Is it possible to delay "aging" by the latest research?U.S. doctors explain why

If you ask an elderly acquaintance, "What is the secret of longevity?", You'll get an interesting answer.Eat chocolate ice cream every day or drink whiskey with a shot.Or do your favorite job or have a lot of friends.

And scientists have also asked people over 100 years old around the world about their longevity keys.

But, as is often said, negative thinking cannot grow older.The body is painful and vulnerable, and mental declines.So researchers have not only understand how they can live longer, but also to understand how they can maintain a more healthy condition, and have been closely at the cell level.

They assume that even if humans are over 90 years old, they will be able to live without declining in aging, such as chronic diseases, lower vision, and dementia.

While it may still take some time to realize a young 100 -year -old world like magic, this remarkable research field delays the "clock needle", 60s, 70s, 80s.In order to live in the best state, it provides certain information that can be used right now.

"We know the gene that controls the aging process," says Harvard University Graduate School of Medicine Paul F..Dr. David A. Synchria, a co -director of GLEN CENTER FOR BIOLOGY OF AGING RESEARCH, "LifeSpan: Why WE AGE AND WHY WE DON'T HAVE TO".

"I know that humans can intervene in the aging process and delay the progress."

"It can affect the aging progress process based on daily health habits," he said, "TRUE AGE: How Cutting-Edge Research Can Help You Turn", which will be published soon.Dr. Morgan Levine, author of Back the Clock.

Aging causes cells to change the cells over time, and the body repair mechanism loses the ability to restore it.However, this process can be delayed by the biological methods that have been proven, and can help you live in a good mood.

Strengthen armor that protects cells

Terromer is a protective cap at the end of each end of the DNA spiral structure (a small plastic chip attached to the shoe strip tip), affecting cells, that is, how quickly the person ages.If the terroromere is too short, cells stop working.

Mauricio Alejo

In such a "zombie" state, they release the molecules that promote inflammation and peptides that accelerate aging.This does not cause a specific illness, but it may be faster due to gene and environmental risks such as heart disease, dementia, and cancer.Nevertheless, research has shown that if cells can prevent zombies, many aspects of aging can be reversed.

One of the best ways to grow cell armor is to move your body.Exercise stimulates enzyme telomerase production and helps build terromere, and "Age Later: Health: Health: Health SPAN, Life Span, and Ande SpanThe author of Neil Burge Rai says.

According to a study conducted by Brigam Young University for more than 5,800 men and women, those who jogged for 5 days, 25 to 40 minutes a week, 9 years old, 9 years younger than their actual age.It turned out to have developed.

In another small study, women's telomeres, who are classified as obesity, have grown after eight weeks of strength training and aerobic exercise.In some research reviews for athletes over 35 years old (average 16 years), it has shown that telomeres are longer than those who are not athletes at the same age.

Training the strength of the mind through meditation also helps protect terromere.Researchers have argued that they may alleviate the inflammation caused by damage.A 2013 Harvard University research shows that those who practice charity meditation, such as focusing on kindness to others, had a significant terromere than those who did not meditate.

Researchers at the University of California Davis have shown that those who meditated for three months had better terromere activities than those in the control group.

Strengthen survival mechanisms in the body

Experts studying longevity have been found in recent decades that they will live longer than mice, which are eaten by low -calorie diets.In the case of humans, Sync Rare says that the same benefits can be achieved by intermittent fasting (IF), which is a diet that limits meal time on a specific day of the day or week.

IF may extend the life by using the process that used to survive in the case of food shortages.Synchrare says that hungry will increase the value of a chemical substance called Nicotine Amide Adenin Jynucleotide (NAD) and activate the longevity gene called sustain.Sirchuin protects the disease, strengthens DNA restoration, and relieves inflammation in the shadow of rheumatism, atherosclerosis, asthma and other chronic symptoms.

But IF is not a way to anyone.Be sure to consult your doctor before doing, as you need a strict self -control and you may hide eating disorders."People who are being treated with insulin and blood sugar hypothesis should never do it," says Dr. Burge.

But many people say they can adapt.IF has various variations, but it doesn't matter which way.Some have a very strict diet a month for five days, while others eat about 500 calories on the day of fasting (5: 2 methods).

Alternatively, there is a method of restricting the meals of the day from 6 to 12 hours (for example, from noon to 6:00 pm, or from 9:00 am to 9 pm), and is called the Time Limited Diet (TRE).It is.Synchrair says that the shorter the time frame that can be eaten, the better the optimization of aging care mechanisms, revitalizing the natural defense of deterioration and chronic diseases.

最新研究により「老化」を遅らせることができると判明? 米医師たちがその理由を解説

Turn on the longevity switch of DNA

Unlike the actual age (that is, how many birthdays you have), the biological age indicates how well your body is doing in the devastation of your body, and how it is compared to people of the same age as yourself.thing.Even at the age of 40, biological age may be between 30 and 50, depending on genes, customs, and environments.But no matter how old the biological age is, Dr. Levine can improve it.

Some pilot exams suggest that diet and other habits can lead biological age in the right direction.According to recent research in Europe, those who have practiced the Mediterranean diet for one year, which consumes a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, low -fat proteins, nuts, beans, and olive oils for one year..I found that I was 5 years old.

In another study, 18 healthy men practiced a lifestyle designed to optimize DNA methylation, a chemical reaction that affects the activation of gene.As a result, men have been reported in the academic journal Journal that the biological age has fallen three years or older than the contrast group.

Men were eating foods (beets, pumpkin seeds, berry, eggs, lever, garlic, etc.), along with green leafy vegetables and Abrana vegetables, as well as vegetables from the Abrana family.

They also exercised, consumed probiotics, practiced respiratory exercises, and slept at least 7 hours every night.It was rewarded that the lifestyle was fine -tuned."This is one of the first research that indicated that biological age is reversed," he said, and is also the author of the natural therapist and the author of this research, and the author of "Younger YOU", which will be published in the future.Cala Fitzgeralard says.

There are other ways to improve biological age.That is to reduce the amount of animal protein eating.Men need 56 g of proteins per day and 46g for women, while the average Americans take about twice as much.

Longevity studies have shown that too much protein can activate enzymes called MTOR.Therefore, let's limit the meat to 3 to 4 ounce (about one trump size) and eat a lot of vegetable proteins such as beans and soybeans.

Levi Brown

Stimulate the body system to reset itself

Have you ever wondered about those who soak in cold water and swim in the cold?Exposing the body at an extreme temperature in a short time more than thrilling, giving the cells stress, adapting to the change, and returning body temperature.

Like intermittent fasting, this type of stress activates a longevity genes called sustain.Leaving the windows on a winter night or exercising in the cold can have similar benefits.Just a short walk in a cold temperature with a T -shirt without wearing a coat can give a "good" stress on the body system (but it is warm again before trembling in a short time of 3 to 4 minutes.Dr. Synchria).

Also, it is not only important to be cold.Research suggests that heat is a preferred form and mild stress is given to the body.Finnish middle -aged men who entered the sauna 4-5 times a week for 20 years, have a mortality twice as much as the cause, regardless of the cause, and the fatal heart.In general, seizures and heart disease have decreased.

If you want to double the stress that leads to extending your life, try the method that Dr. Sync Lair is doing."After entering a hot sauna as much as I can, I soak in cold water for 4 minutes like ice," he said.

High -strength interval training (HIIT) can also stress cells in the body.It is an exercise method that takes a break after a short time exercise.

"When you are doing a high -strength interval, you temporarily lose homeostasis (homeostasis). Homeostasis is a balance determined by body temperature, heart rate, and other factors."After that, the body works to regain the balance.

"As time goes on, the cycle of these stress and reactions makes you stronger and faster," she said.However, especially those who are not very active should not try to do it intensely.For example, if you are walking, you should walk for about 10 to 30 seconds and walk for a long time at a normal pace.

This way is not unrealistic.It's something you can do today to exercise, eat vegetables, and enter the sauna.And if this is the usual habit, you may be able to talk to the generation of the grandchild.

Next hand: medicine to keep youth?

Scientists are developing an interesting new way to slow down the decline of age."Some approaches are unrelated to humans," says Dr. Stephen N. Austad, a senior science director of the charitable organization American Federation of Aging Research.

"However, there are sufficient clues to the effect, and if you find which it is, you will have a medical revolution as if you found antibiotics."

Here are some of the most effective therapies under development.

"Many studies have shown that blood from a young mouse to an old mouse will rejuvenate the brain, heart, and muscles," said Austad.It may sound like a story of a horror movie, but it seems different from what I imagined.

Scientists are working to determine which ingredients in the blood are important, and eventually they may be able to get them in the form of tablets.There is no need to transfse the blood of the family to get the benefits of aging care.

The most recent buzz in longevity research is that the accumulated aging damage is removed from cells and focusing on trying to return to a young state.

Scientists are basically using the "backup" copy of the epigenom of cells, which are software, to succeed in shocking.In 2020, Sync Lab has reversed the age of the optic nerve, restoring the eyesight of the older mouse.

Austad predicts that at least 12 new drug clinical trials are being conducted, and some of them will be on the market within 10 years.

Some have already been approved for other purposes, but are also expected to extend their lifespan and promote health.

In a large -scale study that provides funds and conducted a person with type 2 diabetes and the British who is not, those who have taken metaphormine (diabetes) are average than healthy people who have not taken.I found that I lived 15 % longer.

Also, in the pilot test of the Meiyo Clinic, aging cells that cause harmful inflammation when a patient with kidney disease combines existing drugs and the combination of kelsetin drugs contained in fruits and vegetables.I know it has decreased.

* This article is a translation version of those published on overseas sites.All data and research results are based on the original article.

Translation: Mitsuko Kanno from Prevention