"I want to protect me!"| Beauty ST

"It's good not to give up. There are still such wonderful people in the world!"This is a popular serialization in the magazine that has you reproduce your ideal proposal.This time, a handsome guy who works for a real estate company, which is a hobby of kickboxing, appeared.He also talked about the ideal female image that he wanted to get married.


After the kickboxing match, put the words on the palm of the bandage.I want to give a ring from the ring

Quoted source: Beauty ST

Yu Endo 34 years old Kickboxing has begun to love martial arts. He is going to be a sport that is fun and now indispensable now. My proposal is a stylish kickboxing ring in Target Shibuya in Shibuya. She invites her, "Come to see my match," and after the match, she asks, "Can you remove the bandage?" She was surprised at her left hand, who wrote "I love you" where she was unwinded. In the gap, I want the trainer to put a ring box on her right glove, and I want to give a ring from the ring saying "Please marry me." It is often seen in herbivorous, but I think that it will nod with peace of mind by seeing the side of "I will protect you strongly!" I feel attractive to a glossy black -haired woman who is taking care of it frequently. You can fold the laundry or make a vacuum cleaner a little in 5 minutes before going out. When I'm off, I'm a spoiled boy, so I want to be a woman like a healing nurse and a nursery teacher. On the date, I want to see my handmade lunch on the lawn, relax at the hot spring in Yufuin, and enjoy a delicious meal. The wonderful meeting that makes me really thinks, "I want to marry this person!" I want to grow while sharing various things and can contribute to society. It would be great if you have a favorite dog and say my home cooking is delicious.


Quoted source: Beauty ST

Occupation: Working for a real estate company 173cm, body fat percentage 15 % Pisces, AB -type hobby: Kickboxing, cooking motto: It's not important to be the other person, a type of celebrity who likes you: Haruka Igawa Family Structure:Living alone, mother at home, married sister with married sister: None