I don't know the details yet
Following the last time, I will describe the sad events of Machida City.Unfortunately, the details are not yet known.There are a lot of interviews and consultations, but I can't write anything that I don't know because there are too many things I don't understand.
However, our society needs to clarify the whole picture as soon as possible from this sad incident.It is not to condemn the person in charge.To make sure what was the problem and prevent the same thing from happening again.The same thing may be happening now.
What I know now
Various reports have been made.What I learned was a president article on September 13.The next day, more detailed contents were listed.It has been reported to the Tokyo Shimbun, the Asahi Shimbun, and the Yomiuri Shimbun, and has been reported on TV.
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Mayor Machida are speaking about this event in public.It is unusual for the Minister and the mayor to speak.The mayor's statement has been reportedly reported, "On the other hand, the causal relationship between bullying and self -death has not yet been revealed."You can see that our society has greatly accepted this problem.
I sometimes get in touch with many people in my position.I had the opportunity to talk to the media -related people, educational people, governments, and people related to Machida City.Still, there are too many things I don't understand, I can't make a definitive statement, and I'm frustrated.The following six things I can understand at this stage.
① Elementary school students killed themselves in Machida City
② Bullying is one of the suicide factors
③ The will was left, but it was not released
④ The school distribution tablet was used for bullying
⑤ Tablet passwords were all common
⑥ No bullying words in the chat remain
Broadly speaking, it is ① to ③ “bullying”, ④ to ⑥ “terminal problem”.
The bullying third -party committee seems to be newly launched, so I think we have to wait for the survey here.Of course, it is not possible to determine that the cause of suicide was bullying at this stage.There are two points.
① Face the will
It is important to face the will first.This is a sentence written by a child who has lost his life.I think it will be released in the future, but I don't think you should look away from there.It is not to condemn the perpetrator.
Why couldn't she save her?Where was the chance to save?You need to face each other.
② Do not weather
Sad, but people forget.It's such a sad case, but it gradually disappears from people's memories.Most of my sad events are now 16 years later, despite the lost precious lives at school.
Many of her classmates seem to go to private schools for junior high school exams.There is such a situation, and there are many difficulties to touch on sad events, considering the problems of children.Especially if you are a child.
However, it is most important not to weather.We adults are responsible for this problem.
2.Terminal problem
① Password management
The big challenge of this event is that the information terminal distributed by the school is involved.If the school did not distribute information terminals, it may have been a life that was protected.
In particular, password management is pointed out in many situations.For example, on September 18, Yomiuri Shimbun, it is written as follows.
"According to the Ministry of Education, the school where the girl was attending was able to guess the device ID from the attendance number, and the password was" 123456789 ".Her parents argued that they can be spent and abused, and their parents argued that "the terminal has become a bullying hotbed."In this regard, Higashida Literature said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on the 17th that "it must be said that it is inappropriate," he expressed his intention to inform the Board of Education nationwide the appropriate operation. "
The Minister's "inappropriate" word is heavy.I will explain how inappropriate.The following is what children have heard from the students at the smartphone Summit, etc., which are more than 30 times a year with the students.I will explain a little about the changes in the bullying of children.
Garakae era (around 2006)
In 2008, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced "38260 school back sites".At that time, the children used Garakae to make "Hompe" and "Prof".The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology described such a site as a "school back site."
At that time, I was involved in educational administration at the City Board of Education, but the school site was hard.Here, I was able to write anonymously, such as "Anonymous".There were some writings such as "Dying, dying, dying", but there were examples of posting 10 people alone.The point was anonymous description.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology also slandered online at this time to the bullying of the problematic investigation.
Smartphone era (around 2012)
The situation has changed completely when the smartphone starts to spread.Here, their center of communication has changed to LINE and Twitter, but the feature here is the name.Basically, you know who wrote it.In such a place, "dying, dying, dying" is too risky.Such writing has dropped dramatically.It is no longer seen except when everyone acknowledges as a bullying target or when there is a clear power relationship.
Create a group separately and write a bad word so that you do not.When bullying is discovered and the criminal search begins, it is dangerous if such a writing is revealed, so recent children use the function of transmitting to erase the writing and destroy the evidence.If the mastermind pays close attention, erase the group itself.In addition, it is becoming common to use LINE status messages and recent functions such as Instagram stories to write bad words that do not know who is.
② Reasons why there are no traces of bullying in the chat
The perpetrators are said to have written bullying words on the school distribution terminal, but the problem is that there are no traces.If you read the above, you will see why there are no traces of bullying in the chat.
Adult consciousness remains in the "Garakae era", and the current situation is unknown.In this event, there is no trace of bullying in the chat, in a sense, the children wrote the words of bullying because they understood what they could write anonymously and to erase them later.That's it.Because it is "learned" with your smartphone (LINE, etc.).It is my guess, but I want to discuss with such preliminary knowledge.
One of the reasons why this problem is not in the direction of solution is that adults are not studying.Sending and cancellation and status messages (now stories) are natural for children, but I almost never knew this indirect, reporter, educational administration, and filtering company.So it doesn't solve it.Why don't you know what you know if you ask a little child?I don't think adults are prepared.I don't blame someone you don't know.I wrote it with self -defense that I did not explain well so far.
I will write specific solutions and measures next time.It is our adult who is being tried.