Inappropriate response to bullying, corporal punishment, rant, so -called "leading death", and sex crimes for children are strictly responding to the opinions of stakeholders.The contents of the child's rights treaty will be informed to children, faculty and parents.
・ Advanced education ・ ・ ・ Urgent teaching staff will be used to accelerate the small mathematics class from next year.
Originally, Japanese teachers were too few, and long working hours were social issues.The burden is limited to disinfection, temperature inspection, online combined classes, and care for children derived from corona.However, the government is about to reduce the number of teachers next year by 777.
――In order to support the children under the corona, we will increase the number of faculty members of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.Private schools will also respond by increasing private school subsidies.
――After the next fiscal year, this urgent increase will be used, and based on the opinions of the stakeholders, we will accelerate the classification of small mathematics so that all of the elementary, middle and high schools will be around 20 people in the future.
○ Japan Restoration Association
・ We will promote the arrangement of full -time school counselors such as clinical psychologists and certified psychologists nationwide, and solve problems in schools such as bullying and school refusal.
・ We provide a variety of places to children and students who are not familiar with current schools and education, such as promoting units of free schools where school refusal children go.
○ National Democratic Party
・ Inclusive education that nurtures children's hearts
We create an environment where children such as disability, young school refusal, withdrawal, withdrawal, foreign roots, and sexual minorities can learn together.
○ Social Democratic Party
not listed
○ Reiwa Shinsengumi
・Respect the independence of children and realize schools without corporal punishment, corporal punishment and bullying.
・ We aim to create schools that promote inclusive education and have differences in disabilities, ethnicity, and gender recognition, which seems to be an advantage for children.
・ School teachers face each child and promote inclusive education significantly increases the number of teachers, finally aiming for less than 20 people, and short -term classification standards for elementary schools.The realization of a small mathematics class with 25 students and 30 junior high schools (average OECD).
・ As a cornerstone of a symbiotic society, regardless of any obstacle or medical care, it will be turned into inclusive education that you will learn together in local classes without being separated.
○ NHK Party
not listed
About the working environment of teachers
・ Guarantee of quality of education
In order to smoothly implement new learning guidelines and guarantee the quality of education, planned maintenance of 35 elementary school classes, promotion of the subject system in elementary school, and teachers (school support staff) and departmentBy further enhancing support staff such as activity instructors, we will strengthen and enhance the teaching and management system of the school.
(Omitted) Through the thorough work hours management, the clarification and optimization of the schools and teachers, etc., we will correct the long -term work of teachers and promote work style reforms in the school.
・ Promotion of education of education
We will promote the information of school affairs and lead to efficiency of work and work style reform at schools.
・ Improvement of teachers' treatment
In order to ensure excellent human resources and enhance the morale of teachers who are working hard, we will improve the treatment that has returned to the beginning of the "Human Resources Enseling Law", and consider improvements to provide treatment according to the teacher's work.increase.
○ Komeito Party
・ In order to realize school work style reform, we will promote team schools using external human resources, such as school support staff, club activity instructors, and ICT support staff.In order to reduce the working hours of teachers, we will promote the transition to regional activities of club activities, and the public account of the school delivery.
・ In order to enhance the quality of education, we will promote examinations for the abolition of teachers training, recruitment, training, etc. and the abolition of the license renewal system.At school, we will promote a transition to a license system for the use of various experienced human resources, such as programming, language, case workers, and athletes.
・ In consideration of the work -related survey of teachers scheduled to be implemented in 2022, the specialty of educational staff such as public compulsory education schools will be provided instead of paying overtime allowances.We will examine how to work, including the Measures Law (Special Law).
○ Constitutional Democratic Party
・ Review, including the abolition of the Special Measures Law (Special Supply Law) regarding salaries of educational staff, such as schools in public compulsory schools, promotes increasing staff and staff jobs, set the upper limit on their class hours.We will correct overtime and long hours of faculty and staff.
・ We will abolish the teacher's license renewal system and reduce the burden of teachers related to renewal to secure time for teachers to face children and respond to the shortage of teachers.
・ Regarding club activities, we will gradually move to local clubs.
○ Japanese Communist Party
・ Learn the educational budget to the OECD level, reduce the burden of education, reduce the number of small mathematics classes, increase private school subsidies, excessive overcrowding of special support schools, reduce the scale of special support classes, and eliminate the busyness of faculty members.Increase, abolish the zero overtime fee, stop the pressing of school consolidation, and support children in school refusal.We do not make the ICT self -purpose, focus on the development and health of children, and respect each teacher's judgment.We recommend communication expenses and public expenses for high school tablets.We will take the development of social education conditions such as expansion of library, and guarantee democratic operation.
・ By 20 % of the teachers, the most common cause of “faculty members per day, four -piece class per day” -The biggest cause of super -busyness is that there are too few faculty members than the school's work.Return to the origin of the country set up by the country to end the work at the prescribed working hours, and increase the necessary teachers by returning to the starting point of "four -day classes a day."Specifically, we plan to increase the number of teachers at elementary and junior high schools by 90,000 teachers.At the same time, we will promote the small mathematics class.High schools and special support schools make similar plans.The number of nurses, clerks, and business employees will also increase.Counselors and school social workers are not part -time workers who can only come to school as they are now, but are full -time employees who can be stationed in school.
・ Reform of the legal system for overtime pay -The collapse of the legal system for zero overtime pay has been pointed out by justice.It is clear that the lack of overtime pay is one of the factors that endless working hours.The overtime pay of the Special Salary Measures Law for Public Service will be abolished.
・ Normalization and treatment of non -regular teachers — ① Raise too low salary.② Prohibit discrimination due to sick leave, positive leave, and participation in staff meetings.(3) Review the "constant collapse" system, which has a rapid increase in temporary teachers, and full -time teachers are basically regular employment and promote normalization.④ The abolition of the constant improvement plan, so prefectures and government -designated cities have no prospect of regular recruitment.Formulate a plan and make it easier for regular recruitment.
○ Japan Restoration Association
・ Through the division of school affairs, reviewing club activities, and promoting the information of school affairs, we will reduce the burden on teachers, and establish a system that can concentrate on education.
・ Through radical improvement of the teacher's license system, including the review of teachers training courses, recruitment examinations, and part -time side business rules, etc., we will promote an environment where diverse human resources who have passed social experience can be active as teachers.
○ National Democratic Party
not listed
○ Social Democratic Party
not listed
○ Reiwa Shinsengumi
・ In order for school teachers to face each child and promote inclusive education, the number of teachers will be significantly increased, aiming for a further small number of classes.In addition, performanceism and assessment pay are prohibited.In order to eliminate the busy and long working hours of teachers, and increase the number of regular teachers, school social workers, school supporters, club activities instructors, etc. to enable teachers to concentrate on their business.We will establish a system that allows teachers to relax long working hours and realize small mathematics classes.
・ Increase in necessary teachers will be secured by increasing the number of hires and returning to retire teachers.In addition, the government will procure financial resources by issuing government bonds.
○ NHK Party
not listed
Others (gender equality, entrance examinations, etc.)
・ Education / Women's success / human resource development in the field of science and technology
We aim to make the proportion of women account for the principal of primary secondary education institutions, etc. to 25%in 2025.Therefore, in addition to promoting "visualization" based on the Women's Activity Promotion Act, a forum is held in which the managed personnel representatives, etc. will participate in the Board of Education, to understand the issues and use the local situation (mentor system (mentor system) (mentor system).(This is, etc.).
Unchecked handling due to gender is never tolerated in selecting enrollment in universities and high schools.We will make sure that such handling is not performed.
・ A person who intends to collect and utilize the information held by government agencies so that they do not act on children in education, childcare facilities, etc., and try to take that job regardless of charge or free of charge.We will examine the construction of a mechanism that can protect children, and promote the environment to protect the child from obscene acts.
・ Promote integrated reforms of high school education, university enrollment, and university education, not only knowledge and skills, but also work with various people with thinking, judgment, expression, and independence, leadership, leadership.We develop humans with planning, creativity, rich sensitivity, kindness, and compassion.
・ Introduction of International Baccalaureate / Development of operating environment
・ Thorough establishment of political neutrality of education
○ Komeito Party
・ In order to eradicate obscene acts on children by teachers, the Komeito Party led and realized the Database registration and damage of discarded teachers based on the "Law on preventing child student violence, etc. by educational staff, etc."We will proceed with the necessary initiatives, such as consultation of children who have encountered children and improving the care system.
・ In order to make it easier for junior and senior high school students to select science, the increase in female teachers in science subjects, including the subject of elementary school, and the introduction of female students who are active in each field and the introduction of female students who are challenging the international science Olympics, etc.We will promote efforts to increase the number of roll models of junior and senior high school girls who want to be science.At the same time, we will promote high school general reforms, increased science ratio in the universities, and enlightenment with parents and teachers.
○ Constitutional Democratic Party
・ About response to obscene teachers, etc.
The Japanese version of the DBS system (DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) and the Prior of the Prior to Head of Employment) are submitted by the Japanese DBS system (faculty and nursery teachers, nursery teachers, baby sitters, etc.)Consider the construction of the obliged UK system) so that you can judge the inexpected person.
・ We will develop an environment so that pregnant students and students can continue their academic work without leaving school.A national survey on dropping out of pregnancy will be conducted, and we will continue our studies and build a system in which social work and childcare will be accompanied by a look at school so that learning from pregnancy will not be cut off.
・ We will proceed with university enrollment common test reform."Writing test", which is inevitable to vary in scoring for each Poter, "Utilization of English Civil exams", which has a disparity in the ease of examinations and costs depending on where you live, and high school students record extracurricular activities.The use of database entrance examinations will be discontinued because of lack of fairness and fairness required for common tests.
○ Japanese Communist Party
・ We introduce scientific “comprehensive“ comprehensive education ”in public education that are based on the age and development of children.
・ Teacher license renewal system, nationwide simultaneous academic power test (all all
・ We will completely cut off the introduction of English private examinations and the “description formula” problem, which is less rational and less rational for university entrance examinations.
・ Democratic management of schools Renewal Educational administration of downscaping
Educational administration and school management, which are intensely reduced, stiffen the response under the corona, causes confusion, and damages the feelings of faculty and staff, parents, and children.We emphasize the formation of consensus at the staff meeting and encourage the democratic operation of a school that values children's opinions and communicating with parents.
○ Japan Restoration Association
・ For English examinations in university entrance examination reform, we will promote private examinations in consideration of economic disparity, regional disparity, person with disabilities, etc.
・ By reviewing the essential rules of the Board of Education, and by the local government's selection system for educational administration systems, the pyramid -type educational administration, which is the peak of the Ministry of Education, will be shifted from a decentralized educational administration.
・ We will establish a system that enables various ways of education with the meaning of local development, such as the establishment of a public private school.In addition, we will review the school installation standards and promote diversification of schools.
・ In high school and universities, you will be enrolled in “flying class” and enrollment, sufficient retraction and re -learning as necessary, and at the same time, review the age requirements for various qualifications, and to acquire education from ageism., We will reform the age -based structure under the underlying Japanese society.
○ National Democratic Party
・ A system to watch the children of the Corona generation for a long time
○ Social Democratic Party
not listed
○ Reiwa Shinsengumi
・ Regarding child abuse issues, we will take measures by considering “the guarantee of the best profit for children” (Article 3 of the Child's Rights Treaty).We will actively work not only to protect children from abuse, but also to protect them.
○ NHK Party
not listed
○ Komeito Party
○ Constitutional Democratic Party
○ Japanese Communist Party
○ Japan Restoration Association
○ National Democratic Party
○ Social Democratic Party
○ Reiwa Shinsengumi
○ NHK Party