Will your health consciousness be good?Young women's diabetes reserves are increasing!-A female doctor teaches!(Kanako Tsuruta -sensei column)

What kind of image do you have for diabetes?

Middle -aged and older, obese male illnesses?Is it a disease of a person who likes sweets and cannot control?

In fact, in recent years, the westernization of meals, disordered lifestyle, and wrong diets have increased diabetes for young generations in their 20s and 30s and thin women.

This time, I would like to introduce a little about the knowledge of diabetes that women want to know.

"Obesity" and "sweet" are not the only causes of diabetes!

Diabetes is a disease in which the amount of hormone secreted by insulin, which is secreted from the pancreas, is reduced and the effect is worse, causing a chronic blood sugar level.

In fact, Japanese people do not have high insulin secretion ability and are more susceptible to diabetes than other races.In addition to its constitution, the number of people and reserves of diabetes are increasing due to disordered lifestyle, such as eating habits and lack of exercise in Europe and the United States.According to the recent survey, women are 21.It is shown that 4%, that is, one in five, is diabetes or its spare group (2016 National Health and Nutrition Survey).

There are three main factors that are prone to diabetes.This is a factor that comes from genetic factors, lifestyle, and external environments.

The genetic factor is that if you have diabetes in the relationship, you will also have diabetes.You can't help it yourself, but you need to be especially careful if your parents and relatives have diabetes.

The next factor that comes from lifestyle, as generally said, too much calories, irregular lives, and lack of exercise are likely to become diabetes.I will post a checklist later.

In addition, it is often thought that taking too much sweet thing is the cause of diabetes, but the great enemy of diabetes is "sugar".Carbohydrates are one of the indispensable nutrients for living, but it is important to take over too much because they are quickly digested and glued to glucose, so that blood sugar levels are greatly increased.

Factors from the external environment include excessive stress.You need to be careful about excessive stress, as there are many cases where you develop diabetes when you are busy.

Diabetes is scary illness

Diabetes is afraid that there are almost no subjective symptoms in the early stages.Therefore, when you notice, the illness may be progressing considerably.If the blood sugar level continues without noticing, various complications will occur.The three major complications of diabetes are nerves, eyes and kidney disorders.Diabetes may cause blindness as the ghosts of retinopathy, and the main cause of artificial dialysis is the disorder of diabetes.

In addition, if the blood sugar level continues, the blood vessels become stiff and brittle, causing arteriosclerosis.The progress of arteriosclerosis may cause major illnesses such as cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

About diabetes pathology where young people are more likely to become

The first thing you need to know is the existence of type 1 diabetes, where young people suddenly develop.This is a disease that develops when insulin is no longer secreted, regardless of obesity or age, unlike diabetes, which is generally imagined.The cause is not clear.In type 1 diabetes, blood sugar levels rise sharply, thirst, increase in urine, and hyperglycemia symptoms such as malaise.If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a hospital.

One of the things that young people should be particularly tend to fall are "plastic bottle syndrome".In the hot summer, you want a soft drink such as juice, but juice contains a surprisingly large amount of glucose, and almost as soon as you drink it, it is almost completely absorbed.If you continue to drink soft drinks, you may not be able to respond to rapidly rising glucose and create a high -blood sugar state that loses consciousness.This condition is called "plastic bottle syndrome".For a healthy body, drink water or tea basically.

Finally, it is about pregnancy diabetes that women want to know.There is a condition of pregnancy diabetes, where blood sugar levels increase only during pregnancy.This is because the blood sugar level increases by enzymes and female hormones secreted from the placenta.Even those who do not get caught in diabetes in daily medical examinations may develop their blood sugar when they become pregnant.If you leave it without noticing, you may cause miscarriage, so be careful if you have a person with diabetes in your family or have obesity.It is said that 7-9 % of all pregnant women, one in 12, will have pregnancy diabetes (the Japanese Diabetes Society website).Pregnant women with pregnant diabetes have the probability of diabetes in the future compared to normal pregnant women..It is said to be 43 times.

What is lifestyle that is prone to diabetes?

First, the following is a checklist for lifestyles that are prone to diabetes.Be careful if you have 4 or more!

(1) There are people with diabetes in family members and relatives

 健康志向があだとなる?若い女性の糖尿病予備軍が増加傾向に!-女医が教える!(鶴田 加奈子先生コラム)

(2) It was obese or obese before

(3) Living an irregular life

(4) Insufficient exercise

(5) Do not have breakfast

(6) Improve the snack

(7) Many stress

(8) Drink a lot of alcohol

(9) Eating fast

(10) I hate vegetables

(11) I prefer sweet and greasy things

(12) Drink soft drinks well

Be careful with health booms such as diet and smoothies

In fact, dieting can easily develop diabetes depending on how you do it.Be careful with diets that continue to eat one kind of food, such as a diet.The bias of meals cannot be consumed with the necessary minerals and vitamins, and if you do not take zinc or vitamin B group, insulin may not work well and you will become hyperglycemic.Also, if muscle mass is too thin and muscle mass, energy metabolism may decrease, which may cause diabetes.

I think some people take smoothies every day for health.The smoothies are made of fruits, but the fruits are full of fructose!Fructose is immediately digested, absorbed to increase blood sugar levels.A large amount of intake of fructose in every day can lead to sudden hyperglycemia and promote the onset of diabetes.It is important to note that dairy products such as vegetable juice and yogurt contain a large amount of sugar.

Anyone can do it!"Loose prevention method" to prevent diabetes

■ Loose carbohydrate -restricted carbohydrate -restricted diet has become a hot topic.Carbohydrate restriction is especially useful for early diabetic patients, but completely breaking carbohydrates will be insufficient and burdens your body.In order to prevent diabetes, we recommend "loose carbohydrate restriction" that can be continued without difficulty.Prevents diabetes with loose carbohydrate restriction that reduces the amount of staple foods, such as rice, to half.Avoid bowls and noodles for lunch, and choose a set meal, and keep the rice lightly.

■ Be careful in the order of eating. If you eat vegetables first, you can relax your blood sugar levels by the function of dietary fiber contained in vegetables, so we recommend "Saki Veggers".After vegetables, you can naturally reduce sugar intake by eating soups that are easy to get full of fullness, protein meat and fish, and finally staple food.

■ Drinks are indispensable for diet and lifestyle -related diseases, as the drinks and water can feel full, but use water or tea basically to prevent the plastic bottle syndrome mentioned above.When sweating, you can take a sports drink, but it may still be overdose of sugar, so it is not necessary to ingest everyday water.

■ Shoes usually choose low heels, use the stairs, and walk for one station for buses and trains. High heels reduce exercise opportunities.Usually, choose low heel shoes, use stairs, walk for one station, or take in exercise on a daily basis.

It is easy to do it if you make a specific rule, such as "Up to the 4th floor!" "If you can leave the company by 6 o'clock, walk for one station!"

This is the introduction of the knowledge of diabetes that young women want to know.

Lifestyle -related diseases such as diabetes, unlike other diseases, can be prevented and treated depending on their actions.

Don't you think it's a waste to not act, even though you can prevent it?

In order to act, first gain knowledge!

I would be very happy if I read this column, get as many people as possible and become one of the opportunities to know diabetes.

⇒ If you want to read more about female doctor planning columns, "A female doctor teaches! Prevention methods to prevent modern illness, and NG habits that should not be done!"

⇒ Go to the top celebrity column "Ichibi Ichi" who is active in the forefront of each field


Kanako Tsuruta (Kanako Tsuruta)

Diabetes specialist

カナダ モントリオール生まれ。つるた鷺ノ宮クリニック副院長。一児の母。日本糖尿病学会認定Diabetes specialistの資格を有しており、糖尿病、生活習慣病を中心に臨床診療に励んでいる。趣味は料理で日本野菜ソムリエ協会認定ジュニア野菜ソムリエの資格を持ち、食事や生活習慣と健康について患者さんの立場にたって実践的なアドバイスを行っている。

* This description is the view of an independent author who is not directly related to the Company.* Please note that the information listed may differ from the latest product, law, tax system, etc.