"The junior is promoted first ..." Save the person in the jealousy and disappointing swamp "Zen teaching" In fact you have not lost anything

I can't sleep at night because I get stuck in jealousy and impatient swamps.I understand that feeling well.

But think calmly.At first glance, it looks like you lost something due to the fact that your junior was promoted first, but you haven't lost anything.Maybe there's something to gain, or you may learn.

撮影=Hiroshi Homma両足院副住職の伊藤東凌さん。全ての画像を見る(5枚)

However, the jealousy and impatient swamps are too deep, and when they get stuck there, it is hard to imagine.


In such a case, it is important to be conscious of seeing things from a long -term perspective.For example, now, a junior has been promoted first, but it is time to remain on the spot and see the balance of the organization, or if you go ahead, you will develop the power to become a leader in the future.Let's expand your horizons to the future.Then the jealousy and impatience will be lighter, and it will be the first step out of the swamp.

As a way, I recommend "seeing plants."Looking at the leaves and branches of the plant, there is a small difference between the leaves larger than the leaves, and the branches are extended than that branch.This is a short -term perspective.

撮影=Hiroshi Homma

However, the more you go down and head toward the roots, the more you look at the whole tree where it is rooted in the ground.This is the long -term perspective.

The comparison of each leaf from a short -term perspective was that if you had a habit of seeing the entire tree from the long -term perspective, even in your usual life, it was not the whole company, or the whole company.You will be able to capture things from such a big perspective.

I want you to look at the way of plants as a partner.