In my case, I have been measuring blood pressure and weight every day since July 15, 2003.The date can be understood because the measurement data is automatically recorded and the blood pressure gauge and a scale are used.I forgot what the equipment used at the time of 2003 was, but I think it was an Omron product.
Aside from aside, while continuously measuring blood pressure and weight and working on health management, the weight is still remaining as a super -over -bar, but aside from the recent renewed blood pressure gauge and weight meter used.。All things are made of Omron."Wrist-type blood pressure meter HEM-6324T" (official page) "Head of weight composition meter HBF-255T Body Scan" (official page) "Activity meter HJA-405T Caloris Can" (official page).All of them can be connected to smartphones and Bluetooth, and can browse and manage measurement data with a smartphone application.
最近使いはじめたオムロン製ヘルスケア機器×3機種。どれもスマートフォンとBluetooth接続でき、スマートフォン用アプリ「OMRON connect」(公式ページ)で計測データを閲覧・管理できます。機種は左から、「手首式血圧計 HEM-6324T」「体重体組成計 HBF-255T カラダスキャン」「活動量計 HJA-405T カロリスキャン」です。These healthcare equipment is compatible with smartphones, but what happens if you use it?Transfer the measurement data to a smartphone to browse the measurement value, graph and browse daily measurement data, or file measuring data (.You can send it by e -mail.
Since 2003, I mentioned that blood pressure etc. was measured, but I was able to absorb data from healthcare equipment used in the past.I forgot the specific method, but at the beginning, I transferred measured data from healthcare devices to PC via USB or unique cradle.After that, healthcare equipment → smartphone → cloud → PC with NFC or Bluetooth.Download the CSV file.Although the method is different, the measurement data of the healthcare device could be stored and saved, and the "Log -Log" in healthcare data was relatively easily created.
However, this year, the flow was temporarily interrupted.Details are omitted, but the "service for wellness link personal computers" that I used until recently has ended (Omron's news page).I have used this service and smartphone to take out measurement data from healthcare equipment..I saved it as a CSV file, but I couldn't do it.I was in trouble!
But that's a major manufacturer.An alternative service was already prepared."Omron Connect" (official page).By using this, measurement data can be transferred from supported healthcare devices to smartphones, graph displays can be displayed, and measurement data can be stored and saved.So, I immediately purchased this OMRON Connect -compatible machine (the above three models).And I started using it with the Omron Connect app.
At that time, it feels like, "Oh, it's more convenient than the previous wellness link, it's practical and smooth!"After that, I would like to report on the usability of Omron Connect and the compatible machine ♪