Lewis Hamilton Exclusive interview, Talk about the secrets of training and meals

The world championship this season is Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes), who was "lost" (after a close battle), but the training is still on full throttle.

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Yes, in 2021, Hamilton missed the 8th F1 World Champion.However, while he lost the battle in the most dramatic situation, he proved his true personality.Yes, it can be said that "he is a true and eternal champion."

Lewis Hamilton looks back on the final round Abu Dhabi GP as a result of the 2021 season F1

For those who do not know, when the remaining number of laps became 5 laps in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) where the F1 Grand Prix was held, Hamilton, a Mercedes F1 driver, has a dominance.I was carrying it.

For his main rival, Red Bull's Max Ferstappen, it was a situation that needed a miracle to overtake him.However, the chance was not easy.However, the help of the lace director "Steward" has come.

In the remaining few laps, crashes occur and safety cars are dispatched.At that time, Felstappen became the champion of the race, and Hamilton was the champion of the race, so that "Steward" acknowledged the overtaking machine overlapping and realizing a sprint race for only one lap of the last lap, Hamilton was the most championship in the next season.I decided to aim again

In response to this judgment, it was a situation that was allowed to raise anger.Hamilton showed his self -control and tolerance as a true champion.After being interviewed, he showed his concern for the opponent's team, saying, "Congratulations to Max and his team," and said, "My team and everyone who made it at the factory was involved.I think everyone did a great job this season. I worked hard throughout the year. "

Furthermore, "It was the most difficult season. I am very proud of this team and I am grateful for being able to challenge together. We will put everything out and never give up.This is the most important thing. The feeling of the machine was the best for the last two months, especially in the end, but to be honest, we are still in the corona. Everyone can spend safely.I hope I can spend a good Christmas with my family. Next year 2022, then then ... "

Lewis Hamilton exclusive interview

Men's Health US

I don't know what will happen next season at this stage.But we know how Hamilton is preparing.In the "Men's Hell" US version, I was able to interview him.

Hamilton, which has achieved seven -degree F1 world champion, has changed to an important change in dietary habits, that is, a diet -derived diet, leading to a "fitness level remarkable improvement", which is more "further improvement in fitness level".He revealed his physical approach to his F1, including being in a manual and good condition.


What are the F1 drivers switched to a vegetation -derived diet?


Lewis Hamilton: I like weightlifting, but I have to be careful not to overdo it.F1 drivers have to be careful about their weight.If you increase your muscles, you will gain weight.

In addition, it is necessary to lower the center of gravity of the machine, which can be disadvantageous if too muscles on the shoulders and arms.The important thing as an F1 driver is to enhance cardiopulmonary function.During the two -hour race, the average heart rate is 160-170 bpm.In qualifying, it may go up to 190bpm.So I run a lot."Sprint (full sprinting)" is incorporated into all training.


Lewis Hamilton: When I was young, I had a lot of energy, so I thought I could do anything.There was no strategy and I didn't stretch.

I just got on the machine and ran to win.However, for a few years, I have tried various events such as boxing and Muay Thai.Recently, I often do Pilates, and I am conscious of training the trunk, that is, muscles under the muscles.

Mobility is higher than when I was 25 and I was in good physical condition


Lewis Hamilton: I switched to a plant -derived meal three years ago.The only regret is that I should have just started it for a while.

Farafel, avocado, beets, fresh fruits and dried fruits, etc., have never thought of eating before, but now I love my taste.After switching my diet, I noticed significant improvements in physical strength, and my motivation has increased.

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Lewis Hamilton: I was able to keep the top level before changing the approach to food.However, the number of difficulties in maintaining it was more difficult than before, and the energy was not stable.There were days when I felt energy strongly, and some days were exhausted.

However, after eating a plant -derived diet, the ups and downs of such mood have been considerably reduced.I also noticed that sleep and health in general had a positive effect.The effect continues, and honestly it is the best in the past.

(On January 7, 2021), I'm 36 years old, so my physical strength should have been lower than before.However, she is more mobility than when she was 25 and better.


Lewis Hamilton: At that time, it's the basis of my routine to be completely away from F1.It is very important to relax after the race, and by doing so, you can take the next race with clear thoughts.

In such a case, I love spending time with friends and family.If you are with them, you will be relaxed and your energy will recover.But I can't live without adrenaline.I like skiing, skydiving, surfing, and training that increase my heart rate even in private hours.

"I was from the worker class and was the first F1 champion as a black man. I am proud to have opened the road."


Lewis Hamilton: I was from a worker class and was the first F1 champion as a black man.I am proud to have opened the road for the future.

One of my favorite words is "You Can't Behat You Don't See.You can't be invisible. "Even if it's a child, if you see me on the podium, everyone should be able to stimulate it to chase your dreams.When I realized that it was such a role, I would be satisfied with my work.Regarding diversity (diversity), F1 is still a problem.So I not only stimulate other people, but also help people in various communities to provide more opportunities, support the progress of this sport, and fulfill my role.I want to go.

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Source / Men's Health USTranslation / Kazuhiro Uchida * This translation is an abstract translation.