In autumn to winter when the temperature drops, many people miss the bath.If you take a bath, why not aim for a slim body with a diet bathing method?It is perfect for those who do not have time to move every day or who do not like exercise.It's a simple diet method that just repeats and out of the bathtub, so let's try it from tonight.
お風呂ダイエットとは?Did you know that there is a bathing method where daily bath time is a diet time?It is the "high -temperature repetitive bathing method".It is said that the bathing method is "3, 3, 3 bathing method".
It supports fat burning, so calories consuming more than taking a normal bath.The high -temperature repetitive bath method has a total process of about 20 minutes, and can be expected to consume 300 to 400 kcal.
By the way, how much calories can be consumed by exercise ...
Walking ... A person weighing 55kg is 30 minutes and about 2.If you walk 5km, consume 100-130kcal
Running: If a person weighing 55kg runs for 30 minutes or about 4 to 5 km, consumes 250-300kcal
You can see that more calories can be consumed by using a high -temperature repetition bath in a regular bath time, rather than the calorie consumed by securing the exercise time.
Of course, exercise has many benefits such as relief of stress, maintaining muscle mass, and UP, so it is not always better to take a high -temperature repetition bath.
However, if you are busy every day and have no time to exercise, or if you don't like exercise in the first place, a high -temperature repetition bath is useful.
お風呂ダイエットのメリットThe high -temperature repetition bath that warms the body from deep part has the following advantages besides calorie consumption.
基礎代謝がUP⇒太りにくくなる汗をかきやすくなる⇒美容や健康に○体の巡りを良くして老廃物や水分を排出⇒むくみ・美容・健康に○お風呂ダイエットのやり方Let's check the bath diet in detail.It is important to do the high -temperature repetitive bath in the right way.There are multiple points to be aware of, so please understand before going.
Start after drinking a glass of water
The high -temperature repetitive bath method sweats plenty.As a result, the body can be insufficient, and blood may become muddy.
Before bathing, drink a glass of water and hot tea.It is safe to avoid cold water because the body can cool down and reduce the diet effect.
How to take a hot repetition bath
The temperature of the hot water is 41-42 degrees.First, add hot water on your feet ⇒ stomach ⇒ your shoulder in a lukewarm shower, and finally take the bath hot water and get used to it.
At first, you can get the hot water under your chest for one minute.After that, enter your shoulder and heat it for 2 minutes.Please note that if you suddenly put your shoulders on the hot water, it will put a burden on blood vessels and heart.
Entering hot water for a long time puts a burden on your body, so get out of the bathtub and take a 5 -minute break.Wash your hair and body.
In addition, when you suddenly get out of the bathtub, you may be dizzy.Please stand up slowly.In the unlikely event of a dizzy, pour water on your hand and wait for the symptoms to settle down.
Put hot water to your shoulders and bathe for 3 minutes.Move your limbs or massage in the bath to increase your calories.
Here are two recommended massages, so please refer to them.
【お腹ぽっこりに効果的なマッサージ】親指以外の4本の指をおへその右下において、もう片方の手を重ねる小さく「の」の字に動かしながら、おへそを中心に時計回りに手を動かす。3〜5周行う下腹の肉を両手でつかんで、ねじるように揉みほぐす【足のむくみに効果的なマッサージ】両手をグーにして、左足の足首の後ろ⇒ふくらはぎ⇒膝裏へとさすり上げる(5回程度)右足も同様に行う膝裏のくぼみやくぼみの周辺を指で押しながらマッサージする(両足行う)Get out of the bathtub and take a 5 -minute break.
It is the last 3 minutes to put hot water to the shoulder.By this time, my body warms up and sweat comes out quite a bit.If you are thirsty, hydrate.
Since the pores are open, it is also recommended to polish the skin with a type of face pack to wash off.
Get out of the bathtub and put water on your limbs for 20 seconds.When applying water, gradually apply it from your hands and feet.It is NG to suddenly sprinkle the water.
After getting out of the bath
After the high -temperature repetition method is performed, the body's moisture has appeared as sweat, so make sure to hydrate.Avoid cold drinks after warming your body from deep.
高温反復入浴法が向かない人もいるThe hot -temperature repetitive bath method is a bathing method that consumes a large calorie and dominates the sympathetic nerves.Please note that some people do not perform high -temperature repetitive methods.
Not suitable before menstruation
Before menstruation, many symptoms such as swelling, headache, and frustration of the female hormone are caused by the effects of female hormones.In such a case, it is better to relax in a lukewarm water and relax.
It is important to change the bathing method according to your mind and body situation in diet, beautiful skin and health.
Do not do anemia, hypertension, pregnant people, or those who have a chronic illness
The hot -temperature repetitive bathing method takes a hot bath and improves blood and lymph flow, which increases the burden on the body.Not suitable for anemia, hypertension, pregnant people, or those who have a chronic illness.
If you really want to do it, be sure to consult your doctor.
Be careful if you have excessive dietary restrictions
If you do a high -temperature repetition bath with a large calorie consumption, and dietary restrictions together, the lack of energy of the body can accumulate fatigue and adversely affect your body.
If you have a well -balanced diet, you don't have to restrict your diet.
コツコツ続けて体重ダウンを目指そうIf you continue a bath diet using the hot and repetitive bathing method every day, you can consume 30 days x 300-400 kcal = 9,000 to 12,000 kcal in one month.
Approximately 7,000 kcal is required to remove 1 kg of fat, so about 1 in the high -temperature repetition bath method.2 to 1.You can aim for a 7kg weight loss.Nevertheless, women affected by hormonal balance are delicate both physically and mentally.
Wouldn't it be nice to do it about 15 times a month as a guide?0 in 15 days.6-0.Even if it decreases by 8kg, 3 in six months.6-4.It is calculated that 2kg weight is reduced.
Don't be impatient, keep your ideal weight.