Detox is effective for dieting!? Expert answers four questions

Many people may have tried detox diets and cleans, saying that they will have a big effect in immediate effect.Depending on the plan, you may be forced to live for a week for a week, or you may be able to drink water, lemon juice, pepper, and maple syrup for 10 days.As a result, the vitality increases, the waistline becomes thinner, and the health is promoted, but it is not as clear as the truth.[Photo] The effect that the editor felt "fasting" for 5 days So, this time, we have thoroughly verified rumors about detox diet with the help of experts to live a healthy and secure life.Check your understanding with four quizzes.

 デトックスはダイエットに効果あり!? 4つの疑問に専門家が回答

Q1.Is there no nutrition for fruit juice and vegetable juice?

Answer: Many of the nutrients contained in non -fruits are stripped off in the process of juice, leaving only fructose (a type of sugar).In fact, it is the same as drinking water full of sugar.According to Dr. Kumar, "Fructose increases the amount of triglyceride (fat cells) in the blood, and in some cases, the risk of heart disease increases. Even if you drink only liquefied fruits and vegetables, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, etc.Just take minerals and miss them. Let's avoid high -end juice that costs 1,000 yen by taking natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. "

Q2.If I detox, will overeating during the holiday be canceled?

Answer: If you don't believe the lie is too good, don't believe it.Even if someone drinks mixed juice or shake, drinking too much cocktails or eating too much cookies will not become chara, and the function of the gastrointestinal, kidneys, and liver will not return."If you do a detox diet, it is thought that impurities in the body will be discharged, but the body will discharge toxins and waste with the power of the liver, lungs, kidney, skin, and digestive system."Molly Gee, a clinical research manager at Baylor Medical University and a certified dietitian.If your health is in good condition, the original detox system should be enough.

Q.3. Will the vitality increase if you do detox?

Answer: When you start a lie juice cleanse, your head will be cracked in less than three days.This is because the diet is working.I think, a cleaner with a diet is worse than before starting a diet.As Gee says, if the calories and nutrients needed for normal physical functions are taken from the body, the vitality decreases, dizziness, the mood becomes intense, and the balance between electrolytes and blood sugar levels is disturbed.OrAlso, if the body loses normal abilities, "it becomes psychologically painful. Some people feel frustrated and eat big and return to bad eating habits," says Kumar.