Jumbo Ozaki © Bungei Shunju
"There is a child who has such a possibility in an unknown high school student." Even though he is a powerful person, he failed to the protest ... Continued from the "surprising advice" of Jumbo Ozaki, who led Professional Golfar Hideka Hara [Photo] This article See photos (4 pieces) Golf's giant star Jumbo Ozaki, who set numerous records, is also focusing on the development of junior players. Jumbo Ozaki's golfers are not left behind by professional amateur and young and old, but why is that? Jumbo Ozaki, who couldn't write anybody, revealed the real face of Jumbo Ozaki and the unwavering golf theory he had cultivated. Here, a part of the book is excerpted and introduces how Jumbo Ozaki treats junior players. (All 2nd time/ Read the first part) ◆◆◆
Why do young people support jumbo?
Jumbo has reigned as a leading Japanese professional golf for many years. The popularity at the time of the active duty was tremendous. However, it is also true that there were many anti because they were popular. While some fans do not applaud when jumbo removes short pats, they have never heard of criticism of Jumbo from professional golfer. That would have been trusted by all generations of professional golfer. Even now, regardless of gender or professional amateur, players who seek a jumbo for avices will not stop. Of course, he is a leading person who supported the Japanese professional golf world, and I think that most due to his achievements, playing style and presence, is the most common, but above all, the "humanity" that is seriously treated is young. It is a factor that attracts them. Athletes seeking advice, regardless of the jumbo corps, will be treated with the same stance. I did not impose my swing theory, and I saw many spectacles that would give advice on how to use it in actual battles, based on the swing mechanics. The teaching method may match the thoughts of the competitors who want to achieve good results in the tournament.