[Excel] Tech that displays the Japanese calendar in Excel "How many years is this year?"

How many years is it in 2022?

 When entering the date in an invoice or quotation, or when entering the date of birth in the roster, in recent years, you have been input in the Christian era.However, I think that there are still many situations where the Japanese calendar is used.If you are not used to the Japanese calendar on a regular basis, you may not come out at all about how long it is now.

 If you use the function of "User -defined" function of Excel, you can easily display the Japanese calendar date based on the value of the input calendar.

 This time, I will explain how to display the date data in a Japanese calendar with Excel.

Display "Orwa January 15th, 4th year"

 Let's convert the date of the Christian era to a Japanese calendar display format, such as "January 15th, 4th, 4th, 4th, 4th, 4th," using the following example of the "quote".First, select the cell "E1" (①) displayed as "2022/1/15", and click the arrow (③) at the bottom right of the [Home] tab (②) → [numerical value] group.。


 The Cell Formatting dialog box is displayed.Confirm that the [Display format] tab (④) is selected, and select [Date] (⑤) from the [Classification] column.In the [Calendar type] column at the bottom of the screen, select [Japanese calendar] (⑥), and click the format (⑦) that you want to display from the [Type] column in the center of the screen.In addition, the date of "March 14, 2012" displayed here is an example, so you do not need to worry about it.The date when the display format is actually applied is displayed in the [Sample] field (⑧).

 Once you have set, press [OK] (⑨) to close the dialog box.



 The date of the cell "E1" has changed to a Japanese calendar display called "January 15th, 4th year" (⑩).


"R4.1.Display "15"

 Next, let's use the abbreviation of the era (alphabet) and want to display "R4 4 years" as "R4"."R4" displayed in the preceding paragraph "R4".1.Let's display "15".Select the cell "E1" (①) displayed as "January 15th, 4th year", and click the arrow (③) at the bottom right of the [Home] tab (②) → [numerical value] group.increase.


 The Cell Formatting dialog box is displayed.Select [Date] (⑤) from [Classification] column on the left side of the [Display format] tab (④).In the [Calendar type] column at the bottom of the screen, select [Japanese calendar] (⑥), and click the format (⑦) that you want to display from the [Type] column in the center of the screen.The date when the display format is actually applied is displayed in the [Sample] field (⑧).

 Once you have set, press [OK] (⑨) to close the dialog box.


 The date of the cell "E1" is "R4.1.It has changed to "15" (⑩).


"Ordinance 4.1.Display "15"

 Finally, the date data is "Ordinance 4.1.I will explain how to display it as 15.It may be easier to convey "Ordinance 4" to be displayed as "Ordinance 4" than to display the omission of the era as "R4".If you remember it, it will be useful.

 Let's do it.Select the cell "E1" (①) where the date is entered, and click the arrow (③) at the bottom right of the [Home] tab (②) → [numerical value] group.


 The Cell Formatting dialog box is displayed.Click [User Definition] (⑤) from the [Category] column on the left side of the [Display format] tab (④)."GGE] in the [Type] column in the center of the screen.m.Enter "d" (⑥)."GGE" represents the year, "M" represents the moon, "D" represents the day, "G" represents the era, and "E" represents the Japanese calendar year.The display of the era can be changed depending on the number of "g", and when you enter "ggge", it will be displayed as "Origami 4", and when you enter "GE", it will be displayed like "R4", and "GGE".When you enter, it will be displayed like "Ordinance 4".

 In the [Sample] field (⑦), the date when the display format is actually applied is displayed, and click [OK] (⑧) to close the dialog box.


 The date of the cell "E1" is "Ordinance 4.1.It has changed to "15" (⑨).

「E1」の日付が"Ordinance 4.1.15」(⑨)に変わりましたね

You can display Japanese calendar in various formats

 This time, I explained how to display the date data in a Japanese calendar in Excel.I think you can see that the Japanese calendar date can be displayed in various formats.

 In recent years, it may be more likely to enter or display the date in the Christian era, but be sure to remember that using Excel functions can be easily converted to Japanese calendar.I think there are times when it is useful!