Predict future cardiovascular disease on the AI automatic measurement of abdominal fat

BMI calculated from height and weight is frequently used as a simple predictive indicator of cardiovascular disease.On the other hand, it is not difficult to imagine that there is a certain limit to the predictive accuracy in the index, which evaluates the same amount of muscles and fat as "the same quality".On the other hand, by utilizing the CT slice of the abdomen, subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, muscles, etc. can be captured and quantified for each region, but the manual evaluation is too long and cost.


A research team at Brigham and Women's Hospital, located in Boston, Massachusetz, USA, has recently published research results that can highly predict the development of cardiovascular diseases from fat compartments by automatic body composition analysis of abdominal CT images.The research team is 2.Enforced for 30,000 people 3.It is said that the results were guided using 30,000 abdominal CT images.Do not have major cardiovascular diseases or malignant tumors 1.20,000 people confirmed 1,560 myocardial infarction and 938 cerebrovascular diseases within five years after CT scan imaging.The automatic measured visceral fat amount is significantly associated with "future cardiovascular disease and the development of cerebrovascular disease" and has a higher prediction accuracy than existing indicators such as weight and BMI.

"This study shows the possibility of an AI tool that adds value to clinical care by extracting new information from existing image data from existing image data," said Kirti Magudia.It is mentioned that it improves patient care while minimizing.

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