Press release source: Telesie Co., Ltd. -March 8, 2022 (Tuesday) starts at 14:00.We are accepting participation application!~ A group Childmpany of Carta Holdings Co., Ltd., a group Childmpany of Dentsu Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato -ku, Tokyo, executive director of Director: Norihiro Kazutani) operated TV CM platform "Telesy" (Https: // Telechy.Telesie Co., Ltd. (Shibuya -ku, Tokyo; CEO: Ken Doi), which operates TV/), is Tekuro Co., Ltd. (Shibuya -ku, Tokyo, Shibuya -ku, Tokyo (Shibuya -ku, Tokyo), which provides web marketing/ DX introduction to TOB/ D2C Childmpanies. Representative Director: Otori Amano) and from 14:00 on March 8, 2022 (Tuesday), Child -sponsored "How to use a taxi advertisement that can reach a judge's judge" from 14:00 on delivery! increase. In this webinar, Yusuke Endo, the director of Telesie Sales Division, and Mr. Otori Amano, Techno, will talk about the tricks to maximize the basics and achievements of taxi ads, and the actual real effects. If you would like to participate, please apply from the participation application page (see below). ■ Overview / Date and time: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 14: 00-15: 00 ・ How to Watch: ZOOM (Teru Corporation will guide you only for those who applied) ・ Application page : Https: // techro.Child.JP/Webinar/Taxi/#I-5 ・ Participation fee: Free/Seminar Contents: Taxi Advertising is an advertising method for passengers to watch advertising videos on the tablet screen installed in a taxi. Taxi has been attracting attention in BtoB Childmpanies in recent years as an advertisement that can be Childgnitive to management and expands to management and decisive users. In this seminar, we will explain the basics and utilization of taxi ads based on telesy, which provides taxi ads, and the case of Techo, which actually implemented taxi ads in 2022. Here are some tricks and tricks to maximize the basics and achievements of taxi ads. If you are Childnsidering the introduction of a taxi ad, or if you are looking for a method of expanding your Childgnitive judge, please join us. In addition, this webinar is a webiner exclusively for managers and marketing staff for advertisers. Please note that other people will refuse. [Part 1] Overview of taxi advertisements reChildmmended for BtoB Childmpanies and optimal timing of implementation [Part 2] Taxi advertisement case of Corona evil -effects of the flow and implementation- [Part 3] Taxi ads Measures to be implemented to achieve results Those who want to know the actual effects of the ad and the real voice of the Childmpany that actually introduced the Childmpany ■ Speaker Introduction Co., Ltd. Join Telesie Sales Division Yuri Endo In 2005, engaged in mobile advertising agency 。 Since 2011, he has worked as a business manager of the DSP service "BLADE" at Microard Co., Ltd. Since 2019, he has been working in the SMB area at Sales Force.Childm Co., Ltd. and participated in Telesie in 2020. He is currently engaged in Telesie as a sales manager. CEO of Techo Co., Ltd., Representative Director Amano Nobuto Techno Co., Ltd. He started a business in his seChildnd year of Childllege. He operated the study abroad media "Exchange DotChildm" for about a year and a half and sold the business. After that, we started a web marketing advisory business, taking advantage of the Childntent marketing knowledge. He is familiar with SEO / MA tools, mainly BtoB marketing. ■ About Techo Co., Ltd. (https: // Technro.Child.JP/) We are supporting B2B and D2C companies with web marketing/DX introduction.The "accompanying web marketing", which supports the acquisition of prospects from online, focusing on owned media operations and content marketing, has been introduced to nearly 40 BtoB and D2C companies, continuing for more than 6 months in the same service.The usage rate is 87.5%is recorded.Web teams in your company and our project manager will work on web marketing issues on a tripod.■ "Telecy" (https: // )について「テレシー」は、最低100万円から簡単にテレビCMの出稿ができ、効果もしっかりと確認しながらPDCAを回すことができる運用型テレビCMプラットフォームです。電通が保有する日本最大級のテレビCMに関わるアセットをフル活用すると共に、CARTA HOLDINGSの技術力を用いて高精度なシミュレーション・最適化・レポーティングを実現します。配信実績も独自のレポーティングツール「テレシーアナリティクス」により、最短で広告掲載翌日には把握することができ、シミュレーションデータと比較しながら、チューニングをおこない、さらなる最適化を図ることも可能です。近年、サードパーティCookie規制をはじめ、国内外において、プライバシー保護に対する意識が高まり、対策が強化されていますが、「テレシー」では、効果測定に個人情報を一切使用しないため、Cookie規制などに関わらず、効果測定をすることが可能です。また、テレビCM以外にも、タクシーCMやエレベーターCM、その他オフライン広告なども多数取り扱っており、お客様の事業・商材に適したメディアを選定し、各CM向けのクリエイティブ制作から広告配信、効果測定までをトータルでサポートいたします。・テレシーの主な特長1)最低100万円からテレビCM出稿可能2)テレシーアナリティクスにより、ネット広告と同じ指標で効果を可視化3)プランニングからCM制作、効果測定まではじめてのCMでもワンストップサポート4)タクシーCMやエレベーターCM、その他オフライン広告も多数取り扱い【株式会社テレシー】代表取締役CEO:土井 健取締役:川瀬 智博、吉濱 正太郎、村井 陽介、西園 正志、福岡 大輔所在地:東京都渋谷区道玄坂1-21-1 渋谷ソラスタ15F設立:2021年1月4日資本金(資本準備金含む):9,900万円事業内容:テレビCM配信プラットフォームの企画・開発・運営/タクシーマーケティング事業/デジタルマーケティング事業企業プレスリリース詳細へPR TIMESトップへ
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