Ayurveda does not recommend the act of dieting, but the concept of "detox" "not accumulating" to the body has begun in Ayurveda.[Photo] Experts teach!What about 10 to change to "drop 10kg"?I will tell you how easy it is to beat.Supervision: Natsume Minamura Ayurveda Advisor, former ARYURVIST copywriter.After visiting Southern India and Sri Lanka several times, acquired the qualification of Ayurveda lifestyle advisor.Stand up a “Aryurivst” cosmetic brand and “Shake Rice”, a set of recipes and spices.
Evidence that weight gain is increasing the energy of Kapapa
Not only gain weight, but also heavy, lazy, swelling, etc., all of the things that feel "dono" are all troubles caused by the energy of water and kapa.It is more likely that cholesterol is likely to accumulate and blood sugar levels are likely to rise, so it is necessary to not accumulate in the body as much as possible.In order to avoid storing, I will tell you how to do Ayurveda type that can be easily done every day.
Take honey every morning
Honey is the only one that contains sugar, and is the only thing that does not harm the body.Honey, which supports vitamins B2, vitamin B5, amino acids, alanine, apple acid, polyphenols, etc., which supports the body of the body and has a fat burning effect.It is often used to treat diabetes and is ideal for dieting.In particular, old honey is described in the Shulter Sun Hitter Rules 45, saying, "Shave fat like a knife."◆ Be careful about how to take honey. It is important to choose an organic one and keep it as it is without heating it when eating.When putting it in tea or applying it on toast, cool it down below human skin.When it's troublesome, just eat it.
As a habit
There are many great effects in white water that just boiled water.Loosen the body, remove the remaining unattended materials in the body, clean the internal organs, and improve metabolism!Eliminating constipation and the effect of raising basal body temperature if you continue.Boil for about 5 minutes and drink hot food.Let's start by changing the morning coffee to white water and have a few cups a day.You should be able to feel that your stomach is refreshing and refreshing.