If you get older, you will be forbidden to limit your calories!Recommended for eating habits that do not fat in winter.[Vogue worries outpatient]

"Even if you eat red meat and fish, you will not lose your stomach, and the next morning you think that your appetite is a health barometer. There is also data that the more healthy elderly people, the more meat you eat."

Citrus acids promote gastric acid secretion, so add lemon to meat.Eat something that contains a lot of digestive enzymes such as pineapple and papaya.It is recommended to review stress and strengthen the gastrointestinal tract.

年齢を重ねたら無理なカロリー制限は禁物! 冬太りしない食生活のススメ。【ヴォーグなお悩み外来】

"I want to lose weight because I want to lose weight quickly because of the fatness of the winter. I understand that feeling, but in exchange for malnutrition such as lack of protein, it is not good for mental and physical health.Demorial causes skin problems and has a negative effect on beauty. With the idea of "you can get out of rice for a few days if you are fat", as in the 20s, the basal metabolism will decrease and your weight will not lose weight.After the generation, you will not be able to stand. Please get your knowledge and face your body. The balance between aging and diet in the 100 -year life is quite intelligent. "

話を聞いたのは……細川モモ予防医療コンサルタント。​​米国で最先端の栄養学を学び、International Nutrition Supplement Adviserの資格を取得後、日本の健康食品会社で製品開発及び広報を務める。独立後、米国で学んだ最新栄養学をもとに世界一の美女を目指す女性たちや五輪選手の食事・医療面のサポートを行い、健康と食事に関する研究・学会発表も精力的に行っている。 2011~2014年には ミス・ユニバース・ジャパン ビューティキャンプ講師も務める。

P Toto S: Ge TY Igeshiseto RS: Kyokotakahashi, Kyoko Muramatsu

Read More1kg太ると、筋肉はマイナス2kg?おこもりで失われつつある体力を、今すぐ取り戻す方法。【ヴォーグなお悩み外来】

By Kyoko Takahashi