From a tablet for consuming content to a productivity device like a PC Although the iPad steered, iPadOS 13.4, which appeared in March, further strengthened its direction. It can be said that the fact that the iPad, which has sold touch operations, now supports mice and trackpads is a symbolic event.
Click here for a list of articles in this series. The conversion accuracy, which had been difficult, has been greatly improved, and the comfort of input when using the keyboard is greatly increased.At the same time, it was decided that the Magic Keyboard (from 31,800 yen plus tax) for the 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro will be released in May.
The previous iPad and iPad Pro also had a "Smart Keyboard" and "Smart Keyboard Folio" that doubled as a case for the main unit, but because they also doubled as a case, there was a weak point that the keystrokes were shallow. The Magic Keyboard uses keys that feel the same as the Mac, and also has a trackpad to match iOS 13.4.
On the other hand, live conversion requires a big change in the way you input, and it can be a little confusing if you're used to pressing the space key to convert like you used to. You can also customize the mouse and trackpad to make it easier for you to use by changing the initial settings. So this time, let's introduce techniques to master the iPad and iPadOS 13.4 more like a PC.
Text input becomes more comfortable by changing settings
With iPadOS 13.4, the method of Japanese input when the keyboard is attached has changed significantly. Until now, it was necessary to type hiragana and press the space key to select conversion candidates. On the other hand, iPadOS 13.4 is equipped with live conversion that converts in real time when you type hiragana.
If you type hiragana and a word is formed, it will be converted. Since the operation of pressing the space key to select a candidate and confirming it with the return key is reduced, the efficiency of input should be greatly improved.
Of course, if you convert incorrectly, you need to correct it, so the movement of your fingers will increase accordingly, but iPadOS 13.4 improves the conversion accuracy itself. Basically, if you type the keyboard with the intention of continuing to type sentences in hiragana, you should be able to input smoothly.
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