Xbox Cloud Gaming will support keyboard and mouse.Easy to play with flight simulators

"Flight Simulator" has recently been added to Microsoft's cloud gaming service "Xbox Cloud Gaming", and it can now be enjoyed with Xbox One, smartphone, tablet and low -spec PC via the cloud.However, unlike the PC version (as of March 2022), the keyboard or mouse cannot be used to control the plane.

However, it became clear that it could be used in June.

開発者向けQ&A動画で「Flight Simulator』開発責任者であるJorg Neumann氏は、MSが本機能(マウスとキーボード対応)のプラットフォームレベルでのサポート追加に取り組んでいるとともに、最終的にはXbox Cloud Gaming上のほとんどのゲームで使える可能性があると示唆しました。

 Xbox Cloud Gaming、キーボードとマウスに対応予定。フライトシミュレータを遊びやすく

"The platform team is working on this," said Neumann.At the same time, "I don't know their scheduled date, but it's approaching." "I think it will be completed by June, but I can't say for sure."

これを受けて取材したThe Vergeに対して、MS広報は事実だと認めつつ、リリース日については明言を避けています。「発売時にはMicrosoft Flight Simulatorはクラウドゲーミング向けの標準的なコントローラ入力をサポートしています」「チームはタッチ/ジャイロ操作を実験しており、プラットフォーム上で利用可能になった時点でM&K(マウスとキーボード)が使えることに興奮していますが、現時点ではそれ以上の詳細や時期についてお報せできることはありません」とのことです。

If Xbox Cloud Gaming supports keyboards and mice, you can expect some benefits.One is that PCs and Mac users can play "Halo Infinite" with the devices at hand without buying a game pad (although it seems to be quite tough).The other is "Age of Empires IV" and PC -only games will be introduced in Xbox Cloud Gaming, which will be available in the Xbox series and tablets.

The rival camp Sony is also rumored to be preparing for the Xbox Game Pass Competition Subscription "Spartacus".In the future, it may be more to a sub -school war or a cloud gaming war rather than a game hard war.

Source: Microsoft Flight Simulator (YouTube)

VIA: Windows Center, The Verge
