News smartphones and tablets, if you are 2 years old or older, you may be positive to children

Screen time (viewing the screen of electronic devices), which tends to increase both parents and children due to corona.Is there no problem with educational content?What kind of use helps brain development?What you know in your research

Leungchopan-shutterstock, which shows the possibility that a screens that are too long for young children may adversely affect development

ニュース スマホやタブレット、2歳以上なら子供にプラスになる場合も

[Bray Anne MacArthur (Dr. Researcher, Research Institute, Curgarian Child Development Factory), Sherry Madigan (Chief Researcher, Associate Professor)] Under the pandemic of the new Coronavirus, the customs so far have changed or collapsed. It's no wonder. [Video] 526 teeth from the mouth of a 7 -year -old boy! Nursery schools and schools are closed, parents are forced to do remote work at home, striking social distances every day, and children can not play with friends. Therefore, it is nodded that both children and adults have more time to watch screens such as TV, devices, tablets, and video games. Furthermore, children aged 2 to 5 years old exceed the recommended time, for infants up to 1 hour a day (excluding video chat with close people) for infants up to one and a half years old. I can't help it. A child psychologist and the writers who study about screen time often ask parents who are worried about how to manage their children's screen time in this unprecedented situation. Furthermore, they ask: "How many hours are out?" "Is it possible to use electronic devices?" So, based on your research results, advise how to use the best electronic devices for young children.

Choose a high -quality education program

If you are 2 years old or older, you may be able to make a screen time positive.My research shows that programs developed for educational purposes, such as Sesame Street, could be very useful in the development of children's language skills.High -quality programs are adjusted to meet the needs of infants, with a clear story development and the developmental stage of infants.Often, by calling the name of the thing or speaking directly to the viewers, it helps to learn new words and sounds.Studies have suggested that even if the content for educational content is 2 years old, there is almost no learning from a screen.Therefore, children under the age of 2 should limit their use only to video chat with family and friends, or only for a short period of time, 10 to 15 minutes.
