I think many people are eager to run to lose body fat!
Aerobic exercise has the effect of increasing metabolism and can burn body fat.However, be careful if you do aerobic exercise such as running, as your muscles will fall.
Also, if you do not improve your diet, the diet effect will be reduced, so you need to diet in the correct way.
This article explains the following points for those who want to lose weight by running.
I work as a professional trainer in a gym and teach many training diets.We will explain the details well, so please refer to it.
table of contents
Does your body fat fall in running?
Aerobic exercise such as running has the effect of burning body fat by increasing body metabolism.This is an effective way to lose weight and diet.
However, there are one major disadvantage, and the muscles fall together when the body fat falls.
Especially in running, the muscles of the lower body are easy to drop.In the short term, body fat can be removed, but from a long -term perspective, metabolism decreases and it is easy to connect to rebound.
If it is a diet purpose, I want to lose weight while gaining muscles.
Introducing how to drop body fat more efficiently than running.
I will explain each.
The most important thing to lose weight is to be under calorie.Under calories are roughly less calories than daily calories.
By changing body fat and muscles into energy and consuming calories that are not enough in meals, you lose weight.It's a basic idea of diet.
If you lose weight due to high body fat percentage, start by improving your diet.Calculate your basal metabolism and adjust the amount of meal so that the calorie intake is lower.
When performing aerobic exercise such as running, the effect is difficult unless this under calorie state is not.Until now, those who had been running hard but did not work may have needed to improve their meals.
Under calories are introduced in another article, so please refer to those who are worried.
RETIO BODY DESIGN 8 Pockets【必読】アンダーカロリーがダイエットの鍵?正しい食事方法と痩せるコツを解説https://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/under_calorie 「確実に痩せるダイエットを知りたい…!」「痩せるのに効果があるらしいアンダーカロリーって何?」 ダイエットについてある程度調べると出てくる「アンダーカロリー」というワード。でも、具体的に何をすればいいのかよく分からない人も多いのではないでしょうか。 実は、アンダーカロリーというのは痩せるために必須の考え方!ダイエットをしたいなら知っておいて損はないでしょう。そこで、この記事ではアンダーカロリーに関する疑問を解決していきます! アンダーカロリーとはなにか?アンダーカロリーなの...【必読】アンダーカロリーがダイエットの鍵?正しい食事方法と痩せるコツを解説<
When you lose weight, your muscles will fall along with your body fat, so you will do muscle training and keep your muscles.Muscles have the effect of increasing basal metabolism, so if they fall, they will become less lean.
However, to increase muscle, some calories are required.It is difficult to increase muscle mass while reducing body fat, so keep muscle training at a minimum.
Adjust the amount of meal and keep your calorie intake to about 90-95%of calories consumed.If you do muscle training on top of that, you can diet without much less muscle mass.
In order to prevent rebound, I want to increase muscle mass.
If you want to lose body fat, first improve your diet
If you want to lose body fat, improve your diet.First, calculate your daily calorie consumption.Adjust the amount of meal to eat what you eat below calorie consumption.
Also, choose the one with a PFC balance.PFC balance is the following three nutrients.
Meals are very important in building your body.In particular, lipids tend to turn into body fat, so be careful not to eat too much fried food.
In order to increase muscle mass, I would like to choose a meal menu for high protein, low fat, and medium carbohydrates.
If you don't know the menu, avoid fried foods and make a menu mainly with the following foods.Please try a meal centered on the following:
When choosing the main dish, choose one that is rich in protein, such as breast and fish.Beans with low lipids and rich in carbohydrates are also effective for muscle increase.
Also, during work, you have to eat out, or you are hungry and you want to eat something.Please refer to other articles about the food out menus and snacks that you can eat during muscle training and dieting.
RETIO BODY DESIGN 6 Pockets【ジムトレーナーが教えます!】筋トレ中の外食はOK?注意すべきポイントとおすす...https://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/gaisyoku_kintore 体を変えるために食事は大切です!しかし、毎日の自炊は大変。たまには外食もしたいですよね? 「筋トレ中でも外食していいの…?」「トレーニングしているときにおすすめのメニューってなんだろう…?」 このような疑問を本記事では解決していきます!意識したい栄養素 筋トレ中の外食で注意すべきポイント 具体的におすすめなメニュー 上記のように筋トレ中の外食について知りたい方に向けた情報をぎゅっとまとめました。 また筆者はプロのトレーナーです。いままで複数の方へボディメイクに関す...[Jim trainer teaches!] Is it OK to eat out during muscle training?Introducing points to be aware of and recommended menus!
RETIO BODY DESIGN 10 Pockets筋トレ中でも食べられるおすすめおやつ10選【コンビニで買える】https://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/oyatsu_kintore 「どうしても小腹が空くのでおやつを食べてもいい?」「筋トレ中に食べてもいいおやつはあるの?」 と考えたことがある人も多いでしょうか。 余計なものを食べてもいけないとは分かっていても、どうしてもお腹が空いてしまうことがありますよね。おやつを食べていいとしても、どんなものを食べて良いか、よく分からないですよね。 そんな悩みを持つ方に向けて、この記事では、筋トレ中のおやつに関する疑問を解決していきます!おやつを選ぶときの注意点 具体的な栄養素やその効果 筋トレ中でも食べら... 筋トレ中でも食べられるおすすめおやつ10選【コンビニで買える】Be aware of training to drop body fat [Strengthening strength before running]
Here are some of the awareness of training when dropping body fat.
Consider aerobic exercise such as running after muscles.
Again, aerobic exercise has the effect of increasing metabolism and removing fat, but also removes muscles.
First of all, we improve diet and muscle training to secure muscle mass.After that, if you take in aerobic exercise, your muscle mass will be less likely to decrease.
Be careful not to overdo it.Let's keep it about twice a week at most.
Rather than train only your abs, you should train your whole body to burn fat efficiently.
In order to reduce body fat enough to see the abs, it is necessary to reduce the body fat percentage to about 15 %, which requires considerable weight loss.
Let's train well with dietary restrictions.
Continuous training is essential to increase muscle mass.I want to do muscle training at least two or three times a week to increase my muscle mass.
However, do not do muscle training and aerobic exercise on the same day.
Despite the muscle training, aerobic exercise reduces muscle and reduces training efficiency.It is effective to do aerobic exercise on a day when you have muscle pain and you can not do muscle training firmly.
Consider weight training in the gym to increase the efficiency of one training.Since weight training is easy to adjust the weight, muscle training is possible with a load that can be effective 10 times, which is effective for muscle hypertrophy.
In addition, there are many running machines, and aerobic exercise is possible even in rainy weather.
If you want to maximize your diet efficiency, it is recommended to consult a personal trainer.It will tell you the muscle training and meal menus that suits you.
The Retio Body Design we operate also provides advice on training and meal menus, so if you are interested, please contact us.
Nutrition before and after muscle training.If you do muscle training without energy supply, the training effect will be weakened.I want to avoid training in a hungry state as much as possible.
If you eat bananas before muscle training, it will quickly turn into energy, so it is recommended.Please refer to the nutritional supplement before and after muscle training in another article.
RETIO BODY DESIGN 5 PocketsActive trainers explain 5 benefits and optimal timing to eat bananas before and after muscle traininghttps://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/banana_kintore 「筋トレ前後にバナナを食べるとすごく良い」と聞いたことがある方も多いのではないでしょうか。 ただ、どんな効果があるのか、詳しく知らない人も多いですよね。もし、筋トレに効果があるのであれば、今日のトレーニングから取り入れていきたいところです。 この記事では以下のポイントを解説し、なぜ筋トレ前後にバナナが良いのかという疑問を解決していきます!筋トレ前後にバナナが良い理由 筋トレ前後にバナナを食べるメリット バナナを食べるタイミングや量 なお、筆者はプロのトレーナーです。...Active trainers explain 5 benefits and optimal timing to eat bananas before and after muscle training
We also recommend taking protein to accelerate muscle repair after muscle training.Be careful not to take too much calories.
Make nutrition and maximize your training effect.
It is not very effective, but if you do both in one day, do muscle training and follow the order of running.
If you run first, your muscles may accumulate fatigue, and the effects of muscle training are likely to be reduced.
Also, if you go on an empty stomach, it is absolutely NG because it will decompose and supplement the lack of energy.
After supplementing energy, follow the order in order.
Be careful in your everyday life to build muscle
Here are some things to be aware of in your everyday life to build muscle.
Try to sleep well to enhance the effects of muscle training.Sleep has the effect of secreting growth hormone and is very effective when growing muscles.
Also, if sleep deprivation continues, hormones such as cortisol, which have a muscle decomposition effect, and Glellin, who are hungry, will be secreted.Please note that the effects of muscle training may be thin or overeat.
I want to refrain from drinking during diet and muscle training.Drinking alcohol secretes a cortisol, which has a muscle decomposition effect, and reduces muscle mass.The muscle training will be wasted.In addition, there are many fried foods with high lipids, so if you eat too much, you can easily get body fat.
Be careful of drinking and eating things and participate in a drinking party.
However, when working, I think that there are many things that cannot be avoided.Please refer to how to drink alcohol during muscle training because it is summarized in another article.
RETIO BODY DESIGN 4 Pockets筋トレ後にお酒を飲むのはNG?体への影響と適切な量をトレーナーが解説https://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/osake_kintore 「筋トレ後のお酒はトレーニング効果が薄まるって本当?」「筋トレ中は禁酒すべき?」 このように、なんとなくお酒は筋肉に良くないというイメージもある方も多いのではないでしょうか。しかし、具体的になぜ良くないのか説明できる方は少ないですよね。 この記事では、「筋トレ中にお酒を飲んでいいの?」という疑問を解決していきます。これから筋トレでカラダ作りをしようとしている方はもちろん、「筋トレも飲酒も両方大事!」という方は必見です! お酒を飲むことで起こる筋肉への悪影響お酒を飲むときに... 筋トレ後にお酒を飲むのはNG?体への影響と適切な量をトレーナーが解説If you want to lose body fat, you are more aware of meals and muscle training rather than running
In this article, we explained the following points that are worrisome if you want to lose body fat by running.
Roughly summarizes the following.
If you want to lose body fat, diet and muscle training are more important than aerobic exercise such as running.If you can ensure muscle mass, your metabolism will increase and you will be less likely to rebound.The most important thing is to adjust what you eat and make it under calories.Let's improve meal habits.
If you are not sure about the optimal diet or training method, we recommend that you consult a personal trainer.It will give you advice that suits your goals and body shape, so you can get closer to your target weight.
In addition, the Fitness Gym Retio Body Design, which creates this column, also provides personal training and provides menu guidance according to individuals.
If you are interested, please come to visit us!
Okayama's 24 -hour fitness gym "Retio Body Design"