"Is it not suitable for diet because it contains carbohydrates in carbohydrates?"
Soba is a staple food, so many people think that it is better to reduce the amount of eating during dieting.
This time, we will introduce how much the carbohydrates are and how effective it is for dieting is compared with udon.
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■ "Sugar" contained nearby is "carbohydrate -restricted diet" and "sugar off" are keywords that have been seen recently.So what is "sugar" in the first place?
・ Carbohydrates are energy sources
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Carbohydrates are the main energy sources of the body.When carbohydrates are consumed, it is digested and absorbed, travels around the whole body with blood, and becomes energy in the body.It becomes 4kcal energy per 1g of carbohydrates.The brain is the main energy source of carbohydrates in the blood, so if the sugar is insufficient, the brain will not work and the head will not turn.
However, be careful not to take too much carbohydrates.This is because if the amount of carbohydrate required a day is exceeded, there is a body mechanism that "accumulates in the body as fat".Carbohydrates are stored in muscles and liver as glycogen, and many lipids are stored as subcutaneous fat.The priorities used are glycogen in muscles → glycogen in the liver → lipid.
The reason why the fat around the stomach is difficult to remove is because the priority of lipids (subcutaneous fat) is low, so there is a reason that it is not easily used and does not burn.
・ It is important to take an appropriate amount every day
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Carbohydrates are the energy source of the body, so it is important to take an appropriate amount every day.Foods that are rich in carbohydrates include rice, bread, noodles, potatoes, fruits, sugar, and honey.
Generally, rice, bread, noodles, and potatoes are called "carbohydrates". What is the difference between carbohydrates and carbohydrates?
A carbohydrate is a combination of dietary fiber and sugar.In other words, the formula "carbohydrate = dietary fiber + sugar" is established.Dietary fiber is an important nutrient that works to reduce blood sugar levels and help excrete cholesterol.Carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels, so you can reduce excessive blood sugar levels by taking them together with dietary fiber.In other words, taking it with a carbohydrate alone is not good for your health.
It is generally said that "brown rice" is good for the body, but "white rice" is a bad ingredient for the body.The reason is that when white rice is refined, the dietary fiber contained in brown rice is excluded and only carbohydrates are left.Therefore, we recommend that you replace your daily meal with brown rice instead of white rice.
In summary, carbohydrates and carbohydrates require a clear distinction.
So what is the guideline necessary for the day of carbohydrate (carbohydrate)?The amount of carbohydrates per day is equivalent to 50-65%of the energy (Kcal) of both men and women from meals.The calories required per day vary depending on the person's body type, but for adult women with a small amount of activity, it is said that about 1,400-2,000 kcal and 2,200 ± 200 kcal for men.
If the energy to be ingested a day is 2,000 kcal, the amount of energy equivalent to 50 to 65%will be 1,000 kcal to 1,300 kcal.When converted to the amount of carbohydrates, it is about 250g to 325g.In other words, it is desirable to consume 250 g to 325 g of carbohydrates a day.
This amount is about 1-2 cups of rice, so keep in mind.You can see that most people are taking too much carbohydrates.
■ Calories and carbohydrates nearby
・ Dry noodles
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"Dry noodles" (kanmen) are noodles that are dried, unlike raw noodles.It depends on the cooking method, but it is generally a stronger noodle stiffness compared to raw noodles.In addition, some are dried and have high preservation and improve texture.
The calories and carbohydrates per 100g of dry noodles are as follows.
カロリー:344kcal糖質量 :63g・ Boiled soba
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It is not a raw soba but a boiled soba that is boiled in advance.It is a simple product that puts boiled soba in boiling water and stops the heat when the noodles are loosened.
The calories and carbohydrates per 100g of boiled soba are as follows.
カロリー:132kcal糖質量 :24g・ Raw soba
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"Raw Soba" is the only buckwheat made with buckwheat flour, without using the flour of the connection.I think you often see it at luxury stores and souvenir shops.
During the Edo period, the number of soba made by mixing a lot of flour was mixed with the spread of soba.At luxury stores, it is said that it was a first -class store, such as "raw soba", "raw flour", and "handmade" that are hit with buckwheat flour only.
The calories and carbohydrates per 100g of raw soba are as follows.
カロリー:274kcal糖質量 :52g・ Carbohydrates differ depending on the type of buckwheat
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There are various kinds of soba, such as kake soba, zaru soba, wild vegetable soba, tempura soba.Naturally, the amount of carbohydrates differs depending on the type.
Among them, tempura soba has a large amount of carbohydrate.The tempura is used as the raw material of the clothes and is fried in plenty of oil.You may think, "If it was a vegetable tempura or fried, it would still be good, but I don't recommend it.In particular, kakiage has a large amount of oil, and the more the oil is sucked, and the lipids and calories will be very large.
For vegetables, stop pumpkin and eggplant tempura.Pumpkin has high sugar, and eggplant sucks oil well.Other vegetables may still be good, but rather than fried and eaten vegetables, topped with boiled vegetables without frying or eating with salads is better during diets that care about carbohydrates.Yes.For those who care about carbohydrates, we recommend soba soba, which is rich in dietary fiber, and simply kake soba instead of tempura soba.
■ The difference between soba and udon carbohydrates is the higher sugar for buckwheat or udon?Let's look at the carbohydrates that are indispensable in Japanese food culture.
・ Boiled udon sugar
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The amount of carbohydrate amount of boiled udon is 20g per 100g.8G.The carbohydrate amount of boiled soba is 24g per 100g, so you can see that the carbohydrate is slightly higher than the udon.And the calories are higher than udon.
If you hear this alone, you may think that udon is more effective than soba, but because it contains the best nutrients for diet, it is more suitable for diet.It can be said to be the ingredients you are.I will introduce the nutrients nearby later, so please read it.
・ It depends on the type of udon
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There are many types of udon.There are also kake udon, tempura udon, kitsune udon, tanuki udon, and curry udon.Udon also varies depending on the type.
Put one fried chicken, tanuki udon, and curry udon, and curry udon, so the calories inevitably increase.If you want to eat udon while suppressing calories, it is better to eat simple kake udon.
■ There are many other staple foods besides soba and udon, the difference between soba and other staple foods.We have summarized each carbohydrate.
・ In the case of rice
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The amount of sugar for rice (white rice) is as follows.
100gあたり:35.6g1杯(150g)あたり:53.4gYou can see that the carbohydrates of rice are higher than boiled soba carbohydrates.Perhaps it is an old -fashioned chicken, Japanese people have a strong culture of rice as their staple food.It is often said that "Japanese people eat too much rice", but eating 3 meals a day (white rice) seems to be good for healthy meals, but be careful because it is clearly overeating.prize.
・ In the case of bread
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The sugar content of bread is as follows.
100gあたり:44.3g6枚切り1枚(60g)あたり:26.6gYou can see that bread has higher sugar than rice.The value shown earlier is bread, but bread has a lot of sugar and side dish bread, so let's refrain as much as possible because the carbohydrates will be higher.
If you really want to eat bread during carbohydrate restriction, we recommend "whole grain bread".The whole grain bread will be introduced in detail later, but it is a good healthy ingredient called low GI food.The nutrients are very high and delicious, so please try it.
・ In the case of pasta
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The amount of carbohydrate of boiled pasta is as follows.
100gあたり:29.2g1人前(200g)あたり:58.4gThe long -lasting pasta, which has been very active as a frozen food recently, has a lower sugar than rice and bread, but the carbohydrate amount for one person is considerable.Eating too much is forbidden.
■ Soba is "Low GI Foods"
・ “GI value” is a “GI value” that indicates the degree of sugar absorption contained in the product, and measures the glucose concentration in the blood for 2 hours after ingestion.GI defines more than 70 foods, 56-69 foods, medium GI foods, and less than 55 foods as low GI foods.
Eating high GI food suddenly rises blood sugar levels.Then, a large amount of hormones called "insulin" from the pancreas secrete a large amount and lower the blood sugar level.If the secretion of insulin cannot be caught up, blood sugar levels will be less likely to fall and hyperglycemia will continue.A chronically high sugar content in the blood is called "diabetes".
Insulin also has the role of lowering blood sugar levels, as well as the effect of producing fat and suppressing fat degradation.In other words, eating too much GI food food can lead to diabetes and obesity.
On the other hand, low GI foods are attracting attention from the viewpoint of prevention and improvement of obesity and metabolic syndrome, which is a rapid increase in modern people.
・ Differences in GI value of soba and udon
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Soba is characterized by a lower GI value than udon.In general, the GI value of the buckwheat is 54, while the udon GI value is 80.Soba is a low GI food, and udon is a high GI food.Although it is the same carbohydrate and udon, there is no difference in calories, but there is a big difference in GI value.
・ Is soba good for dieting?
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Is soba good for dieting?
Soba is a staple food and carbohydrate, so it does not mean that the calories are particularly low.In addition, it is not suitable for those who have "soba allergies", and many people feel that eating the same amount is less satisfying than white rice.
However, buckwheat is also effective for dieting.
First of all, buckwheat has a lot of dietary fiber.It is a dietary fiber that is hardly contained in other noodles, but there is a dietary fiber per 100g nearby..It also contains 7G!Dietary fiber is effective in preventing various lifestyle -related diseases, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.It is a great advantage that dietary fiber, which is said to be a shortage of modern people, can be taken from the staple food.
Also, as mentioned above, low GI values are one of the effective factors for dieting.
Soba is a food that is easy to incorporate on a daily basis, both at home or eating out.It can be easily cooked, and there are plenty of variations and you can't get tired of it, so it's a good ingredient for dieting.
■ Recommended eating and precautions considering the carbohydrates nearby
・ "10 % soba" is recommended
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"10 % soba" is recommended for carbohydrate restriction during a diet.10 % soba is a soba made with buckwheat flour without using a connection.Buckwheat flour has few sticky ingredients that have the role of connecting as noodles, so hitting a 10 % buckwheat requires advanced techniques.For this reason, it is common to use flour with gluten and sticky yam as a connection.It is characterized by high quality protein and more dietary fiber than flour.
When purchasing buckwheat, be careful about the ratio of buckwheat flour and flour.If the ratio of buckwheat flour is 10, it is said to be 10 % buckwheat, 9 % soba if it is 9, 28 soba if it is 2.The higher the ratio of flour, the easier it will increase blood sugar levels, so be sure to buy 10 % soba or 90 % soba.
・ Do not eat with buckwheat alone, topped with vegetables and eats
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Soba alone lacks protein, vitamins and minerals.Topping vegetables such as green onions and wild vegetables to supplement nutrition.You can also topped with protein, seaweed, and mushrooms such as eggs and chicken.
One thing to keep in mind here is not to drink soba soup.The soba soup is delicious and delicious.However, it is common to noodles with soup, such as ramen and udon, as well as buckwheat, but be careful as it will take too much salt and can cause edema.
・ The noodles are good
Noodles are more likely to reduce sugar absorption than soft, and to suppress rapidly rising GI values.When boiling the noodles, it is delicious and delicious even if it is about 1-2 minutes shorter than the boiled time written in the product.If you can adjust the track, choose a kid.
■ Let's keep the staple food on a diet!
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This time, we have introduced the calories and carbohydrates of buckwheat and whether soba is effective for dieting, compared to udon.
Dieting is ideal to perform nutritionally balanced diets and moderate exercise to control healthy weight.If you are on a diet, your diet will definitely decrease and you will tend to lack nutrients.Let's incorporate recipes using soba, which are rich in nutrients, for staple foods under such carbohydrate restriction.It is more suitable for dieting than other carbohydrate staple food.