[Trainer direct biography] How do you not repeat rebounds?Introducing three tips to make the last diet

Have you ever experienced a rebound if you read this article?

I worked hard and gained my target weight, but if I noticed, I would return in no time, or if I was bad, it would increase more than my original weight ...

These are due to excessive dietary restrictions, and the muscles have fallen steadily and the basal metabolism has dropped.In order not to repeat rebounds, you only need to do muscle training and moderate dietary restrictions.

In this article

I will introduce etc.

I am a professional trainer and have actually led many women to diet success.If you read it to the end and move it to execution, you will not rebound anymore!

table of contents

The rebound is easy to repeat!What is weight cycling phenomenon?

The rebound is easy to repeat, and the more you repeat, the easier the next diet will fail.

The cause is a diet with excessive dietary restrictions that do not exercise!

If you do not eat, your body will create energy from fat and muscles.As a result, your muscle mass decreases than before the diet, and the basal metabolism of the day is reduced, so it is easy to get fat and hard to lose weight.

This state is called "weight cycling phenomenon (yo -yo phenomenon)".

You may read so far and think, "No more! I've become an unable to lose weight."


From now on, you can lose weight by learning how to lose weight while maintaining your muscles.I'm still in time!

Four reasons to rebound

The rebound is because the function of our body, which is a set point, works.To briefly explain, it is the function of trying to return to its original weight by considering "sudden increase or decrease in weight = crisis of life!"

If the set point avoids the conditions that are easy to work, it will not rebound.

Let's look at the conditions specifically.

I will explain in detail.

The weight loss exceeding 5 % of the weight per month is NG!

For those who do a diet in a short period of time, the goal is 5kg and 10kg in one month.And succeeded by dieting that you do not eat.

However, the condition of the body at that time is easy to accumulate fat, saying, "I'm in a bad hunger! I don't know when the food will come in. Everything that comes in must be changed to fat!"

Our body cannot judge whether we have stopped eating for diet or starvation.

Therefore, if you lose weight in a short period of time, you will easily store fat.

Excessive dietary restrictions have immediate effects on diet because the body breaks down both fat and muscles and turns into energy.

Muscles are heavier than fat, so the lower the muscles, the less weight.

In addition, without considering the nutritional balance of a diet, even if you restrict your diet only for calories, you will lose your muscles, and you will be fat and hard to lose weight.It is a big mistake to think that dieting that does not reduce muscle is good.

The following symptoms may occur due to excessive dietary restrictions.

It doesn't make sense if you can't be beautiful even if you lose weight.

Furthermore, only 〇〇 can not continue dieting for a lifetime, and always rebounds when stopped.

If you can't get the necessary nutrition, it can cause various diseases such as osteoporosis.

If you do not exercise, your muscles will never increase!

Muscle enhancement is essential to increase basal metabolism.

Achieving your goals and returning to your life so far you will return to your diet before your diet.The worst thing is that if you have excessive dietary restrictions, your muscles will be lost with fat, so your basal metabolism will be reduced and fat.

If muscle mass decreases, it will be tingling with some steps, tending to get tired, and it will interfere with everyday life.

In the case of a short -term concentration, you will stop dieting the moment you achieve your goal.

Then the brain tries to return to its original weight.In addition, the food and drinks that I have endured on a diet may increase, so it can increase from the original weight.

Conversely, if your brain is remembered that the weight that is thin is normal by gradually shifting the set point, you will win here.

Three ideas that repeat rebounds

Repeating rebounds is not only set points, but also mental state.

Check if the following reasons do not apply to repeat the rebound.

I will explain in order!

If you have a relaxed and thin success, it will be easier to rebound.In this case, you may think, "Dieting is hard and I've never been easier."

However, it is not so difficult to lose weight and lose weight in the short term.You only need to be patient for a while.What is really hard is to continue and improve from your constitution.Losing weight without eating for two weeks is easy because it has a time limit.

If you endure a diet for a while, you will think that you will lose weight if you go out of the meal somewhere in your heart.However, in this way of losing, you only need to make your body fat more and more.

You have to abandon the short -term successful experiences so far and acquire the habit of maintaining your body shape.

Jumping on a trendy diet makes it easier to rebound.

The reason is that we cannot continue.

You may have seen on TV that celebrities are getting thinner and thinner on trendy diets.。

All of them can be simple and have a significant weight loss.

But most of them are rebounded.

The trendy diet changes rapidly.It is not considered whether it is a sustainable diet or a health problem.

Diet that cannot be continued will always rebound.

Don't jump on a diet that you can't continue.

People who seek perfection on diet also tend to fail on dieting.

Again, the most important thing to avoid rebounding is to continue.


If you are aiming for perfection, you often stop dieting from that day, just once off your diet plan, such as overdrinking and overeating.

It is impossible to complete the diet menu perfectly every day.

There are days when working people have a relationship, and there are days when muscle training is not possible.I think there are days when you drink alcohol.

However, if you can't do it for a day, your hard work will not be 0.

If you continue without stopping, you can get a body that does not rebound.

Three tips of diets that do not repeat rebounds

The following three things you want to practice as your last dieting method.

This diet is a novel and old -fashioned way.

But if you keep doing this, we will promise to become a beautiful body without a rebound.

The most important thing in dieting is the meal.

The first thing to be aware of is under calories.

To put it simply, it reduces calories (eaten) from calories.

Of course, if the calorie consumption exceeds the calorie intake, you will lose weight.

However, the excessive dietary restrictions that I have been going to now are NG!

Take about 90%of calories consumed and consider nutritional balance.

If you are aware of under calories, your diet will succeed.

I wrote an article about under calories that are essential for dieting, so please read that.

RETIO BODY DESIGN 8 Pockets【必読】アンダーカロリーがダイエットの鍵?正しい食事方法と痩せるコツを解説https://retio-bodydesign.jp/columns/article/under_calorie 「確実に痩せるダイエットを知りたい…!」「痩せるのに効果があるらしいアンダーカロリーって何?」 ダイエットについてある程度調べると出てくる「アンダーカロリー」というワード。でも、具体的に何をすればいいのかよく分からない人も多いのではないでしょうか。 実は、アンダーカロリーというのは痩せるために必須の考え方!ダイエットをしたいなら知っておいて損はないでしょう。そこで、In this articleアンダーカロリーに関する疑問を解決していきます! アンダーカロリーとはなにか?アンダーカロリーなの...


Muscle training is also essential for not repeating rebounds and for creating a beautiful body!

The reason for repeating rebounds is that only excessive dietary restrictions will remove muscles and lower basal metabolism.It may be nice because it is less when you look at your weight, but it is not healthy because it becomes a rattling body.

Conversely, by performing muscle training, increasing muscle mass and increasing basal metabolism will make it difficult to rebound.

Some people may be reluctant to do muscle training, "What if you become a macho?"

Please do not worry.It's quite difficult to be a macho, and you can't do it as long as you do it normally.

If you protect the under calories properly, you can create a beautiful body with sharpness.

There is something important to avoid rebounding.

It is "continuing".

There is no goal on the diet.If you do not continue, you will return to your original weight again.

Therefore, it is important to do it within a reasonable range.

I have no habit of exercising until now, but I exercise for one hour every day!If you decide, you will be frustrated.Please start twice a week.

First, 3 months.

Make your dieting method that will continue forever.Once your life changes, you can create a dieting method that suits your life again.

Three ideas that do not rebound

If you have repeated rebounds, you may have another one besides changing the diet method.

That is to change your way of thinking about your diet.

I will explain in order!

Many of those who fail a diet are perfectionists.In fact, only serious people fail.

"I decided to run 5km every day, but I couldn't do it ..."

I blame what I couldn't do and quit there.

You don't have to achieve your goals occasionally, so let's continue first.

For example, it is also recommended to prepare a simple plan, such as "I will do this on the days that did not go well".If you can't go to the gym at a drinking party, if you don't buy convenience store sweets on the way home, you can make it easier to continue.

By the way, what you eat will become your fat three days later.If you adjust it by then, there is no problem, so do not aim too much.

Many people think that dieting is a painful thing that must be patient.Humans are living things that try to avoid painful things.

In order to continue forever, it is necessary to change the way of thinking, "Diet is fun!"

For example, it is also recommended to do muscle training like a game.The more you do muscle training, the more things you can do.

It is good to take full -body photos regularly.It's fun to see your body evolving more and more.

If you love eating, you may want to think about diet recipes for your favorite dishes.

Think about what diet you can continue.

Again, many of the people who fail their diet are perfectionists who aim for 100 points.

It is important to continue to avoid rebounding.For that purpose, we aim for 60 points every day.

Make 10 to 20 diet checklists in yourself.

for example

Aim to achieve 60 % of the checklist every day.

The points for continuing are difficult to go to two or four, and make a focus on goals that can be achieved if you do your best.The reason is that if the day when you can't achieve 60 % continues, your motivation will decrease and you will stop dieting.

If you continue this for 3 months, it will always be effective.


This time, we have told you about the cause of repeating rebounds and how to take countermeasures.

The tricks that do not repeat rebounds are diet adjustment and muscle training!

In summary, it is as follows.

The reason for repeating rebounds was that excessive dietary restrictions caused muscles to decrease, and basic metabolism was reduced, creating a body that is easy to get fat and hard to lose weight.

I think you know how to repeat the rebound.

Even if you repeat the rebound, if you have tried many times without giving up, it will always change.

All you need is to continue and acquire knowledge about the right diet.

Let's start the last diet!

This column provides useful information about diet and body makeup, so if you are interested, please see other articles.

Okayama's 24 -hour fitness gym "Retio Body Design"