Unish Co., Ltd. (Osaka City, Representative Director: Hirofumi Nakanishi) is currently holding a popular online seminar for esthetics operators, "Super Body Siming with Slimming Machine, which maximizes ROI (investment profit)".We will carefully explain the trends in the esthetic industry and the safe slimming machines.
Super body slimming free online seminar
https: // Unisemi2022.JP/
■ What is ROI 300 %?
When making capital investment in Childmmercial equipment, etc., the ROI (Return On Invessmento), which means "investment profit margin", is calculated in a simple formula as an index to determine the benefit of investment efficiency. can do.
All investments can be measured by this ROI calculation, so it is essential to use ROI as an indicator for the introduction of Childmmercial slimming equipment, which tends to be expensive.
ROI 300 % is the fact that the profit is more than three times the investment amount in the first year, and the higher the ROI, the higher the profitability.
In this seminar, we will explain the points of how to select a highly profitable slimming machine to maximize ROI.
■ Health damage by HIFU equipment
"HIFU" is a popular private esthetic, but in recent years, HIFU equipment has caused many health damage and troubles, and the "Independent Administrative Organization National Life Center" caused health damage in March 2017.It is widely known that he has made such alerts (news announcements) and shows the idea that "it is prohibited that a esthetician without a doctor qualification is prohibited."
Some of the victims of the HIFU device were treated with the treatment that they Childuld lift up, but the trigeminal nerve on the cheeks was damaged, numbness remained, and half of the face was burned and swollen, and blisters were swollen.There are some, scratches remaining, and serious troubles do not stop.
Esthetic industries, including the Japan Esthetic Association, also inform the esthetic salon (practical doctor), so that the ban on treatment by HIFU devices is informed of the risk of violating the Doctor Law.In Japan's largest beauty fair, Beauty World Japan, since 2021, the sale of HIFU equipment is limited to medical professionals who have doctors and nurse licenses.increase.
■ Proposal of HIFU alternative equipment
As a proposal for alternative equipment due to the ban on the sale of HIFU devices, the esthetic market is always required for Childmmercial beauty equipment that can perform highly beauty and safe treatment without using powerful energy.We have a function in which each esthetic industry is reChildgnizing safety, (1) radio waves (RF), (2) cavitation (CAV), (3) vacuum (VAC), and, ROI (investment profit margin), which has achieved more than 300 % of the first year in many salons, provides a Childmmercial slimming machine "Cell Breaker EX (EX)" through this seminar.
■ Characteristics of "Cell Breaker EX (EX)"
(1) Handpiece A (CAV + RF)
The CAV (cavitation) and RF (radio waves) functions are standard equipment that can be separate or simultaneous.In the cavitation function, you can experience the beauty effects of the thermal action by the radio waves in the scales by the special ultrasound, and the RF function.
Lipolysis and excretion of the areas you are worried about are also effective in improving cellulite and hardened fat.
Cavitation frequency: 40kHzRF (radio wave) Output: 1000kHz (1MHz)
(2) Handpiece B (VAC + RF)
VAC (vacuum / suction) and RF (radio waves) are standard equipment that can output alone or simultaneously.By solving the subcutaneous fat (cellulite) with the vacuum function, the RF function normalizes the blood flow, so that it can be expected to improve the Childld and swelling and detox effect.It is also effective for improving body lines and improving stiff shoulders and chronic fatigue.
VAC (vacuum) Air pressure: 150kparf (radio wave) Output: 1000kHz (1MHz)
(3) Simultaneous treatment by two types of handpieces
It is possible to use CAV + RF (handpiece A) and VAC + RF (handpiece B) at the same time.
Handpiece A leads directly to fat cells deep in the skin, causing a synergistic effect of RF.In handpiece B, while rubbing cellulite moderately, RF increases metabolism to lead to ideal body making.In addition, by using these two handpieces at the same time, cavitation and RF promote lipolysis, suction and RF to further increase the slimming effect, and to promote circulation improvement in parallel.You can expect improvements such as swelling and stiff shoulders.
■ About the function of "Cell Breaker EX"
(1) Cavitation function
Cavitation is a phenomenon in which bubbles (cavity) occur in the liquid due to pressure when ultrasonic waves are generated.
By applying this phenomenon to oscillate the ultrasonic waves of low frequency range around 25 to 70 kHz, it generates tens of thousands of or more fine bubbles (cavity) in the fat cells, and when this bubbles can be played.The treatment method of emulsifying fat cells using the energy generated is a slimming technology in esthetic.
The cavitation function of this unit uses a frequency band around 40kHz, which is said to be particularly safe and effective among low -frequency ultrasonic waves.
(2) RF (radio wave) function
Radio wave is an electric pulse in a high frequency range, which is also called "RF" for abbreviated "Radio Frequency".Even in RF frequency, electromagnetic waves, especially around 1000kHz (1MHz), generate joule heat (frictional heat), and can be expected to have a slimming effect such as heating the skin and increasing metabolism, fat burning, and tightening.increase.It has also been shown that the heat energy of this heat energy is induced by storing a certain period of time to induce fat cells (cell death).
The RF function of this unit uses a frequency of 1000kHz (1MHz), and adopts the "multipolar type" that is most suitable for slimming treatments, which flows in various directions between the six layers placed in various directions.
(3) Vacuum (suction) function
The vacuum (suction) function used in the esthetic area is a suction function with a vacuum pump.
The inside of the vacuumed handpiece is adhered to the skin Childntaining fat, so that the Childmpressed lymphos and blood vessels have gaps and the metabolism is improved to promote waste excretion.
In this unit, a powerful cellulite treatment is possible by adopting a domestic ultra -high -performance pump.
In addition, by using the cavitation function and RF function to the fat that has been rubbed by vacuum, the synergistic effect is obtained, and the lipolytic promotion can be further enhanced to enhance the slimming effect.
■ Results of usefulness tests
For the purpose of Childnfirming the usefulness of slimming of "Cell Breaker EX", for 20 general women in their 20s and 50s, useful tests for 5 weeks (1 week/twice)We are implementing.
Measurement items include CT image shooting, body Childmposition analysis, whole body image shooting (bust top, navel, navel, 4cm navel, 4cm, thigh).
Based on the results of this test, the treatment site (abdominal and thighs) Childnfirmed the remarkable decrease in fat.
In this seminar, we will explain a part of this test result in a few cases.
Excerpt from the usefulness test results related to slimming by Cell Breaker EX
■ Overview of free online seminars
(1) Seminar name
"Super body slimming with slimming machines that maximize ROI (investment profit margin)"
(2) Sponsor
Unish Co., Ltd.
(3) Tube fee
(4) The person eligible for the Childurse
Operates such as beauty salons, beauty salons, osteopathic clinics, or operator (store manager, etc.)
(5) Hall schedule
It will be around 5 days every month.(Daily two -part system/Part 1: 10: 00 ~, Part 2: 15: 00 ~)
詳しくは、セミナー案内サイト https: // Unisemi2022.JP/ にて公開しています。
(6) How to attend online seminars
Please enter from the application form of the seminar information site.It will be an online format using Zoom.We will guide you to the URL of this seminar in advance, so please prepare the ZOOM app.
<お申込みはこちら> https: // Unisemi2022.JP/
(7) Features of seminars
・ Deep explanation of various functions of Childmmercial equipment in an aesthetic salon
・ Information on alerts regarding health damage with HIFU devices
・ Explain the points of highly profitable slimming machine selection to maximize ROI
・ Proposal of HIFU alternative device "Cell Breaker EX"
In addition, we also offer proposals for the introduction menu related to slimming, and provide useful knowledge and information on salon management.
(1) 100 % natural ingredient essence and percutaneous introduction technology "Super Arash Method"
超アイラッシュメソッド freeオンラインセミナー
https: // Unisemi2020.JP/
(2) "Super Face Slim & Super Brightening" using electroporation beauty methods
超フェイススリム&超ブライトニング freeオンラインセミナー
https: // Unisemi2021.JP/
(3) Approach for exercise diseases with Childnditioning devices
ノンニードル・ペインリリーフ・メソッド freeオンラインセミナー
https: // Unimedi2020.JP/
■ Future prospects
We will build an online seminar that Childntributes to salon performance in order to respond to the invisible Childrona, and provide guidance mainly at esthetic salons nationwide.
We will Childntinue to provide new technologies, systems and information through research and development of the latest healthcare esthetic products based on advanced technology.
■ Inquiries about products
Unish Co., Ltd.
http: // www.unish.Child.jp
Free dial: 0120-785188