Muscle training method that reduces body fat percentage in 60 days in Dwayne Johnson style training

The actor and former professional wrestler "The Rock" Dwane Johnson is Hollywood's number one muscle man.The published height is about 2 meters.And he weighs about 120 kg.In order to maintain a peak system as an action star, he continues to do hard training that combines intense weight training between aerobic exercise and trunk training.Popular YouTuber Isaiah Photo hugs 1000 trees, plants more than 20 million trees, assaults 51 locations famous for UFOs, and a YouTube video with a body.It is known for the public, but this time we tried to continue the tough actor "The Rock" muscle training for 60 days.

Mr. Isaiah says that he is not a muscular fitness YouTuber, but before he started this challenge, he was a "chubby body (DAD BOD)".Everyone, you should never take this challenge yourself.If you want to challenge, be sure to work with a coach or a professional trainer and try to do each training in an appropriate form.Isaiah has not disclosed how to learn the muscle training method of "The Rock" ...This is what Dwane is doing to prepare for the creation of roles, so it changes according to its role and other factors.

So what is Isaiah's action ...?First of all, from the recent Instagram posted by Dowein's actual strength trainer, Dave Lyeen, a training menu on the day training day to train the legs called "Leg Day" and the training menu on the day training that trains the arm called "arm Day".It seems that it was picked up.

However, in general, it seems that it was a surprisingly ordinary training menu in the video ...The one -week menu is as follows.

… I focus on pectoral muscles, triceps, and muscles around the shoulders.

ドウェイン・ジョンソン流トレーニングで肉体改造 ― 60日間で体脂肪率を減らす筋トレ方法

… It stimulates the quadriceps, hamstring, and buttocks.

The "The Rock" -style diet is to limit carbohydrates, fat and sugar, increase protein intake, and eat 3,500 calories every day.Isaiah also imitated this.

After the training, he drank protein shake every time and took the protein bar that day.

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In fact, Isaiah, initially, this Dwayne Johnson's fluid training menu and dietary method were planned to be carried out only for one month (30 days). But ... I noticed that my physique was better than expected, and added for another month. In total, it has been changed to continue to challenge for two months (60 days). For the first 30 days, they do not follow the rules in their diet, drink alcohol on weekends and eat ice cream. Mr. Isaiah recalls that, "I may have wasted training in the gym because I was slipping regularly." But from the 30th to the 60th day, he seemed to be perfect in his diet. When he arrived on the 39th day, he felt that it was quite difficult to eat a meal without any sugar. "Most of the things we usually say contain sugar, but ... I'm tired of tuna and hard -boiled eggs. I'm terrified just to think (laughs)." Says.

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Isaiah overcomes it and notices that the training menu and their thorough diet have become commonplace by the 48th day.And during the last spurt of this challenge, she recalled, "I was able to embody the dramatic lifestyle change."

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Source / Men's Health USTranslation / Kazuhiro Uchida * This translation is an abstract translation.