"Unusual" that is occurring for children drinking energy drinks

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Miyu Hasegawa

2017/11/21 (Tue) 09:39 Delivery


In recent years, "Energy Drink" is popular among young people.It is a soft drinking water that teenage children can buy at vending machines and convenience stores, but there are voices from the educational settings that are concerned about the abnormalities of the children who often drink.Suspicion is the effect of the caffeine, which is contained in energy drinks.This time, in collaboration with the Nippon Sport Science University, Shingo Noi, a questionnaire was conducted to 1096 nursing teachers, including elementary, middle and high schools nationwide.We interviewed examples widely based on the results.What is happening to the children?(Journalist Chika Akiyama / Yahoo! News Special feature editorial department)

"People have changed" 3 boys

"I guess the tension was so intense and I was rampaging with a kitchen knife (if I kept drinking)."

Tsubasa (a pseudonym), a third -year junior high school student living in Shizuoka Prefecture, looks back on the first or second grade of junior high school who had more than one energy drink a day.At that time, people were told that people had changed.

At the beginning of enrollment, he was a rather quiet student.However, from a certain time, the surroundings have repeatedly confused, such as laughing that resonates throughout the classroom and played out of the place.The teacher who pays attention to it is also eaten violently.On the other hand, when he returned home, he was depressed and frequently complained to her mother, "I have a headache" and "I want to die."

Tsubasa first picked up energy drinks for the first time after graduating from elementary school.At first he sometimes drank when he felt sluggish, but he began to drink every day from the middle of the winter.He often chose products with more caffeine.

"I want to erase my moody feelings, so I don't want to sleep. I drink it. If I drink around 10 o'clock and it works for about an hour, I can't keep up.If you listen and notice it, it feels like morning. "

A nurse in the health room, who knows Tsubasa -kun since elementary school, said, "I felt it was strange, not his original figure."

Such an abnormalities in mind and body are not limited to Tsubasa.Nursing teachers from all over the country are concerned about children who regularly drink energy drinks.

Questionnaire of 1096 nursing teachers

Since 2010, I have been interviewing junior high schools in various places, and in the process, I have heard of the children's "unusual" from a nursing teacher.After drinking energy drinks, she was listening directly from the children who visited the health room for headaches and tachycardia (high pulse rate).

There were no research or research on energy drinks and caffeine focusing on the impact on children.Therefore, in collaboration with Professor Shingo Noi (School Health Sciences) of the Nippon Sport Science University, preparing for a questionnaire on children's energy drinks from January this year for nursing teachers such as elementary, junior high and high schools, and in August in August.Carried out.A total of four workshops held in two prefectures, including the National Nursing Teacher Liaison Council, and distributed questionnaire paper to nursing teachers from all over the country.I got an answer from 1096 people.

In the questionnaire result, "there are children in their schools who are drinking energy drinks habitually" in junior high school 24..4%, 48 in high school.It was 4%.In the free description column, there were 80 answers that said, "I know a problem with a problem."

With the help of a nursing teacher who received these answers, we interviewed the children.Tsubasa at the beginning is one of them.

"The heart is fluttering" High 1 boy

A private school about 30 minutes by train from Shinjuku.When I was a junior high school student, when I was a junior high school student, I saw my seniors got it and drank it with interest, so I got two days before the test because I was "waking up late at night".It became a habit.

In May this year, the night before the mid -term test, when I drank as usual, my heart suddenly began to hurt.The pain lasted for about an hour, and "I was impatient because my heart was fluttering as if I dashed about a kilometer."In the end, she said she couldn't study that night and went on the next day's exam.

Apart from this questionnaire, I have seen examples of questions in the process of interviews.

Junior high school in Tokyo.A third -year girl student drank two or four energy drinks a day to study for the exam.Headaches and tachycardia began to occur frequently, stopped studying, and saw a video with pornography all night, saying, "I want to do it too."

"I have to drink energy drinks."A school nurse, who doubted the words, instructed the student, and shouted, "I'm still able to get my hand!"The abnormalities gradually calmed down when the school nurse and friends continued to persuade and stopped drinking.

"Caffeine addiction" that causes tachycardia and chest pain

"Excitement, irritating, and headache is a common symptom of caffeine poisoning. Some people have tachive, frequent breathing, chest pain, etc., and it is also dependent."

Yoshito Kamijo, a professor at Saitama Medical University, who is familiar with caffeine poisoning, says so.

Professor Kamijo is "sufficient" because the problem behavior of Tsubasa at the beginning and the physical abnormalities also appeared in line with the habit of drinking energy drinks every day.Is pointing out.

In December 2015, caffeine's health hazards were noticed in December 2015, reported that Kyushu's 20s male death was reported.The man who worked for a 24 -hour gas station was drinking an energy drink, and in the Fukuoka University Law Medical Classroom analysis, he found a caffeine tablet from his stomach.0 per ml of 1 ml that reaches the lethal dose from blood.A 182mg caffeine was detected.

According to a survey published by Professor Kamijo in June this year at the Japan Poisoning Society, 101 caffeine poisoned patients were transported to 38 emergency facilities nationwide from 2011 to FY2015.Seven people died of cardiac arrest and three of them died.Many patients were diagnosed with high concentration and inexpensive caffeine tablets, but in four cases they were transported only by energy drinks.

"Easy to reach children" Energy Link

In the first place, caffeine is found in many luxury items such as coffee (about 65 mg per cup) and tea.However, several nursing teachers point out the energy drink, a refreshing carbonated drink, "it is easy for children to reach."A typical energy drink caffeine content is 80 mg for Red Bull for 250ml cans and 355ml cans for Monster Energy.

According to Market research firm Fuji Keizai, domestic energy drink sales have grown by about 34 times in 10 years since 2007.

"If you drink, you can concentrate on studying for the exam."

If you organize your questionnaire with Professor Noi and hears to the school nurse and students after the survey, the purpose of the child will be roughly divided into an energy drink.

One is for studying and sports, and the other is to distract everyday breathlessness and difficulty living.

First of all, studying and sports.In junior high schools, high schools, especially in school, there were several answers that there were students who were involved in studying for testing and taking the exam.

A first -year girl who attends a private high school, one of the best high schools in Tokyo I met, replied to the interview, saying, "At the time of high school entrance examinations, I started drinking by a college student at a school that I could concentrate if I could drink it."rice field.

At a prefectural high school in Kanagawa Prefecture, a second -year female student in the basketball club complained that during a break between the matches, "I feel uncomfortable and my heart hurts."In normal times, the pulse rate of 70 times per minute exceeded 110 times, not just after exercise.When a school nurse at the school heard, she found that she had been drinking two energy drinks (caffeine in total 280 mg) just before.The girls believed that drinking would improve their performance, and they were "routine" before the game.

A school nurse says, "She was drinking as much as a meal," said the girl student.

"Is that involved, and there were four complaints in one year that the heart had no abnormality in the internal medicine medical checkup, but suddenly caused tachycardia and hurt the heart."

In some cases, children with complex circumstances at home usually drink energy drinks.

Junior college students in emergency transport after overdose

A junior high school teacher in Shizuoka Prefecture pointed out that children in a financially strict home environment could be more dependent on energy drinks.The two boys who graduated in March 2017 were drinking on a daily basis, saying, "5 days on many days."Both of them were in a mother -child family, and they had a financial difficult place, such as continuing to wear without replacement even if the shirt was broken, but both were spending on energy drinks, up to the money given by their parents as food expenses.


In addition, both of them had a short sleep time by continuing to wake up until midnight, and because of that, the attitude was frustrating at school.The school nurse, who was worried about the rough life, talked with the two in the health room."I couldn't get to study for the exam, and my self -affirmation was significantly reduced."

Although it has been diagnosed as "unknown cause," in some cases it was transported by emergency after overdose of energy drinks.

A junior college in Tokyo.According to a nurse, four years ago, a male student became hyperventilated during the test.The student said, "The shock was running around the heart," and called an ambulance because he complained of numbness in his limbs.

The male student said he did not eat much the day before, drank five energy drinks overnight to study for the test, and went to school in the morning and drank another one before the test.The 24 -hour caffeine intake was 840 mg in total.The nurse suspected that caffeine poisoning pointed out the potential to the students.

"However, even if the student gave this to the doctor at the destination, it was not tested for caffeine. It seems that it ended with" unknown cause "."

A male student who drinks about four energy drinks a day (caffeine in total 560 mg) in junior high schools in Tokyo collapsed during class and was transported by emergency, but there was no abnormality as the content of the test.The diagnosis was said to be unknown.

Professor Kamijo said, "I think there are many cases where the doctor who is diagnosed has no caffeine poisoning and is overlooked."

"Caffeine is a natural component that has long been included in coffee and other luxury items, so it is generally prejudice that it is not a big deal."

The half -life of caffeine is 2-7 hours for adults

According to a medical book "Addiction Casebook" by doctors of the US Psychiatric Association, the characteristic symptoms of caffeine poisoning include excitement / anxiety / sift / tachy / diagnostic / gastrointestinal disorder / convulsions / insomnia.be.In addition, he is said to have symptoms similar to manic, such as being silent and keeping talking or being caught by abnormal delusions.

Caffeine's blood concentration is maximized within an hour of intake, and the "half -life" to half the concentration is about 2-7 hours for adults.

The problem is the effect of caffeine in children.

Dr. Yuka Wada of the National Childcare Medical Research Center warns, "If the metabolic enzyme is immature, the half -life of caffeine is longer, and it takes more than 100 hours for newborns."

"Everybody thinks that cigarettes and alcohol are dangerous for children, but the same is true for caffeine. It is not too known and has not been enlightened."

There is a difference in caffeine intake between children and adults in death.

According to the "clinical poisoning" supervised by the Japan Poison Society, overdose of caffeine 1g or more in an adult may cause caffeine addiction, and 5 to 50 g may die.However, children with small bodies can cause poisoning even less than that amount.

In the United States, a 14 -year -old girl in Maryland died in 24 hours with two 700ml monster energy (caffeine total 480 mg) in 24 hours.Her prosecution caused her cause of death to be "arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity."In the United States, the number of energy drinks related to the emergency outpatient clinic was over 20,000 in the United States, according to the Emergency Outpatient Agency (SAMHSA).It has increased about 14 times in 2005.More than 50 people visit the hospital for emergency outpatients a day.

The Ministry of Canadian Health

In 2010, the Ministry of Health in the Canadian Health is 1kg per day for young people and adults aged 13 or older..He alerted him not to take 5 mg or more caffeine (even smaller for 12 years of age).In Japan, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Food Safety Committee of the Cabinet Office do not provide a unique standard value, and quoted this figure in Canada that "overdose should be careful."

In light of this reference value, "monster energy" contains about 142 mg of caffeine in one 355 ml can, so if a child with a weight of less than 56 kg can be drunk in one day, it will be calculated that it will exceed the standard ().Caffeine 2.5mg x weight 56kg = 140mg).

According to Mutsuko Onishi, a US physician who is familiar with caffeine intake in Europe and the United States, there have been several reports in the US medical community, while still needing scientific verification.Say.

"For example, in February 2013, researchers at the Portsmouth Navy Medical Center in Virginia in the medical magazine" Pediatrics in Review "said that one can of alcohol -containing energy drinks (695 ml) was" 1 wine bottle or beer 6.It has the same effect as drinking cans (355ml) and 5 cups of coffee together. "

Mr. Onishi says, "I think caffeine has some risks to be known to children."

Caffeine's "dependence"

According to the US Psychiatric Medical Association's diagnostic standards (DSM-5), caffeine has no "dependence" that must be used as treatment.In other words, overdose of caffeine causes a variety of problems, but it is considered that "if you educate and understand well, you should be able to stop on your own."

However, some researchers point out that it is not so simple, including social backgrounds.It is Toshihiko Matsumoto, a psychiatrist and director of the National Psychiatric and Neurophaling Research Center for drug dependence.

"The dependence is related to the pharmacological action of the substance, but also the difficult situation that the person is placed, and the psychological and social factors of trauma.If you experience the experience of softening or disappearing in an instant, you will not be able to stop. "

Matsumoto says, "Caffeine is a kind of upper drug that uplifts, like pharmacology, like stimulants."

For example, if you are a child or a child who is attending a school, "Energy drinks are an enormous pressure for children living under tremendous pressure that rivals will be approaching if they are a little more concerned.Matsumoto has a great need, "explains Matsumoto.

According to Dr. Onishi, who lives in the United States, there is also the word "study drag" in the United States.Many children take energy drinks to study late at night.

Matsumoto's most anxious is ingesting to distract everyday breathlessness and difficulty living.

Children who have familiar problems and trauma, such as bullying, violence, family discord, poverty, and poverty, are difficult to stop caffeine.

"If you are a healthy child, you may get tired of energy drinks right away, but children who have a difficult situation and finally do ordinary junior high school students are refreshing when they drink.I wonder if I'm addicted to it. In other words, the relief of pain, not pleasure, makes children addicted. "

The thoughts of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the manufacturer

Matsumoto says, "It is necessary to be concerned about the sales that children do not encounter caffeine too early."However, the energy drink is "food" called soft drinks.It is not unusual for vending machines and convenience stores to stand out.In addition, some products are alerted, such as "children, pregnant, breastfeeding people, and those who are sensitive to caffeine," but there are no restrictions on children at actual sales sites.

What do the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare think in this situation?

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's Food Standards Examination Division and Pharmaceutical Judging and Management Division acknowledge that there is a case in which caffeine addiction, including fatal accidents, has been understood.On the other hand, he said that it was difficult to regulate caffeine.

Because caffeine is an ingredient contained in natural foods, it is not included, but it is not included, but a line of pharmaceuticals or food is brought to the effect of the effect.In the case of foods like energy drinks, he said, "There is no legal upper limit on the amount of caffeine."

But can we prevent health damage to children without caffeine content or sales restrictions?Tsuyoshi Arai, a specialist in the ministry, answered the question:

"Because the sensitivity (to caffeine) varies from person to person, I think it is important to first know the risk of caffeine."

Therefore, in July this year, the Ministry of Site has published a sentence of overdose of overdose in July this year, with a policy of not being specialized in children.

How do the manufacturers think?

He asked for two points in writing to Monster Energy (Headquarters, USA) and Red Bull (Headquarters / Austria), which represent the world's energy drinks.

The first point is whether there is an estimate of how to drink children and frequency.The second point is based on our questionnaire, how do you think about mental and physical malfunctions, such as tachycardia and headaches, and the effects of caffeine are suspected?

Monster said, "The consumption of energy drinks is maintained in all age groups, including teens, including teenagers, and the caffeine content is lower than the same capacity coffee beverage.After saying that it is safe, he answered, "Only minor minors are drinking energy drinks on a daily basis."Regarding the second question, the research of the European Food Safety Organization (EFSA) said, "In the teens who consume energy drinks, there is an increase in the risk of energy links or caffeine intake, which is unique."There is no reason to appear," he said, "There is no basis for pointing out that energy drinks are the cause of many serious symptoms, and it is not backed by medicine and scientific literature."。

Regarding the first question, Red Bull pointed out that children need to refrain from taking caffeine, saying, "Because children are light, they generally need to refrain from taking caffeine than adults."He wrote, "That's why Red Bull Energy Links do not market children."However, the second question is not directly answered on questions about mental and physical problems such as tachycardia or headache that are occurring in children, and the caffeine contained in 250 ml of redbull has the same content as coffee."There is no scientific basis for all ages to take caffeine every day and energy drinks separately."

Is it appropriate to sell independently?

Regarding the sale of energy drinks, the World Health Organization (WHO) European Secretariat proposed restrictions on selling energy links to children and youth in 2014, and some have already started working.

In 2014, Lithuania banned the sale of energy drinks to minors (under 18 years old), and those who sold minors will be fined 400 rituses (about 16300 yen).In 2014, Egypt was completely banned from energy drink ads and banned energy drinks at education and sports -related facilities.In the United States, in 2013, the US Medical Association has been calling for the ban on the sale of energy drinks under the age of 20.

Mr. Matsumoto mentioned above said, "What can I do in Japan, for example, an energy drink, for example, an energy drink, or at least elementary school students, such as dividing alcohol sales areas at convenience stores, or at least elementary school students.We should discuss it widely. "

On the other hand, there is something important to think before that.

"There is a possibility that the children who are enthusiastic about the energy drink may be able to become a normal child with a turbocharger called caffeine. If they are forced to be forced by adults, they say," Live like a person.You can't do it. "In order to save such children, it is necessary to think about how to convey the message" You can do it as it is "in various ways."

Click here for related articles such as the details of the questionnaire, "From" Energy Drink "School Nurse Survey -Exercise of concerns on the site".

Born in 1980, Chika Akiyama.After graduating from Waseda University's Faculty of Political Economics, she joined the Asahi Shimbun.As a reporter, she was in charge of incidents and education at the Osaka Social Affairs Department and the Tokyo Social Affairs Department after working at both the general bureau of Otsu and Hiroshima.She left the company in 2013, and she became a free journalist.Her book is "Report Health Room Children's poverty, abuse, and realism" and "Japanese without family register".She is looking for information about this matter on the official website.

[写真]撮影:Miyu Hasegawa写真監修:リマインダーズ・プロジェクト後藤勝

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