F1 driver harsh world
At a speed of 190 miles per hour (about 306 km), imagine your own figure that endures 5g of gravity in a 850kg weight machine while overtaking other drivers at the corner.I'm doing that over and over again in 90 minutes free run.
When you finish it, you will lose about 5 % of the weight of about 5 % of the weight of the engine, which is said to reach an exhaust temperature of 1000 ° C, with the heat of 50 ° C.Moreover, it is not once a year, and you have to experience 23 times in nine months.The F1 race can be said to be the harshest sport on the earth, both physically and mentally.
F1 driver Daniel Ricardo Muscular Muscles 6 types of training
What kind of training do you do for such a unique and harsh environment?In order to create a body that can withstand the race, Daniel Ricardo, a 32 -year -old driver belonging to McLaren, is strength training, body weight training, and functional move (dynamic exercise performed with the connection of the whole body muscles).We do strategic training before the season begins.
[1] A push -up that can train the entire pectoralis major
The first training that Ricardo showed off was a very common -push -up (push -up)."It's very basic and very easy," he says.
"I don't even say my whole body exercise, but I can stimulate using my chest, arm, back, and core muscles."Listening to this explanation seems to be a very simple movement.But be careful as there are some points that are easy to make mistakes.
According to Ricardo, "The important thing in push -based muscle training is breath. The point is to push out with push -ups and exhale at the same time. My exclusive trainer, Michael, always says," The attitude of push -ups is elbow.Always keep your (elbow) inside. "I tend to spread my elbows."
[2] Plank to train trunk and abdominal muscles |
Next is "Planck (hip dip)".From the state where only both elbows and toes are attached to the floor, the waist is defeated alternately sideways from both elbows and toes.
"Core (trunk) and stability are required for the important part of motor sports," Ricardo says."I usually incorporate this into a more HIIT (high -strength interval training) training," he said.I'm doing it.
"When turning the corner at high speed, gravity of about 4 to 5 g is applied to the body.According to Ricardo, training the oblique muscles can acquire the endurance necessary for the race.
[3] Side plane that uses the hips of the buttocks
Even if Ricardo's trunk training continues, it will not be surprising.
We do several sets of "Side Planck" on the left and right, but Ricardo performed an unusual technique to check if his form was fixed here.
"I'm doing this kind of strange thing while training, so the trainer may think that my head is strange, but if I still feel a few sets and feel good, put a punch in my abs.Look at it, check if it is fixed. "
Related Story効果的な6種の「体幹トレーニング」[4] Effective squats and stretching for the floating muscles
If you've seen a photo of Ricardo doing a flexible exercise before the race, the next movement will be familiar.
It is a dynamic "squat stretch" that deeply drops your hips."I'm pretty stiff, especially around the adductor," says Ricardo."Because squats are effective, I decided to make dynamic stretching into a morning daily routine -Michael.
[5] Effective usage of the semicircular balance ball "BOSU"
When the leg muscles are loose, then move on to the driver's unique movement.
Sit down on a balance ball, move the weight plate left and right with both hands with both hands with the heel on a semicircular balance ball (BOSU: boss ball).
"When sitting in the racing car cockpit, the back is far from the stretched state. It is not like a passenger car, but rather sleeping on your back and raising your feet. This is a boss ball.I'm trying to reproduce that state by using it. "
When the position is determined, fix the core and slowly rotate the weight plate to the left and right "like a car handle".
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The last movement is "pull -up".
"This is very effective for the wide spine. I think it's probably effective for a wider range of muscles, but I like to train grip strength."I gripped it with the opposite hand (under hand grip).
"Because the suspension can be easily sloppy, it is important to stretch the body to the end every time so that all movements can be ensured. The core also works well."Ricardo also added this."If your body begins to shake back, back, back, left and right, it's evidence that the core has not been fixed, so be careful."
Related Storiesダニエル・リカルド|来日インタビューF1ドライバー、ダニエル・リカルドが実践する筋肉美を生む筋トレ自宅で「体軸を強化する」トレーニング3選Source / Men's Health Uktranslation / Satoru Imada * This translation is an abstract translation.